英文歌Sitting Down Here聽起來特別帶感非常有感覺有feel。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的有感覺的英文歌曲,供大家參閱!
有感覺的英文歌曲Sitting Down Here歌手簡介
有感覺的英文歌曲Sitting Down Here歌手介紹
1980年8月17日,對于Pedersen一家來說是個特別的日子,這一天Lene出生了。她的父母給她取名Lene Marlin Pedersen,她就是如今大家熟知的Lene Marlin。Lene的父母在她很小的時候就感覺她與眾不同,Lene說,在她兩歲的有一天,在音樂店里第一次看到了吉他,她非常感興趣, 以至于父母要抱她離開時竟然大哭起來。Lene在音樂和練習(xí)吉他方面投入了很多熱情, 她發(fā)現(xiàn)她能在音樂里找到很多樂趣,同時寫歌和唱歌也讓她感到十分快樂。
Lene十五歲時, 父母在圣誕節(jié)給了她一個驚喜:她得到了第一把吉他, 那把她珍藏至今的吉他。而這把吉他好象本身就是為Lene制作的, Lene學(xué)得很快。不久,Lene在她的一圈好朋友面前表演了一番。Lene最開始寫的歌都是用家里的盒式錄音機錄下來的, 她反復(fù)聽并不斷使它們完美。
1997年夏季的某一天,Lene家鄉(xiāng)的NRK(挪威主要的一個廣播電視臺)的Troms從別人那里知道了Lene這樣一個能自己寫歌唱歌的女孩,就邀請Lene去錄了一首歌,電視臺一些人聽過Lene的音樂后就向挪威 Virgin唱片的Per-Erik Johansen推薦。三個星期后,Virgin唱片和Lene簽約了,從此Lene的生命翻開了更精彩的一頁。
1998年,Lene的第一張單曲唱片“Unforgivable Sinner” 在挪威發(fā)行。隨之,連續(xù)8周這張單曲名列排行榜首位。它也是挪威音樂歷史上銷售速度最快的單曲唱片。Lene的第二支單曲“Sitting Down Here”也創(chuàng)下很好的成績, 并被收入她的第一張專輯“Playing My Game”中, 這張99年三月22日發(fā)行的專輯,僅僅三天就銷售50,000張, 這在僅有四百四十萬人口的國家里確實是一個相當(dāng)不錯的成績。99年,這張專輯的銷售一直居高不下。 對Lene Marlin和Virgin唱片來說,他們的簽約都很有價值。
有感覺的英文歌曲Sitting Down Here歌詞
Sitting Down Here
Your words cut rather deeply
They're just some other lies
I'm hiding from a distance,
I've got to pay the price
Defending all against it,
I really don't know why
You're obsessed with all my secrets,
You always make me cry
You seem to wanna hurt me
No matter what I do
I'm telling just a couple,
But somehow it gets to you
But I've learned how to get revenge
And I swear you'll experience that some day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me,
Kinda invisible...
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me
I'm not trying to avoid you,
Just don't wanna hear your voice
When you call me up so often,
I don't really have a choice
You're talking like you know me
And wanna be my friend
But that's really too late now,
I won't try it once again
You may think that I'm a loser,
That I don't really care
You may think that it's all forgotten,
But you should be aware
Cause I've learned to get revenge
And I swear you'll experience that some day
I'm sitting here,
But hey you can't see me,
Kinda invisible...
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
But hey you can't see me