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  Listening Comprehension

  Section A

  11. M: What do you want me to get? I’m leaving now.

  W: Pick up a bar of soap and a loaf of bread, please.

  Q: Where is the man probably going?

  【聽前預(yù)測】選項中的barbershop, grocer’s, book store, restaurant等提示,對話與地點或場所有關(guān)。

  【解 析】選[B]。結(jié)合對話中女士說的Pick up a bar of soap and a loaf of bread, please可推斷,男士想要去日用雜貨店買東西,故答案為[B]。

  12. M: Shall we go to see the movie this weekend? A good movie will be on show at the West

  Wood Theatre.

  W: I have to hand in my report next Monday. And I heard the theatre would give students a 50% discount on Tuesday.

  Q: When does the woman prefer to watch the movie?

  【聽前預(yù)測】選項中的Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday提示,對話與某事發(fā)生的日期有關(guān)。

  【解 析】選[B]。結(jié)合男士說的Shall we go to see the movie this weekend及女士說的…I heard … a 50% discount on Tuesday可推斷,女士想周二去看電影,故答案為[B]。

  13. M: I’d like to reserve two tickets on Flight 6051 to Edinburgh, for October 20. W: Sorry, Sir. They’re booked up on the 20th. But we still have a few seats available on the 21st.

  Q: When could the man leave for Edinburgh?

  【聽前預(yù)測】選項中的On October 2,On October 8,On October 21等提示,對話與某事發(fā)生的具體日期有關(guān)。

  【解 析】選[D]。結(jié)合女士所說的Sorry, Sir. They’re booked up on the 20th. But we still have a few seats available on the 21st可推斷,男士只能買到10月21日的機票,故答案為[D]。

  14. M: Annie, how does it not even cross your mind that you might want a future with someone? W: It’s simple. I don’t mind being married to my career.

  Q: What’s Annie’s attitude towards her future?

  【聽前預(yù)測】選項中的will,live a simple life,fully focus on her job,quit her job to get married等提示,本題考查She對將來生活的態(tài)度。

  【解 析】選[B]。對話中男士問女士how does it not even cross your mind that you might want a future with someone?(你腦海中怎么就沒有將來結(jié)婚的想法呢?),女士則提到I don’t mind being married to my career.(我不介意和職業(yè)結(jié)婚),言外之意,女士想著專注于工作,故答案為[B]。

  15. W: I’m tired of driving all the way to work and back every day. If only cars could drive


  M: Well, some car manufactures are working on them. I guess you’ll soon buy one if you can

  afford it.

  Q: What does the man imply?

  【聽前預(yù)測】選項中重復(fù)出現(xiàn)的intelligent car及Cars that drive themselves提示,本題與智能汽車有關(guān)。

  【解 析】選[C]。對話中女士提到If only cars could drive themselves.(要是汽車可以無人駕駛就好了),男士接著提到some car manufactures are working on them. I guess you’ll soon buy one if you can afford it.(一些廠家正在生產(chǎn)無人駕駛汽車。如果你有錢,我猜你會買一輛。)由此可知,男士認(rèn)為無人駕駛汽車很昂貴,故答案為[C]。

  16. M: What kind of snacks do you prefer?

  W: Oh, I’ve got a sweet tooth, you know.

  Q: What does the woman probably like?

  【聽前預(yù)測】選項中的Sandwich,Ice cream,Potato chips提示,本題與甜食有關(guān)。

  【解 析】選[C]。對話中男士問女士What kind of snacks do you prefer?(你更喜歡哪種零食?),女士則提到I’ve got a sweet tooth.(我喜歡吃甜食),故答案為[C]。

  17. W: The house seems in a bad shape.

  M: Yes, we’ve decided to rebuild it from scratch.

  Q: What would the man probably do to the house?


  【解 析】選[A]。對話中女士提到The house seems in a bad shape.(房子看起來不結(jié)實了。),男士接著提到we’ve decided to rebuild it from scratch.(我們決定重新翻蓋新房),故答案為[A]。

  18. M: I ate four hamburgers, Mom.

  W: Well, you’ve made a pig of yourself.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  【聽前預(yù)測】選項中的hamburgers,Ted,too many,overweight提示,本題考查Ted肥胖的問題,涉及hamburgers。

  【解 析】選[B]。對話中男孩提到I ate four hamburgers(我吃了四個漢堡),男孩的媽媽則提到y(tǒng)ou’ve made a pig of yourself.(你都吃成豬了),言外之意,媽媽認(rèn)為男孩吃的漢堡太多了,故答案為[B]。

  Now you will hear the two long conversations.

  agree on which exercises are best. Now some doctors are strongly encouraging arm exercises. M: Arm exercises? Is that because our arms are too fat or flabby?

  W: Actually, that’s not the main reason. They say that arm exercises are an ideal way to become physically fit.

  M: But don’t arm exercises raise your blood pressure?

  W: That they do. But the article I read mentioned ways to compensate for that.

  M: How?

  W: By adding leg exercises, so the arms don’t do all the work. Arm exercises alone aren’t enough to increase metabolism before fatigue sets in. The more of the body that’s involved in the exercise, the better.

  M: And in turn, I’m sure that there’s a greater chance of losing weight.

  W: Sounds right to me.

  M: So what exercises do the experts recommend?

  W: They mentioned quite a few, but some of the more popular ones are cycling with special bicycles that make you use both your arms and legs. And walking vigorously while you wear arm weights.

  M: I must try that. I like to walk a lot.

  W: I hope you could get the result you want. And then I may follow your step to do arm exercises. M: No problem.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. What’s the main reason that many doctors recommend arm exercises?

  【解析】選[C]。女士說現(xiàn)在很多醫(yī)生大力推薦手臂運動(arm exercises),男士問是不是因為很多人的手臂too fat or flabby,女士說那不是主要原因,而是因為手臂運動是一種保持健康(become physically fit)的理想方式,故答案為[C],其中的physically healthy與女士提到的physically fit對應(yīng)。

  20. What is the problem caused by arm exercises, according to the conversation?

  【解析】選[D]。選擇中的They,damage arm muscles,raise one’s blood pressure等表明,本題考查They的缺點,聽音時注意They指代什么。對話中男士提到But don’t arm exercises raise your blood pressure?女士說That they do表示同意,由此可知,手臂運動的一個缺點就是它會使血壓升高,故答案為[D]。


  21. What exercises do the experts recommend?

  【解析】選[C]。選項中的Wearing arm weights,Jogging vigorously,Walking slowly等表明,本題可能與運動有關(guān)。男士問專家推薦什么樣的運動,女士說專家推薦了幾種,最普遍的就是騎特殊的自行車,這種車子能使人手腳并用,故答案為[C]。



  M: Jessica, sure. Have a seat. What can I do for you?

  W: It’s the lab experiments, Professor. I’m getting different results from everyone else, so I thought I’d better ask for your advice or else I’ll fail the class.

  M: Not everyone gets the right results. I thought you might’ve discovered on your own what you were doing wrong.

  W: Well, I’ve gone over every step of every experiment we did in the lab, and I haven’t been able to figure out where I went wrong in any of them.

  M: OK. I think you probably study the steps carefully. But I’ve observed something in my classes ever since I started teaching chemistry. Some students know the steps involved in an experiment but they don’t understand the purpose and the objectives of the experiment. Do you actually read through the reference and the handouts I give?

  W: Um, not really. I just find it very difficult reading.

  M: Well, Jessica. Knowing what the steps are will help you when you write up a lab report, but would you be able to write a conclusion about the results if you didn’t understand what you were doing?

  W: No, I guess not.

  M: So why not spend just half an hour going through the material and if it isn’t clear to you, you can either ask me or you can go over to the chemistry club.

  W: OK. I’ll do that.

  M: There’s something else. I’ve noticed that you aren’t always precise in your measurements. You’re not going to get the results you’re looking for if you don’t measure things right or heat an ingredient at the right heat or heat it for the exact amount of time required.

  W: OK, Professor. I see what I’m doing wrong.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  22. Why does the woman go to see the man?

  【解析】選[C]。選項均以“To+原形動詞”開頭以及其中的ask him to explain,lab experiment/report表明,本題考查女士的行為目的,該行為目的與實驗室實驗或報告有關(guān)。對話一開始,女士說她為了實驗室的試驗(lab experiments)來找男士,因為她得到的試驗結(jié)果與其他人都不同,所以她想從男士這里尋求建議,由此可知,女士是為了問一些做實驗方面的建議才來見男士的,故答案為[C]。


  23. Why does the man talk about a phenomenon in his chemistry classes?

  【解析】選[D]。選項均以“To+原形動詞”開頭以及其中的help the woman表明,本題與男士的行為目的有關(guān)。男士以為女士已經(jīng)找出了她做實驗時所犯的錯誤,而女士卻說她檢查了每個實驗的各個環(huán)節(jié),但是沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)哪個環(huán)節(jié)出了差錯,于是男士提及他教化學(xué)以來觀察到的一個經(jīng)常存在的現(xiàn)象:學(xué)生知道實驗的步驟,但是卻不理解實驗的目的和目標(biāo)是什么,以此來幫助女士認(rèn)清她的問題所在,故答案為[D]。

  24. What does the man suggest the woman do?

  【解析】選[B]。選項均為原形動詞開頭以及Read the handouts he provides等表明,本題考查男士的觀點建議。男士得知女士每次都是熟知實驗步驟,但是卻不怎么看他發(fā)的實驗參考資料和講義(the reference and the handouts),所以男士通過反問句why not spend just half an hour going through the material建議女士要看他發(fā)給大家的參考資料和講義,故答案為[B]。

  【點睛】why not…?為表建議的常用句式。

  25. What can be inferred about the woman?

  【解析】選[D]。選項中的She,does not like chemistry,too busy to study,careless about lab techniques等表明,本題可能與女士在學(xué)習(xí)中的情況或存在的問題有關(guān)。對話中男士提到他發(fā)現(xiàn)女士在測量(measurements)方面不是很準(zhǔn)確,由此可推斷出,女士在實驗方法上有些粗心,故答案為[D]。

  Section B

  G-20 summit in the United States next week. The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) reports unemployment reached its highest level among industrialized nations of 8.5 percent in July. OECD unemployment division chief Stephan Scarpetta says the number of jobless among the OECD’s 30 member countries is expected to climb even higher next year, to nearly 10 percent. That translates into 57 million people out of work.

  “Unfortunately, despite the most recent indicators that suggest the economic recovery may be in sight somewhat earlier than we were expecting only a few months ago, it will take far longer for the recovery to materialize in terms of significant improvement in the labor market,” he said.

  The United States, Spain and Ireland are among those countries with the fastest rising unemployment. All three were affected by the collapse of high housing prices. The damage spread to other sectors of the economy.

  Scarpetta says young people are among the hardest hit. In Spain, for example, more than one in three young workers are unemployed.

  So as world leaders discuss the financial and economic crisis during their meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Scarpetta says it is important that they also address the social dimensions of the crisis—like unemployment.

  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  26. What is the predicted unemployment rate in the OECD’s 30 member countries?

  【解析】選[B]。選項內(nèi)容提示,問題考查百分比。Stephan Scarpetta稱,預(yù)計OECD(經(jīng)濟合作與發(fā)展組織)的30個成員國明年的人口失業(yè)數(shù)量會繼續(xù)攀升到約10%(to nearly 10%),故答案為[B]。


  27. Which of the following can explain the fast rising unemployment in the U. S. , Spain and Ireland?

  【解析】選[D]。選項均為名詞性短語,且較為具體,問題可能考查導(dǎo)致或決定某事的因素。文中提到,美國、西班牙及愛爾蘭都是失業(yè)率攀升最快的國家,它們都是受高房價的崩潰所影響(All three were affected by the collapse of high housing prices),故答案為


  28. Who is under the greatest influence of the serious unemployment situation?

  【解析】選[B]。選項均表示不同群體。Scarpetta說,年輕人受到的影響最嚴(yán)重(the hardest hit),故答案為[B]。



  Some psychologists maintain that mental acts such as thinking are not performed in the brain alone, but that one’s muscles also participate. It may be said that we think with our muscles in somewhat the same way as we listen to music with our bodies.

  You surely are not surprised to be told that you usually listen to music not only with your ears but also with your whole body. Few people can listen to music that is more or less familiar without moving their body or more specifically, some parts of their body. Often when one listens to a concert on the radio, he is tempted to direct the orchestra even though he knows there is a competent conductor on the job.

  Strange as this behavior may be, there is a very good reason for it. One cannot derive all possible enjoyment from music unless he participates, so to speak, in its performance. The listener “feels” himself to the music with more or less noticeable motions of his body.

  The muscles of the body actually participate in the mental process of thinking in the same way, but this participation is less obvious because it is less noticeable.

  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  29. According to the passage, what do some psychologists maintain about thinking?

  【解析】選[D]。a mental process, physical process, involves the muscles提示,問題可能是考查對It的理解,可能與身體的某種活動有關(guān)。短文開頭就提到,一些心理學(xué)家認(rèn)為人在進行類似思考這樣的腦力活動時,不是只有大腦參與,人的肌肉也參與,故答案為[D]。


  30. Why do people move their body while listening to familiar music?

  【解析】選[C]。選項均為動詞不定式結(jié)構(gòu),exercise, show, enjoy, experience提示,問題可能與做某事的目的或原因有關(guān)。文中提到,很多人在聽到稍微熟悉的音樂時,整個身體或局部身體會隨之搖動,這是因為一個人如果不參與到音樂的演奏中去,他就無法充分地享受音樂(derive all possible enjoyment from music unless he participates),也就是說人們聽到熟悉音樂時搖動身體是為了充分享受音樂,故答案為[C]。

  31. What is the passage mainly about?



  Passage Three

  What really works to make sustainable changes in diet and lifestyle? It’s probably not what you think. Years of clinical research proves that real keys are pleasure, joy and freedom, not willpower and hardship. Joy of living is sustainable; fear of dying is not.

  Why? Because life is to be enjoyed. There’s no point in giving up something you enjoy unless you get something back that’s even better, and quickly. When people eat more healthfully, exercise, quit smoking, manage stress better, and love more, they find that they feel so much better, so quickly, it reconstructs the reason for making these changes from fear of dying to joy of living. Fortunately, the latest studies show how powerful are the mechanisms that control our health and well-being.

  When you exercise and eat right, your brain receives more blood flow and oxygen, so you become smarter, think more clearly, have more energy, and need less sleep. Your face receives more blood

  flow, so your skin glows more and wrinkles less. You look younger and more attractive. In contrast, an unhealthy diet, lasting emotional stress and smoking reduce blood flow to your face so you age more quickly. Smoking accelerates aging because nicotine causes your blood vessel to become narrower, which decreases blood flow to your face and makes it wrinkle prematurely. This is why smokers look years older than they really are.

  One of the most interesting findings was that the mothers’ perception of stress were more important than what was objectively occurring in their lives. In other words, if you feel stressed, you are stressed.

  Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  32. Which are the keys to sustainable changes in diet and lifestyle?

  【解析】選[C]。由短文開頭提到的…research proves that real keys are pleasure, joy and freedom, not willpower and hardship可知,答案為[C]。


  33. What practice can make people feel better?

  【解析】選[B]。由短文中提到的When people eat more healthfully, exercise…manage stress better, and love more, they find that they feel so much better可知,答案為[B]。


  34. According to the passage, what’s the benefit of exercising and eating right?

  【解析】選[B]。選項中的wrinkle less,look younger,have more willpower等表明,本題可能考查某行為帶來的好處。由短文中提到的When you exercise and eat right…your skin...wrinkles less. You look younger…可知,答案為[B]。

  35. What conclusion can we draw from the passage?



  【點睛】本題需要根據(jù)exercise and eat right和an unhealthy diet, lasting emotional stress and smoking產(chǎn)生的不同影響進行推斷。










大學(xué)英語四級標(biāo)準(zhǔn)聽力,多聽多練。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的大學(xué)英語四級標(biāo)準(zhǔn)聽力的相關(guān)知識,供大家參閱! 大學(xué)英語四級標(biāo)準(zhǔn)聽力1 Listening Comprehension Section A 11. M: What do you want me to get? Im leaving now. W: Pick


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