


時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享




  Part B

  Dialogue 1

  Tell Me about the House

  Woman The house we bought is beautiful. We’re also lucky.

  Man Tell me about it.

  Woman Well, it’s in a small town 20 miles south of the capital city.

  Man Good location. But how’s the house itself?

  Woman It looks quite new from outside.

  Man What about the inside?

  Woman Well, it has a nice living room, a dining room and two large bedrooms. One for us and the other for the kids.

  Man It sounds wonderful. What about the kitchen?

  Woman It’s quite modern. It has a new refrigerator, and an electric stove.

  It also has a nice dishwasher.

  Man Do you have furniture yet?

  Woman No. We’re going shopping tomorrow.

  Man How’s the garden?

  Woman Oh, it’s really very nice. It’s not big, but the lawn and the trees around it are beautiful.

  Man Good. But how about the price?

  Woman Well, it’s quite expensive, 150,000 dollars. But we can pay in installments.

  Man That’s not too bad.

  Dialogue 2

  I’m Calling about the Flat

  Woman Hello.

  Man Is that 103-6215?

  Woman Yes, it is. Can I help you?

  Man I’m calling about the flat.

  Woman Yes?

  Man Where is it?

  Woman It’s in the center of the town.

  Man Is it on a busy road?

  Woman Yes, it is. But it’s opposite a park.

  Man How many bedrooms does it have?

  Woman It has two bedrooms, a bathroom and a large kitchen.

  Man Is the living room large?

  Woman No, it’s small, but it has a balcony.

  Man Sounds nice. How much is the rent?

  Woman Forty pounds a week, and that’s the lowest rent of the similar kind of flat in this district.

  Man Ummm. When can I see it?

  Woman This afternoon, if you like.

  Man Fine. See you about four, then. Goodbye.

  Woman Goodbye

  Lesson 2

  PART B Macro-Listening

  Everybody Likes Him

  I. Tapescript

  Mother Tell me about Michael.

  Mary But I'm leaving now, Mom.

  Mother Come on, Mary. You must tell me everything about him.

  Mary Well, he's very tall and handsome.

  Mother Hum ...

  Mary ... he has big blue eyes and long blond hair.

  Mother Oh, how long?

  Mary Down to his shoulders. It's beautiful, like gold.

  Mother Looks like a woman from behind

  Mary What did you say, Mom? He wears two big rings on his ears, and

  Mother OK, OK. You'd better tell me what he does, honey.

  Mary He does many things. He's a very creative painter. And his paint-

  ings sell well.

  Mother Really?

  Mary He also gives free English lessons to people in the neighborhood.

  He's quite a patient teacher.

  Mother Fine.

  Mary You're going to like him. Everybody says he's a nice guy.

  Mother I hope I will. Where does he live?

  Mary He has a small apartment on the 88th Street. Don't worry, Mom.

  I'm not going to marry him tomorrow.


  How Old Is He?


  A man got into a train and found himself sitting:, opposite a woman who seemed to be about thirty-five years old. Soon they began talking to each oth- er, and the man said to her, 'Do you have a family?'

  'Yes, I have one son,' the woman answered.

  'Oh, really?' said the man, 'Does:he smoke?'

  'No,:he's never touched a cigarette.' the woman replied.

  'That's good, ' the man continued. 'I don't smoke either. Tobacco is very bad to one's health. And does your son drink wine?

  'Oh, no, ' the woman answered at once. 'He's never drunk a drop of it. '

  'Then I congratulate you, ma'am, 'the man said. 'And does he ever come home late at night?'

  ' No, never, ' his neighbour answered. ' He goes to bed immediately after dinner every night.'

  'Well,' the man said, 'he's a wise young man. How old is he?'

  'He's six months old today. But he'll grow upto be a gentleman,' the woman replied proudly.

  Lesson 3

  Part B

  Dialogue 1

  Is Anna There?

  Jack Hello. 152-3852.

  Pat Hello. Is Anna there?

  Jack No, I’m sorry Anna is out.

  Pat Is that you, Tom?

  Jack No, I’m not Tom.

  Pat Oh! I’m sorry … er …, well, could you please leave Anna a message for me?

  Jack Sure. What is it?

  Pat Well, I’m supposed to be3 meeting Anna for tea at my home. Would you ask her to see if she has my French dictionary? If she does, tell her to bring it along.

  Jack All right. And where are you calling from?

  Pat 164,

  Rose Avenue

  . I’m Anna’s friend Pat.

  Jack Thank you for calling, Pat.

  Pat And thank you, Tom.

  Jack But I’m NOT Tom, I’m Jack!

  Dialogue 2

  I’d Like to Make a Transferred Charge Call

  Operator Number, please?

  Man Oh, I’d like to make a transferred charge call.

  Operator Where to?

  Man Northfield, Minnesota.

  Operator What number?

  Man 612-930-9608.

  Operator Who are you calling?

  Man Arthur Seebach.

  Operator What’s your name, sir?

  Man John Fitzgerald.

  Operator And where are you calling from?

  Man 415-592-4914.

  Operator Thank you, sir. Hold the line, please.

  Lesson 4

  Part B


  I’ll Put You Through to the Housekeeper

  Mrs Bates Hello. Is that Reception?

  Receptionist Yes, madam.

  Mrs Bates This is Mrs Bates, Room 504. I sent some clothes to the laundry this morning. Two of my husband’s shirts and three of my blouses. But they are not back yet. You see, we’re leaving early tomorrow morning.

  Receptionist Just a moment, madam. I’ll put you through to the housekeeper

  Housekeeper Hello. Housekeeper.

  Mrs Bates Oh, hello. This is … I’m calling from Room 504. It’s about some clothes I sent to the laundry this morning. They are not back yet and you see…

  Housekeeper They are, madam. You’ll find them in your wardrobe. They are in the top drawer on the left.

  Mrs Bates Oh, I didn’t look in the wardrobe. Thank you very much. Sorry to have troubled you.

  Housekeeper That’s quite all right. Goodbye.

  Mrs Bates Goodbye.


  I’m Sorry, You Have the Wrong Number

  Mrs Jones’ telephone number was 3463, and the number of the cinema in her town was 3464, so people often made a mistake when they wanted the cinema.

  One evening the telephone bell rang and Mrs Jones answered it. A tired man said,

  ‘At what time does your last film begin?’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ said Mrs Jones, ‘but you have the wrong number. This is not the cinema.’

  ‘Oh, it began twenty minutes ago,’ said the man. ‘I’m sorry about that. Goodbye.’

  Mrs Jones was very surprised, so she told her husband. Mrs Jones Laughed and said,

  ‘The man’s wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was feeling tired, so he telephoned the cinema. His wife heard HIM, but she didn’t hear You. Now they will stay at home this evening, and the husband will be happy!’


  Part B

  Dialogue 1

  How Soon Do I Have to leave?

  Woman How soon do I have to leave my room?

  Man Normally it’s by 12 noon on the day of your departure.

  Woman Well, you see, my plane doesn’t go till half past five tomorrow afternoon.

  Man I see. Which room is it, madam?

  Woman Room 577, the name is Browning.

  Man Ah yes, Mrs Browning. You may keep your room then till 2 P.m, if you wish.

  Woman Oh, that’s nice. By the way, how long will it take to get to the airport from here?

  Man It’s usually a 90-minute ride. But you’d better start off at 2:30 in case there is a traffic jam on the way.

  Woman Thank you very much.

  Man With pleasure.

  Dialogue 2

  John Hi, Jack, haven’t seen you for long. What have you been doing these months?

  Jack I’m a bus driver now, working all sorts of hours every week.

  John Do you? Tell me about it.

  Jack Well. On Monday I start work at five thirty and finish at thirteen five.

  John That’s the early shift?

  Jack Right. The same shift on Tuesday, but them I start work at five forty-five and finish at fourteen fifteen.’

  John You change the shift on Wednesday?

  Jack Yes. On Wednesday I work on a split shift. I start work at seven in the morning and finish at ten forty-five. Then I start again at fifteen hundred hours and finish for the day at nineteen thirty.

  John What about Thursday?

  Jack On Thursday I work on a day shift, starting at eight and finishing at sixteen thirty. On Friday and Saturday I work on the late shift. On Friday I start at fourteen forty and finish at ten past midnight.

  John It’s really a busy schedule.

  Jack You’re right. I had trouble remembering all those hours at first. But the money is not too bad.

  Lesson 6

  Part B


  What Time Do You Leave for Work?

  Larry What time do you usually leave for work, Carol?

  Carol A quarter past eight.

  Larry Do you take the subway or bus?

  Carol I usually catch the 8:30 bus.

  Larry Oh, you start work at 9:30?

  Carol Right.

  Larry What time do you have your coffee break in the morning?

  Carol Oh, usually around 10:45.

  Larry Hmm. Do they give you an hour for lunch?

  Carol Sure.

  Larry What time will you be at lunch?

  Carol Between 12:00 and 1:00.

  Larry What time do you finish work?

  Carol At 5:30.

  Larry Can you join me for dinner? I can pick you up after work.

  Carol But I have to meet my sister Jane at the airport in the afternoon.

  Larry When id the arrival time?

  Carol It’s scheduled 6:30.

  Larry Then I’ll pick you up first at about 5:35 and then drive you to the airport to meet you sister at about 6:20.

  Carol You’re so nice, Larry. Thank you very much. I’ll be down at the front gate after work. I may be five minutes late. Is that OK?

  Larry No problem. Let’s go to a Chinese restaurant this time for a change.

  Carol That’s great. 2006-12-6 17:45:02 superfish


  I’ve Come to the

  Wrong Place

  It is often difficult these days to find someone to come and fix your television set,or your washing machine, or any other household appliance if it breaks. Everybody wants to sell you new products, but nobody wants to fix them when they stop working.

  One day Mrs Harris discovered that her bathroom faucet wad leaking, so she phoned her plumber. Three days later, he arrived.

  ‘Well, you’ve finally arrived!’ she said to the plumber. ‘ I calle dyou three days ago.’

  The plumber was not at all disturbed by this. He simply took a piece of paper out of his pocket and looked at it. ‘Three days ago?’ he said. ‘That was 21st,

  Wasn’t it? Well, I’m sorry but I’ve come to the wrong place. I was looking for Mrs Smith’s house, not yours. She phoned me on the 20th.’


  Dialogue 1

  I’d Go On Studying, If I Were You

  Jane I can’t decide whether to go to university or get a job. What do you think?

  Man Well, if I were you, Jane, I’d go on studying.

  Jane But I don’t even know what to study.

  Man If I had a chance again, I’d major in economics. You’re good at calculating.

  Jane That’s what my parents want me to do.

  Man You should take their advice. They know what’s best for you.

  Jane But my friends will have jobs and lots of fun while I spend all my time doing reading and writing.

  Man But if you go to university, you’ll still have time for fun.

  Jane Umm. What you say makes sense. But, you know, I still have to ask my parents for pocket money and I hate to do so at this age…

  Man And if you try to find a part-time job, you will have some money, too.

  Jane You’re right. Thank you for the advice.

  Dialogue 2

  Why Don’t You Get a Decent Job

  Woman Why don’t you get a decent job for a change?

  Man But I like my job.

  Woman Look, digging gardens is not a job for a university graduate.

  Man But the money’s not bad and there’s plenty of fresh air.

  Woman If I were you, I’d go on to take a new course, teaching, accountancy…

  Man Accountancy? Anything but that. It’s so boring.

  Woman Come on, you really must think of the future. Why don’t you just write a few application forms?

  Man I’ll tell you what. I’d like to be a doctor.

  Woman Well, you should think very seriously about that. It means a lot of study, and then working all sorts of hours.

  Man Yes, maybe. But the idea appeals to me.

  Woman W

  Lesson 8

  Part B


  You Don’t Look Very Happy

  Max What’s the matter, Peter? You don’t look very happy.

  Peter I’m not, I’m worried about my English.

  Max What’s the problem?

  Peter I’m not practicing enough.

  Max Why not?

  Peter Well, I seldom have chances to meet English people.

  Peter Where should I go?

  Max You should go to pubs, you should join a club.

  Peter But … English people never speak to me.

  Max Ah! You should speak first.

  Peter What can I talk about?

  Max The weather! English people are always interested in the weather.


  Miss Green Goes on a Die

  Miss Green was very fat. She weighed 100 kilos, and she was getting heavier every month, so she went to see her doctor.

  The doctor said, ‘You need a diet, Miss Green, and I’ve got a good one here.’ He gave her a small book and said, ‘Read this carefully and eat the things listed on page 11 every day. Then come back and see me in two weeks’ time.’

  Miss Green came again two weeks later, but she wasn’t thinner, she was fatter. The doctor was surprised and said, ‘ Are you eating the things listed on page 11 of the small book?’

  ‘Yes, doctor,’ she answered.

  The next day the doctor visited Miss Green during her dinner. She was very surprised to see him.

  ‘ Miss Green,’ he said, ‘why aren’t you eating salad? Why are you eating potatoes and bread?

  They aren’t in your diet.’

  ‘But, doctor,’ Miss Green answered. ‘I ate my diet at lunch time. This is my dinner.’

  ell, then, you ought to get more information about it as soon as possible.


  Part B

  Dialogue 1

  When Can I Know the Result?

  Man Have a seat, please, Miss Jenkins.

  Woman Thank you, sir.

  Man Well, I’d like to start our conversation with some questions. Shall I start?

  Woman Sure.

  Man Can you type, Miss Jenkins?

  Woman Yes, I can.

  Man How many words a minute?

  Woman sixty.

  Man Hmm. Have you ever learned how to operate office computer?

  Woman Yes, I have. I worked for two years as a computer operator in a school.

  Man Good. Are you familiar with other modern equipment, the fax machine, printer, and things like that?

  Woman I don’t think there’s any problem for me to work on these machines. You know, sir, I’ve even learned shorthand.

  Man You have? That’s good. And you speak foreign languages, do you?

  Woman Yes. I speak German and French.

  Man Do you speak Italian?

  Woman Really? We have branches in Beijing and Shanghai.

  Woman you mean I have the job?

  Man Wait, wait, Miss Jenkins. I have to talk to the general manager before a final decision is made.

  Woman I see. When can I know the result?

  Man In about two weeks, I think.

  Woman Thank you very much.

  Man Goodbye, Miss Jenkins.

  Woman Goodbye.

  Dialogue 2

  This Is Mr Power’s Office

  Mr power Yes, Miss Wright? What is it?

  Miss Wright Mr Hudson wants to speak to you, sir.

  Mr Power I’m very busy at the moment. Ask him to call later.

  Miss Wright Yes, sir.

  (Half an hour later)

  Mr Power Miss Wright?

  Miss Wright Yes, sir?

  Mr power Did you speak to Mr Hudson?

  Miss Wright Yes, I did. I asked him to call later. He said he would call again in about an hour.

  Mr Power That’s fine. By the way, has Chris photocopied the director’s report yet? I need it this afternoon.

  Miss Wright Not yet. I told him to finish it by 11 this morning.

  Mr power Good. Did you tell Miss Davis not to call her boyfriend from here?

  Miss Wright Oh, yes… I told her not to use the office phone for personal calls. She says she won’t do it again.

  Mr power I hope she won’t…… Her boyfriend lives in Australia.

  Miss Wrihgt I’m sure she won’t. Is there anything else, Mr power?

  Mr power Hmm. Could you bring me a cup of coffee?

  Miss wright Certainly.

  Lesson Ten

  Part B


  I Was a Little Anxious to Get Here

  Laura Excuse me. Can you help me, please?

  Linda Yes, what is it?

  Laura Is this the finance section?

  Linda Yes, it is.

  Laura Good, then I’m in the right place. I’m looking for Mrs Davis.

  Linda You’re early. The office doesn’t open until 9:00. It’s a quarter to nine now.

  Laura Oh, is it that early? I’m reporting for work today…

  Linda Mrs ‘Davis will be here soon.

  Laura … I was a little anxious to get here, I guess.

  Linda Are you a typist or a secretary?

  Laura I’m a typist.

  Linda Oh, then you’re my replacement.

  Laura Oh, I’m sorry for that.

  Linda No, no. I’ve just got a transfer to the general manager’s office.

  Laura That’s good. My name is Laura White.

  Linda My name is Linda Blake. Mrs Davis will be glad to see you, I think. We have a lot of work to do here.

  Laura Is it very difficult?

  Linda Oh, no. You’ll learn it all in a couple of weeks.

  Laura I hope so. I’m still a little nervous now.

  Linda Take it easy. Ah, here comes Mrs Davis.


  Whose Fault Is It?

  An important businessman was asked to give a twenty-minute speech in another city. He ws too busy to write it himself, so he asked his secretary to put one together for him out of a large book of speeches which she had on her desk. She typed one out for him, and he picked it just in time to rush off to his plane. But when he gave his speech, it ran on for an hour, and the audience was getting very restless and bored by the end of it.

  When the businessman got back to his office, he complained to his secretary about this. ‘ I told you it was supposed to be a twenty-minute speech!’ he said to her bitterly.

  ‘That’s what I gave you,’ she answered, ‘ the original and the two copies. The original for you to read at the meeting and the two copies for the file, after you have checked them.’



  Part B

  Dialogue 1

  I’d Like to Book a Table for Tonight

  Woman Hello, Old England Restaurant. Can I help you?

  Man Yes, I’d like to book a table for tonight.

  Woman Yes, sir. What time?

  Man Eight o’clock.

  Woman Certainly. For how many people?

  Man There are ten of us.

  Woman Ten of you! But we don’t usually accept large parties, sir.

  Man I know, but we are regular customers.

  Woman What’s your name please, sir?

  Man Michael Peterson.

  Woman Mr Peterson… of course! That’ll be all right. We’ll put two tables together.

  Man Thanks.

  Woman What food do you prefer for today, sir? We have fresh seafood tonight.

  Man No. We are all vegetarians.

  Dialogue 2

  Is That a Direct Flight?

  Man Northwest Airlines. May I help you?

  Woman Yes, I’d like to make a reservation. Do you have any flight for New York on Decembe20th?

  Man Yes, there is one.

  Woman Could you tell me about it?

  Man Sure. It’s Flight No.586, which departs from here at 10:50 a.m. and arrives at 6:50 P.m., local time.

  Woman Is that a direct flight?

  Man No. It stops for three hours in Tokyo, but you don’t have to change plane.

  Woman That’s OK. Are there still any seats available on that flight?

  Man Yes, there are. May I know your name, please?

  Woman Mary Grant.

  Man Mary Grant. What class do you prefer?

  Woman Economy, please.

  Man All right.

  Woman What is the exact fare?

  Man That’ll be class="main">


時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享

  Woman It’s quite expensive, isn’t it?

  Man Well, it’s the holiday season, you know.

  Woman I see.

  Man Let me check with you again. Flight No. 586 for New York, December 20th, economy, Miss Mary Grant. Is that right?

  Woman That’s right, thank you, sir.

  Man Welcome to fly Northwest, Miss Grant.

  Lesson 12

  Part B

  Dialogue 1

  I Want to See Dr Milton

  Woman Surgery. Can I help you?

  Frank Good afternoon. My name’s Frank Stone. I want to make an appointment with Dr Milton, please.

  Woman Yes, of course, Mr Stone. May I have your address, please?

  Frank 118m Hill Road, London S.E. 18.

  Woman Yes, we have you on our records. Can you manage the afternoon?

  Frank I’m afraid not. I can manage tomorrow.

  Woman I’m afraid Dr Milton’s not on duty tomorrow. He’ll be here the day after tomorrow. That’s Thursday, March 27th.

  Frank Fine.

  Woman Will 5:30 be all right?

  Frank Well, yes. But what time is the surgery closed?

  Woman We start from 9:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m. on weekdays. We don’t work during the weekend.

  Frank I’d prefer a later time so that I can come along after work.

  Woman Then what about 6:15?

  Frank Well, that’s fine. I think I can manage. Thank you. Goodbye.

  Woman Goodbye.

  Dialogue 2

  Marcel Always Does My Hair

  Man Good morning. Unisex Hairdresser’s.

  Woman good morning. I’d like to make an appointment, please, for three o’clock this afternoon, with Marcel.

  Man Let me see… I’m sorry Marcel’s busy at three. Can you suggest another day, madam?

  Woman No. I’ve an important party to attend tonight and I must have my hair done before 5. So how about 3:30?

  Man I’m afraid Marcel is busy all afternoon.

  Woman What a nuisance!

  Man I’m terribly sorry, madam. But you should always book in advance.

  Woman I know, I know. But it’s a short notice to me, too.

  Man Then may I suggest Tom O’Neil? He is just as good as Marcel.

  Woman But Marcel always does my hair. He knows what style I usually wear.

  Man But everybody says Tom can quickly figure out the best style for a particular customer.

  Woman OK, then. What time?

  Man Er… could you please be here at 2:45? You’ll be his first customer this afternoon.

  Woman That would be nice then. Thank you. You’re really very helpful.

  Man You’re welcome

  Lesson 13


  Dialogue 1

  You Can’t Complain

  Angela: Dorchester 17908…

  Mother: Hello, Angela?

  Angela: Oh, hello, Mum.

  Mother: How’s the baby today?

  Angela: Oh, he’s crying again. He cries all day.

  Mother: You can’t complain. When you were a baby, you used to cry all day and

  all night.

  Angela: Oh, I know, Mum… but I feel so tired. There’s so much housework.

  Mother: But you’ve got a washing machine, a tumble-dryer, a vacuum cleanerand a dishwasher. I used to do everything by hand.

  Angela: I know, I know… I’ve heard all this before!

  Mother: I’m sorry, dear… I’ll come to help you.

  Dialogue 2

  Life is so boring

  Man: What’s the matter?

  Woman: Oh, I don’t know.

  Man: Oh, come on … It’s so boring.

  Woman: But he’s only a baby! It’s all right for you. You’ll leave the house in five

  minutes. I’ll be here all day. When’ll you come home? You won’t come ho

  me until seven!

  Man: One of us must got to work, dear.

  Woman: Yes, but your day will be interesting. My day will be the same every day.

  Man: My work isn’t always interesting.

  Woman: I know, but you travel around, you meet different people and you do different things. Who will I meet today? What’ll I do? Eh? I’ll wash up, feed the baby, do the washing, clean the house, bathe the baby, take the dog for a walk…

  Man: But … but… dear.

  Woman: Then I’ll feed the baby again, put the baby to bed… What a life? Today, tomorrow, this week, next week, this month, next month, next year… forever!

  Man: It’s just Monday, dear… You’ll be OK later.

  Woman: Will I?

  Lesson 14

  Part B

  Dialogue 1

  The Television Simply Doesn’t Work

  Woman Can I help you, sir?

  Man Yes, I bought a 27-inch color television here last week and now it simply doesn’t work!

  Woman Could you please show me the receipt?

  Man Yes. Here’s the receipt.

  Woman What’s the matter with your TV?

  Man I don’t know. When I turn it on, there’s no sound nor picture.

  Woman Did you use the antenna?

  Man Yes, I did. But it didn’t help.

  Woman It’s unbelievable. Did you try it here before you took it home?

  Man You didn’t allow me to try it, did you?

  Woman Hmmmm… Did it work the first time you turned it on?

  Man It never worked. Can you replace it with another one?

  Woman I’m afraid not.

  Man This is unreasonable.

  Woman Would you send the set in and we’ll have it checked first? And we’ll see what we can do for you?

  Man How long will it take?

  Woman About two weeks.

  Man Two weeks! That won’t do! I’ll miss the bulls the day after tomorrow, then.

  Woman I’m sorry about that. That’s the only thing we can do for you.

  Man I want to talk to the manager.

  Woman I am the manager.

  Man Oh, my!

  Dialogue 2

  Did You Have the Room Checked Before?

  Woman Could I see the manager, please? I have a complaint to make.

  Man Yes, I’m the manager here. What can I do for you, madam?

  Woman Did you have the room checked before we moved in?

  Man Which room are in, madam?

  Woman 1808. The toilet doesn’t work properly, the water doesn’t run in the shower but the faucet was leaking the whole night, and there’s water all over the bathroom floor.

  Man I’m awfully sorry to hear that. I’ll attend to it right away. The housekeeper usually checks every room before new guests move in. We have been extremely busy with a large conference these days.

  Woman But it’s your business. I never expected this sort of thing to happen in such a hotel.

  Man No, madam. I do apologize. It’s most unusual. We’ll change your room to 2002. It has a beautiful view of the Pacific. And you’ll enjoy a free three-day stay in our hotel.

  Woman That’s not bad. Thanks for your help.

  Man It’s my pleasure, madam.


  Part B

  Dialogue 1

  You Worry Too Much

  Man I’m wondering if it’s going to be fine this afternoon.

  Woman So what?

  Man The sports meet! It’s scheduled at 2:00, but the fog! You can only see within a short distance.

  Woman But don’t you see the wind’s beginning to lift it up? I bet it will be fine this afternoon.

  Man Don’t be so sure.

  Woman You’ve heard the forecast this morning, haven’t you?

  Man No. That’s why I worry.

  Woman Why don’t you try 121, the 24-hour telephone weather forecast service?

  Man Gee! How come I haven’t thought about it? I’ll do it right away.

  Announcer Now the weather report for today and tomorrow. It’s foggy in the morning and it’ll be clear and fine this afternoon. Tomorrow will be overcast with drizzle. Today, the high will be 12 degrees. Tomorrow the low will be 6degrees. Thanks for listening.

  Woman What did it say?

  Man ‘Will be clear and fine in the afternoon.’

  Woman See? There’ll be no problem this afternoon, then.

  Man But the report isn’t always accurate.

  Woman And YOU always worry too much.

  Dialogue 2

  Let’s Listen to the Weather Forecast

  John What’s the matter, Marry?

  Mary My radio won’t work. I guess I’ll have to take it downtown and get it fixed.

  John Here, let me see it a minute, will you?

  Mary Sure.

  John Hmmm. Let’s see now… Ah … Here you are, Mary. Try it now.

  Mary Why, John, You’re wonderful! How did you ever do it?

  John It was nothing. Say, let’s see, it’s just 1:00. Try to get a weather report on your radio.

  Mary OK. (Turning on the radio.)

  John …and now here’s the latest weather forecast. Sunny and pleasant today, with a high of about 80. Tomorrow, clear and continued sunny, with a high of about 85. Chance of rain today, and tomorrow near zero.

  John There, see? It’s not going to rain!

  Mary Look outside. ( thunder)

  John Oh, my

  Lesson 16

  Part B

  Passage 1

  We Can Decide after the Forecast

  … Let’s watch the weather forecast on television. We may got o Scotland, we may go to Wales or London. We can decide after the forecast…

  ‘ Good morning, and here is the weather forecast for tomorrow. Northern Scotland will be cold, and there may be snow over High Ground. In the north of England it will be a wet day and rain will move into Wales and the Midlands during the afternoon. East Anglia will be generally dry, and it will be a bright clear day with sunshine, but it may rain during the evening. In the southwest it may be foggy during the morning, but the afternoon will be clear. It may be windy later in the day.’

  Passage 2

  The Trip Was Not Easy

  Mr Baker is a pilot. He often flies between New York and California. Sometimes the weather is good, and sometimes it’s bad. Last week the weather was bad all the way from the East Coast to the West Coast.

  There were clouds in New York City. It was cloudy in Chicago, too. It was stormy over Iowa. There were storms over Nebraska, too. It was windy over Colorado, and there was snow in the mountains. There was somg in California. It was smoggy in the big cities.

  Mr Baker was worn out. The trip was not easy. There was bad weather all the way.

  Lesson 17

  Part B

  Dialogue 1

  Are You Ready to Order?

  Waiter Are you ready to order?

  Man Yes. We’d like a pizza with peppers and mushrooms, please.

  Waiter And to drink?

  Man Do you have any wine?

  Waiter Yes, we do. What kind of wine do you want?

  Man Uh… I don’t know. Do you want any wine, Jackie?

  Waiter No, thanks. Not for me. But I’d like some red wine.

  Waiter How much? A bottle?

  Man Oh, no. Just a glass.

  Waiter All right. A pizza with pizza with peppers and mushrooms, a glass of red wine and a glass of water. Is that all?

  Man yes, that’s all.

  Wait Finished?

  Woman Yes. Thank you

  Waiter Anything else?

  Man Do you want any coffee, Jackie?

  Woman No. Look at the time, Mike. It’s ten to eight.

  Dialogue 2

  I’d Like to Go to the McDonald’s This Time

  Tom Dad, what will we have for dinner?

  Dad I don’t know. Maybe fried fish, chicken soup and …

  Tom Oh, no. We’ve had such things since Mom’s gone.

  Dad I’m sorry. But that is the only thing I can cook. What do you want to have then?

  Tom I do wish Mom was back. Why don’t we go and eat out for a change

  Dad Oh, that’s a good idea. I like Kentucky fried chicken very much.

  Tom Dad, you always talk about fried chicken. Let’s have something different. I’d like to go to McDonald’s this time.

  Dad OK then. You’ll drive, will you?

  Tom No, I’m a bit tired today. You do that, please.

  Dad OK, OK. I always do thing like that. Hope your Mom will be back soon. Ah, here we are.

  Tom Dad, what do you like to have? I’d like a hamburger.

  Dad I want one, too. And some French fries. Tom?

  Tom Please buy me some salad instead. And a glass of Coke.

  Dad Apple pie is my favorite dessert. What about some?

  Tom OK.

  Dad Hamburger, salad, Coke and apple pie. Is that all for you, Tom?

  Tom Right, and fetch me an ice-cream, too. I’ll go and find the seats.

  Dad And I’ll get some vegetable for myself, and a coffee.… Oh, I’m afraid we’ll have to do some packing.

  Lesson 18

  Part B

  Dialogue 1

  It Was Very Kind of You to Invite Us

  Ken Hello, Rob.

  Rob Hello, Ken… Hello Barbara. Come in. Shall I take your coats?

  Ken Thank you very much. What a lovely house?

  Rob I’m glad you like it.

  Ken Where’s Anna?

  Rob Oh, she’s in the kitchen. She’ll be here in a minute. Just go into the dining room. How about a drink before dinner?

  Ken That’s a good idea.

  Anna Here we are… dinner’s ready. Sit down, everybody.

  Barbara Thank you very much, Anna. Everything looks wonderful, and it smells delicious, too.

  Anna I’ll put the salad in the middle of the table. Shall I serve you?

  Barbara No, It’s all right. We can help ourselves.

  Anna Rob, could you pour the wine, please? Ken, help yourself to the vegetables, too.

  Rob Would you like some more brandy, Barbara?

  Barbara Oh, no, thanks … no more for me. I’m driving tonight.

  Rob Oh, come on, just a little.

  Barbara No, really… I mustn’t. Let me help you with the washing-up.

  Rob The washing-up! No, no, don’t worry. We always leave that until the morning.

  Rob Here are your coats.

  Ken Thanks…It’s been a marvelous evening. It was very kind of you to invite us.

  Anna Don’t mention it. It was nice to see you again.

  Barbara Well, we enjoyed ourselves very much.

  Rob We’re so glad … you must come again.

  Ken Good night … and thanks again.

  Anna Good night… and drive carefully. It’s a very wet night.


  The Restaurant Is Full of Diners Now

  Very few people were coming to eat at the White Rose Restaurant, and its owner didn’t know what to do. The food in his restaurant was cheap and good, but nobody seemed to want to eat there.

  Then he did something that changed all that, and in a few weeks his restaurant was always full of men and their lady friends. Whenever a gentleman came with a lady, a smiling waiter gave each of them a beautiful menu. The menus looked exactly the same on the outside, but there was an important difference inside. The menu that the waiter handed to the man gave the correct price for each dish and each bottle of wine; while the menu that he hand ed to the lady gave a much higher price! So when the man calmly ordered dish after dish and wine after wine, the lady thought he was much more generous than he really was!


  Part B

  Dialogue 1

  We Want to Go to Spain

  Agent Good morning. Can I help you?

  Woman Yes, we’d like some information, please. We want to go to Spain.

  Agent OK. What do you want to know?

  Woman Well, first of all, we want to know the air fare to Madrid.

  Agent When do you want to go? We don’t really know. June, or maybe July.

  Agent I see. Well, in May and June the fare is 0. But it’s less in March and April. It’s only 0.

  Woman And what about July?

  Agent It’s more in July.

  Man More? How much is it then?

  Agent It’s 5.

  Man Oh…

  Woman Can you give us a brochure, please? We’ll think about it.

  Agent Of course. Here you are.

  Man Thanks.

  Agent You’re welcome.

  Dialogue 2

  Planning a Vacation

  Ken When is your vacation going to start, Diana?

  Diana I’ll be leaving on the fifth of August.

  Ken Oh, that’s only a few days from now. How long are you going to be away?

  Diana Two weeks.

  Ken Where are you going ?

  Diana This time I’d like to go to the beach.

  Ken Have you made your hotel reservation yet?

  Diana Oh, I don’t need to do that. I’ll be staying with my friends.

  Ken You’re lucky, Diana. It’s hard to find a place to stay at the beach ball, lying in the sun and just taking it easy.

  Ken Don’t tell me about that! It sounds so great!

  Diana What about you, Ken? Where are you planning to take your vacation?

  Ken I don’t know. I should think about it, I guess.

  Lesson 20

  Part B


  Mary Where are you going to spend your holiday this year, Bob?

  Bob WE may go abroad, but I’m not so sure.

  Mary What do you mean?

  Bob Well, my wife’s talking about Egypt recently. She may want to go there. I’d like to go there, too.

  Mary yes, it’s an interesting country to see.

  Bob But we can’t make up our minds yet. You know, a round-trip ticket to Egypt costs a lot.

  Mary But you may go by sea.

  Bob You’re right. It’s cheaper, isn’t it?

  Mary You may save at least half of the money if you go by ship.

  Bob But don’t you think it would take a long time and …

  Mary But you can enjoy the scene of the sea and the rising sun.

  Bob yes. I’ll tell it to my wife.

  Mary You’ll definitely enjoy yourselves, I’m sure.

  Bob Don’t be so sure. We may not go anywhere.

  Mary You always hesitate at everything.

  Bob it’s not my fault, you know. My wife always worries too much.

  Mary like what?

  Bob Well… Who’s going to look after the house? Who’s going to look after the garden? And who’s going to look after the pets? We have these problems every year. And in the end we stay at home and look after everything.


  Did Mr Young Enjoy His Vacation?

  Mr Young ran his own business and worked very hard. His wife was afraid that he would get sick if he continued like that, so she often tried to get him to take a vacation. At last she managed to persuade him to do so, and she hoped that he would be able to enjoy his vacation without any disturbance, so before they left, Mrs Young went to see her husband’s secretary. She said to her, ‘ my husband needs a vacation very much, so whatever happens, please don’t bother him with telegrams and letters about business problems while we’re away. Just wait till we get back.’

  After Mr and Mrs young had been away about a week, Mr Young received a letter from his secretary which said,’ Something terrible happened to your business, but I’m not going to bothr you with it while you’re enjoying your vacation.’


  Lesson 1


  I. a b a a b b a b a b II. c b c b c a b b c a

  Dialogue 1

  1 c b d a c 2. south of the capital city \one dining room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a garden \a refrigerator, a dishwasher, and an electric stove. 0,000 dollars

  Dialogue 2

  1.a a b a c 2. opposite a park \has a lovely view \it has a balcony \the lowest rent of the similar kind of flat in that district.

  Lesson 2

  Part A

  I. Stop \ about \ help \ Black,speak \ make,mistakes \ isn’t,first \ understand \ good \ got,about \ don’t,think,husband,would,let

  II. sixteen\ Most \ looks \ like \ but perhaps \ light \ However \ everything else

  Dialogue 1

  1.b d b a b 2. tall and handsome \ big blue eyes,beautiful long blond hair \ two big rings \ creative \ free English lessons,patient


  1. c c a c c 2. Do you have a family? \ Does he smoke? \ Does your son drink wine? \ Does he ever come home late at night? \ How old is he?2006-12-6 17:42:52 superfish

  Lesson 3


  I 398-4071 \ 278-9536 \ 271-8265 \ 718-4291 \ 310-449-6213

  II I’m calling from \ Can I speak to Am I speaking to \ You’ve got the wrong number

  Dialogue 1

  1 d a d c a 2 F F T T F

  Dialogue 2

  1. c b b c c 2.1) Number, please? 2) Where to? 3) What number?

  4) Who are you calling? 5) What’s your name, sir? 6) Can you spell it out? 7) Where are you calling from?

  Lesson 4

  Part A

  I.1. speaking. 2. Sorry. She’s out. Would you like to leave a message? 3. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.

  4. All right. I’ll call back later. 5. Hold the line, please. I’ll get a piece of paper.

  II. could I speak to/ Just a minute/she’s not here/ give Bob a call/83602505

  Dialogue 1

  1. c c b d d 2. 1) her husband’s shirts/her blouses 2) the laundry that morning 3) early the next morning 4) top drawer on the left 5) have troubled the housekeeper/looked in the wardrobe

  Passage 1

  1. c c b c b 2. T F F T T



  I. 1. (7:15) 2. (8:35) 3. (6:30) 4. (10:10) 5. (2:45 a.m.) 6. (7:52 p.m.) 7. (10:40) 8. (3:55) 9. (14:00) 10. (10.45) 11. (22:00) 12. (00:20)

  II.1) between 7 a. m. and 9 a.m. 2) between 12 noon and 1:30 p.m. 3) from 4 p.m. to 4:30 p. m. 4) between 7p.m. and 8 p.m.

  Dialogue 1

  1. c b b d d 2.1) 12 noon 2) 5:30 p.m. 3)577 4)2:00 p.m. 5) 90 minutes

  Dialogue 2

  1. 1)13:05 2)5:45 3)14:15 4)10:45 5)15:00 6)8:00 7)16:30 8)14:40 9)15:00 10)0:10

  2. T T F F T)

  Lesson 6

  Part A

  I. d a a b c b d b d d

  II. Sept.9, 1953/Nov.12, 1951/May 21, 1973/June 4, 1974/Feb.23, 1980

  Part B

  1. 1) 8:15 2) 12:00 and 1:00 3) 6:30 4) 5:35 5) 5:40 2. a d a c c


  1.b c a d b 2. 1) sell their new products 2) her bathroom faucet. 3) three days later 4) to the wrong place/Mrs Smith’s house


  Part A I. 1. 389-1074 2. 28th 3. 1:15 4. 239 5. 3rd 6. 20th 7. 8:40 8. 19:10 9. 22nd 10. 516-421-9035 II. a c d b c

  Part B I. Hurry up What time is it now 7:15 the play 8:00 II. T F T F T



  1.1.at 2.and 3.the 4.some 5.a of 6.from 7.but 8.of 9.as 10.for

  II.1.Of 2.are from 3.to 4.can for 5.to the at

  Dialogue 1

  1. 1)She can’t decide whether to go to university or get a job. 2)To study economics at a university. 3)Because he thinks Jane is good at calculating. 4)Because she thinks she will have no time for fun with too much study. 5)She might go to university.

  1.1) he would go on studying 2) he would major in economics 3) what’s best for her 4)have time for fun 5)a part-time job

  Dialogue 2

  1. b a b c b 2 1) I’d go on to take a new course. 2) must think of the future. 3) Why don’t you just write 4) should think very seriously 5) ought to get more information

  Lesson 8

  Part A

  I. 1. 7,068 2. 5,231 3. 1,005 4. 4,716 5. 2,500 6. 4,908 7. 13,034 8. 90,284 9. 47,359 10. 56,708 II. 1) 12,925 2) 11,730 3) 12,598 4) 3,407 5) 8,448 6) 5,468 7) 4,926 8) 4,802 9) 3,906 10) 1,764

  Dialogue 1

  1. b a c a d 2. 1) go out more 2) go to the pubs 3) join a club 4) speak to people first 5) start his conversation with the weather


  1. 1) 100 kilos. 2) a small book 3) listed on page 11 of the small book 4) two weeks 5) having her dinner 3. 1) She was very fat and was getting heavier every month. 2) She should get on a diet. 3) Because she wasn’t any thinner. Instead, she was even fatter. 4) She was eating potatoes and bread. 5) Because she ate her diet only at lunch time.



  I. a d b d a c b d II 1. The Smiths usually spend their weekends in the country. 2. They rarely go dancing. 3. John never goes to pubs 4. Mary answered the questions correctly 5. Robert did the exercise very well 6. Mother told me not to speak quickly

  Dialogue 1

  1. d d a c d 2.1) type 2)operate office computer 3) modern office equipment 4) shorthand 5) German, French and Chinese.

  Dialogue 2

  1. 1) Boss and secretary 2) To tell him that Mr Hudson wanted to speak to him on the phone

  3) To photocopy the director’s report for afternoon use 4) Not to call her boyfriend from the office 5) To bring him a cup of coffee 2. d b d d b

  Lesson Ten

  Part A I.

  1. D A D B D C C B II. 1. Does this bus stop at the hospital? 2. Have you got time to finish making that dress today? 3. Bob goes home from school at noon. 4. The girls took their dog with them.. 5. You may get off at the next stop. 6. Please turn that music off at once.

  Part B

  1. B A C B A 2. finance section report for work former typist too early replace transfer general manager’s difficult take it easy a couple of weeks


  1. T F F T T 2. 1) large book of speeches 2) before he left for his plane 3) 60 minutes 4) two copies of the speech 5) the man’s

  大學(xué)英語聽力2 答案(2)



  I. 1.never \rains \pours 2.angry \count \hundred 3.Be slow \choosing \friend \slower \changing

  4.more \study \more \find yourself ignorant 5.Little drops \water \Little drops \sand \Make \mighty \ocean \Pleasant land

  II. Life good Life bad Life most cheerful Sometimes sad Life dirty Life even painful Life what make Try make beautiful

  Dialogue 1

  1. c b c b d 2. 1)Michael Peterson 2) 8 tonight 3) 10 4) vegetarian food 5) regular customer

  Dialogue 2

  1. 1) any flights for New York on December 20th 2) Is that a direct flight 3)still any seats available on that flight 4)What is the exact fare 5)It’s quite expensive, isn’t it? 2. 1)10: 50 a.m., December 20th 2)No. She has to wait for three hours in Tokyo 3)6:50 p.m., local time 4) class="main">


時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享

  Lesson 12

  Part A

  I F T F F T F F T F T

  II to go there? \this year \reservation \to do there \ to learn Chinese \Thank you\ Hello \Please \You’ll like your stay \you’ll like Peking

  Dialogue 1

  1. D B A B A 2. 1) 118 Hill Road, London, S. E. 18 2) Tuesday , March 25th. 3) Because he wants to come after work 4) From 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday till Friday(from Monday to Friday) 5) The nurse / receptionist at Dr Milton’s surgery

  Dialogue 2

  1. B D B C A 2. 1) she was his regular customer/ Marcel always did her hair 2) Marcel was busy that whole afternoon 3) should book in advance 4) just as good as Marce 5) she would have her hair done by Tom

  Quiz 2

  Part A

  I.1974 \ 2533 \ 12502 \ 49995 \ 9:40 \ 13:30

  II.1-5 c d a c d 6-10 a c d a b

  Part B

  I.worried \ getting having \ go on a diet \ what kind of diet \ lost of salad \ bread or potatoes

  II.Two weeks \ Four \ Museum \ By bus or train \ Tired and bored \ One \ Happy

  Lesson 13


  I. d b a b b b c c a d

  II. 1.The plane from London will arrive in 15 minutes 2. I was born on July 4th, 1961 3. Will nest Saturday, the 28th, be all right 4. New York is 1,275 miles away from here 5.The color TV I bought the day before yesterday cost 299 dollars.


  1. b c d a b 2. F F F T T

  Dialogue 2

  1. a c a a c 2. 1) feed the baby 2) do the washing 3) clean the house 4) bathe the baby 5) go to the supermarket 6) prepare dinner 7) meet her husband at the station 8) wash up again 9) feed the baby again 10) put the baby to bed

  Lesson 14

  Part A

  I B D C C D B D A D D

  Dialogue 1

  1. C D B B D 2. 1) could show her the receipt 2) had used the antenna 3) had tried it in the shop before he took it home 4) worked the first time it was turned on 5) could send the TV set to the shop to have it checked

  Dialogue 2 1. A D B B C 2. 1) doesn’t work properly 2) doesn’t run 3) was leaking the whole night 4) all over the bathroom floor


  PART A I. 1.pound 2.bottle 3bag 4 loaf 5 cup 6 glass 7.box 8.tin 9.bowl l 0.packet 11.bar 12.kilo 13.bunch 14.gallon 15.piece

  II. 1.Half a pound 2.A bottle of milk 3.Six bottles 4.A bar of chocolate a gallon of ice cream

  Dialogue 1

  1. ccddc 2. today tomorrow foggy over-cast drizzle the high 12 the lo

  Dialogue 2

  1. bacab 2. latest weather forecast Sunny pleasant high 80 clear continued sunny Chance of rain near zero!

  Lesson 16

  Part A

  I. 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( V ) 4 ( ) 5 ( V ) 6 ( V ) 7( ) 8 ( ) 9 ( V ) 10 ( )

  II. 1. Sally does the program on health every Saturday evening 2. Why don’t you get a decent job? 3. Please do come when you want to 4. I’m sure Tom did say it 5. Did Mr Power call me while I was out lunch?

  Passage 1

  1. A B A C C

  Passage 2

  1. 1) pilot New York California 2) the East Coast the West Coast good bad 3) last bad weather all the way the East Coast the West Coast

  2. 1) cloudy 2) cloudy 3) stormy 4) stormy 5) windy 6) snowy 7) smoggy 8) smoggy

  Lesson 17

  II.1.take it downtown get it fixed 2. call again in about an hour 3. took a piece of paper out of looked at it

  4. lean it in a couple of hours 5. ten of us

  Dialogue 1

  1 a c d b a 2.1) A pizza with peppers and mushrooms and a glass of red wine 2) A glass of water 3) Neither of them 4) They asked for the check and paid for the dinner 5) At about eight o’clock

  Dialogue 2

  1. b c c c a 2. 1) hamburger 2) hamburger 3)salad 4)French fries 5)Coke 6)vegetable 7)apple pie 8)apple pie 9)ice-cream 10) coffee

  Lesson 18

  Part A

  1. T L C C D T R C P C


  1. B D C C C 2. 1) How about a drink 2) Shall I serve you? 3) help yourself to the vegetables 4) come on


  1. F T F F T 2. C C A D A



  I. 1. Flight41 Gate 11 2.Flight 602 Gate 4 3.Flight 543 Gate 2 4.Flight 401 Gate 3 5.Flight 641 Gate5

  II.W: Washington

  M: By air

  W: airlines

  M: American Airlines

  M: 838 direct

  M: 10:45 a.m.

  M: 10:25 fourteen-hour

  M: Thanks

  Dialogue 1

  1. c d c b d 2.F T T F T

  Dialogue 2

  1. a d c c d 2.1) Swimming, playing beach ball, lying in the sun 2) He hasn’t decided yet, but he will think about it

  Lesson 20

  Part A

  1. 7 Oxford Road, London SW 18 399- 8431 2. Mary Brown 1250 783-1046 3. NY 30218 212-476-8563

  III. 1. Last week 2. 16 pounds 3. Mr Green 4. In a hospital in New York 5. For his birthday 6. On foot 7. Two days ago 8. John’s sister Ellie 9. Once a week 10. over 1,500 miles


  1. A D B C D

  2. 1) save at least half of the money and enjoy the scene of the sea and the rising sun 2) look after the house , the garden and the pets


  1. C B A D B 2. 1) To take a vacation 2) She went to talk to her husband’s secretary 3) Not to bother them with telegrams and letters about business problem 4) About a week after they had been away 5) No, he couldn’t. Because he would be worrying about what had actually happened to his business







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