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  When asked about a range of specific academic skills, teachers are much more likely to sayentertainment media have hurt rather than helped those skills. The biggest problem forteachers is students’ attention span, with 71% saying entertainment media has hurtstudents. Another key problem is students’ writing skills. Nearly 60% say entertainmentmedia has hurt their writing skills “a lot” or “somewhat”. Many teachers think students spend somuch time with media that they neglect their homework and aren’t prepared in class. Teachersalso say that entertainment media has hurt students in their ability to communicate face toface.



  As the deadlines for midterm papers and postgraduate entrance exams draw closer, seats incampus libraries and classrooms are a scarce commodity.


  Competition for seats is making quite a few students’ heads spin. The Chinese media reportedthat university students in Wuhan even put up tents outside libraries in order to line up forplaces.


  An increasing number of college students are looking for alternatives. They are exploring newfrontiers by turning dining halls, snack bars, cafes, and even meadows into their personalstudies.


  Gong Yuhui, 18, a finance engineering major at the University of International Business andEconomics (UIBE), likes to study at the Sculpting in Time cafe near her campus. Sharing a potof lavender tea and, occasionally, a piece of cake, she and her friends often spend entireafternoons or evenings there.


  “I’m preparing for the Licensing Examination for Security Intermediaries,” the sophomore said. “Reviewing lessons in dorms was so stressful. My roommates went to sleep early, so I had toturn off all the main lights in order not to disturb them. The desk light was dim, and I had tobe careful to avoid making any noise.”


  However, the laid-back atmosphere and soothing music in cafes help her focus. Moreimportantly, she can discuss any questions with her friends.


  “In a library or classroom I have to refrain from asking questions and show considerationtoward others.”


  Besides cafes and cake shops, students often opt to study in the open air.


  Ma Shuangshuang, a freshman at China University of Political Science and Law, reviews herlegal material on the stone benches in the campus’ garden, despite the fact that her attentionmight be distracted by passersby.


  “The campus is located in the Changping suburb of Beijing, where the fresh air and clear skynourish my mind,” said Ma, who sometimes lies on the grass while reading.


  But as the weather grows chillier, she is retreating indoors.


  For all-nighters, fast-food restaurants with a 24-hour service make a sound choice.


  In a well-lit snack bar outside campus, Wu Han, 19, from UIBE, is staring at exotic words onhis iPad. He is brushing up on his Spanish before the midterm exam.


  “I hate classrooms because I am frequently asked to leave whenever students have a class,” saidthe English media major. “They also close before midnight.”


  Campus canteens remain a hotspot for studying. Many like to arrive early in order to occupythe seats by the windows. But Zhang Feng, 19, from Shanghai Normal University, considers thetables and chairs a little messy. “The lighting can be bad for reading,” said Zhang. Thesophomore Japanese major still prefers libraries, where he has more self-discipline due to thesolemn learning environment.


  Administrators are trying to tackle the seating shortage. Jiang Enqiao, a tutor at BeihangUniversity, says colleges are catching up.


  “To cater to the individuality of post-90s students, posh cafes, tea houses and chattingsaloons are being built at universities,” he said. “Classrooms are being equipped with hot waterfountains, and some even with coffee machines.”


  But Jiang also said that studying off campus should not be the norm. “There are safetyconcerns, and it is important to work in an academic environment.”






