


時間: 焯杰674 分享



  In recent years, the number of people who try their best to lose weight has been increased, especially female. However, some people are so desired to be slim that they get some disease. So there is no doubt that it is important to find scientific and functional ways to lose weight. Here are some tips which can be followed.

  First, have an optimistic attitude towards your weight and you should believe that after some efforts you will lose weight. Do not too long for being slim because it is a process and nobody can succeed during one night.

  Second, it is essential to keep on a diet. Going on a diet in a scientific way will do something good for your final goal. For instance, enrich the breakfast and eat less at lunch and dinner. Besides, eating some fruits and more vegetable is helpful.

  Third, do regular exercise. Regular exercise will not only make you healthy but also provide you a good mood. Remember, doing regular exercise is one of the most important tips for losing weight.

  So these are three tips for losing weight and they will do well in losing weight. If you follow them, you can achieve your final goal sooner or later.


  Perhaps because of heredity, I was born to fat. My parents are overweight. Even though I didn’t eat too much, I couldn’t loss my weight.

  Therefore, I was laughed at by my classmates sometimes, which made me self-abased. Therefore, I decided to lose weight after graduating from primary school. For the sake of my health, my parents supported me a lot. They even made a plan for me.

  For example, I must get up six thirty and do some running for about forty minutes. In the afternoon, I went to swim for about half and an hour. This was the only thing I expected. I like swimming. I can’t eat much in lunch and dinner. The food was mainly vegetables. It was so hard, because I liked hamburger, meat, and dessert. I had to say no to them all. Besides, I couldn’t sit down within an hour after a meal.

  Luckily, after two and half months, I lost ten kilograms and I had no discomfort. I felt like I live in a rebirth. My friends were so surprised that I changed so much. The most important is that I became much more confident and healthy.


  In recent years, losing weight has become a hot topic in our life, especially in women's community. However, losing weight has aroused people's attention as many problems has appeared.

  There are many ways in losing weight. Some people lose their weight by persisting in doing exercise regularly. Some people take medicine to cut their weight. Furthermore, some turn to operation for help, especially the young. Therefore, all kinds of product have been sold in the market, such as special medicine, tea and equipment.

  It's understandable for human to pay much attention to their good-look. However, many side effects have come into being when some people are losing weight. For example, some people have lost their weight by taking medicine, but at the same time, their digestion systems have been injured. Thus, we should pay more attention to our physical coordination when we choose the way to cut our weight.

  In my opinion, doing exercise is the best way to lose weight. On the one hand, we can train our bodies by taking exercise and become healthier. On the other hand, our mind will be clearer if we do exercise often.


  dear lily,

  i an sorry to hear that you are ill as a result of going on diet. You shouldn't have eaten so little food. In fact, you'd better do more sports and build up your body. I am writing to tell you what you should do to recover you health.

  Above all, you should have a wholesome diet by eating more vegetables and fruit because they rich in vitamins and fibre. Eat less cheese and chocolate which contains much sugar and fat which will make you fat. In addition, you should exercise regularly and have enough sleep. Don't be too tired. What's more, keeping happy and a balanced diet are as important as sports.

  i look forward to seeing a heathy lily soon.

  yours Li Hua








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