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  1. In fact, there’s an old Chinese saying which goes, “He who hasn’t been to the Great Wall is not a true man.” 實際上,中國有句古諺語說:“不到長城非好漢。”

  2. Opportunity meets the prepared mind, as the old saying goes. 正如俗話所說,機遇只屬于那些有心理準備的人。

  3. Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth. 十九次失敗,到第二十次獲得成功,這就叫堅持。

  4. He tried hard to learn, and to be a good boy, and he succeeded fairly well. 他用心學習,又很聽話,因此一切倒還順利。

  5. Weak men wait for opportunity, but the strong men make it. 弱者等待機會,強者創(chuàng)造機會。

  6. A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. -John Barrymore

  只要一個人還有所追求, 她就沒有老。 ── 約翰·巴里莫爾 (美國藝術家)

  7. To take advantage of them, you can’t let yourself be destroyed by a defeat, or let others set the limits on your ability to achieve. 利用它們, 你就不會被一次失敗擊倒, 也不會讓別人來限制住你成功的能力。

  8. Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. 只有有耐心圓滿完成簡單工作的人才能夠輕而易舉地完成困難的事。

  9. The most important thing in life is to have a beautiful dream and good ways to realize it. 人生最重要的是要有美夢,并有好的方法去實現(xiàn)它。

  10. We must carry on till success in spite of the extremely difficult conditions. 盡管條件極端困難, 我們必須堅持下去, 直到成功。

  11. This belief in equal opportunity has produced a spirit of competition. It’s like a race to the top of the success ladder. 這種機會均等的信念造就了一種競爭的精神, 它就像一場通往成功之梯頂端的比賽一樣。

  12. Success is dangerous. One begins to copy oneself, and to copy oneself is more dangerous than to copy others. It leads to sterility. -Picasso (1881-1973), Spanish artist 成功是危險的。一個成功的人開始模仿自己,而模仿自己比模仿別人更加危險。因為這樣做將毫無結果。 ── 畢加索 (1881-1973), 西班牙畫家

  13. But failure also taught me that life is a road with unpredictable forks and unexpected tomorrows. 但是, 失敗還使我懂得, 生活的道路充滿了無法預測的岔路口和無法預料的明天。

  14. The common idea that success spoils people by making them vain, egotistic, and self-complacent is erroneous; on the contrary, it makes them, for the most part, humble, tolerant, and kind. Failure makes people cruel and bitter. -W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965), British author 人們普遍認為成功使人變得虛榮、自以為是、自滿, 從而毀了他們, 但這種看法是錯誤的;恰恰相反, 成功在很大程度上使人變得謙恭、寬容、善良。失敗則使人變得殘忍、怨憤。 ── W·薩默塞特·莫姆 (1874-1965), 英國作家

  15. Against all the odds she achieved her dream of becoming an actress. 她沖破重重困難,實現(xiàn)了當演員的夢想。

  16. He is too smart not to jump at the chance. 他這個人很精明,不會錯過這個機會的。

  17. I’m not sure if I’ll succeed, but I certainly hope so. 是否成功我沒有把握, 不過我當然希望會成功

  18. I wish you every success. 祝你萬事如意!

  19. He seems to be successful in anything he tries. 他好像不論做什么事都能成功。

  20. Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. 經(jīng)驗告訴我們,成功與其說是由于才能,不如說是由于熱情。

  21. Ambition is to life just what steam is to the locomotive. 抱負之于生活, 恰似蒸汽之于火車頭。

  22. With their advanced features and compact size, portable electronic devices offer consumers freedom, productivity, and organization. 由于本身小巧玲瓏, 又具備種種先進的特點, 便攜式電子設備為消費者帶來了自由, 提高了生產(chǎn)力, 改進了對信息的組織。

  23. However, the ease and speed with which messages can be sent and received has increased and accelerated to such an extent that many people are receiving hundreds of electronic messages of all kinds each day. 但是, 信息發(fā)送與接收的便捷發(fā)展得如此之快, 以至于很多人每天都會收到各種各樣、成百上千的電子郵件。

  24. Just as history has shown that species which fail to adapt die out, businesses will die out if they don’t get to grips with the Internet. 正如歷史所示, 適者生存, 企業(yè)如果不緊跟互聯(lián)網(wǎng)就將退出歷史的舞臺。

  25. Television is different from radio in that it sends and receives pictures. 電視與無線電不同, 電視能播送和接收圖像。

  26. When people master the digital organization, it will greatly simplify and improve both their professional and personal lives. 當人們掌握了這種數(shù)碼管理方法后, 他們的工作與個人生活都會得以極大地簡化并改善。

  27. A new IT high-tech park in Beijing is helping the city keep its promise to be the country’s center of the knowledge-based economy. 一所煥然一新的IT高科技園幫助北京實現(xiàn)了它的諾言:成為全國知識型經(jīng)濟的中心。

  28. Observation is the best teacher. 觀察是最好的老師。

  29. Imagination is more important than knowledge. 想像力比知識更重要。 ── 愛因斯坦

  30. Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. 知識是一座寶庫,而實踐是開啟寶庫的鑰匙。

  31. We can kill two birds with one stone by combining our honeymoon with our business trip. 我們可以把蜜月和出差合在一起,這樣一舉兩得。

  32. Greatly inspired, he made up his mind to read as much as he could, and what’s more, he would study harder than ever before. 他深受鼓舞,決心盡可能多讀書,而且,比以往任何時候都努力學習。

  33. Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. 世界上再也沒有比實實在在的無知和認認真真的愚蠢更危險的了。

  ── 小馬丁·路德·金 (美國社會活動家)

  34. Eat to live, but live to eat. 吃飯是為了生存而不是生存為了吃飯。

  35. To my knowledge, my daughter has never told a lie before. 據(jù)我所知, 我女兒以前從未說過謊。

  36. In the long run, basic knowledge and technological applications go hand in hand—one helps the other. 歸根結蒂, 基礎知識和技術應用是并進的, 相輔相成的。

  37. Reading (and learning) is to the mind what exercise is to the body. 讀書之于思想, 就如運動之于身體。

  38. English is now the international language for airline pilots, scientists, medical experts, businessmen and many others. Consequently, more and more people are learning it. 現(xiàn)在, 對于航空公司飛行員、科學家、醫(yī)學家、商人及許多其他行業(yè)的工作者來說, 英語是一門國際性語言, 因此越來越多的人開始學習英語

  39. Unlike many other widely used languages, English can be correctly used in very simple form with less than one thousand basic words and very few grammatical rules. 與許多其他被廣泛應用的語言不同, 英語僅憑借將近一千個基礎詞匯和很少的語法規(guī)則,就能夠用簡單的形式正確地表達意思。

  40. English will doubtless continue to change and develop as a living language always does. 毫無疑問, 英語將像一種活的語言貫常的變化和發(fā)展一樣繼續(xù)變化和發(fā)展下去。

  41. Another reason for the popularity of English is that English-speaking countries are spread through out the world. 英語流行的另一個原因是說英語的國家遍布世界各地。

  42. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. 天才是百分之一的靈感和百分之九十九的汗水

  43. An estimated 310 million people in Britain, U.S.A., Canada, Australia, South Africa, etc. use English as their mother tongue. 據(jù)統(tǒng)計,在英國、美國、加拿大、澳大利亞和南非等國有三億一千萬人以英語為母語。