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  Compared to the universe our lives are really short just like a meter. But the meaning of life doesn't depend on its length but contributions. For example Marie Curie in order to find the radium she devoted her whole life to the research. Though the radioactive element had shorter her life she never gave up her mind to serve the world. According to her story I conclude that the first meaning of life is contribution. The standard of judging a life isn't how much he asks for but how much he gives away.


  The second meaning of life is struggling for our goals. Each of us has goals such as longing for position hoping for wealth and looking forward to be loved. However the path leading to them isn't filled with roses. But no matter how tough to accomplish our dream we should never say die. If you really want to achieve them please keep diligent and patient just like an English motto goes;“No pains no gains.”


  The third meaning of life is happiness. Not only should we keep happy but also bring enjoyment to others .For example we can have an optimistic attitude which can affect the people in our surroundings. Besides we are supposed to be ready to help others because in this way we can make both us and them happy .I consider it an unchangeable truth that ‘Helping others creates happiness.'


  just want to say the lives for us are limited but we are able to make efforts to make it shine out .Believe it though our lives are rather short we can also make a hit .If we try our best our lives will be meaningful as well.



  Since I go to high school, I have many annoyances. On the one hand, I am under great pressure on my study, I need to take the exams every month, once I am falling behind other students, I will feel that I am not doing well. I always want to be the best, but things can’t go on my way. On the other hand, I don’t want to talk to my parents, if they ask me the questions, I will answer them with few words. I think they won’t understand me, so I am not willing to communicate with my parents. I know I am in the adolescence, my body grows fast, changes happen on me, my emotion is unstable. So I need to learn to adjust myself and get used to these changes. I need to open my heart and have less pressure.



  a shop in portugal is reportedly planning to start selling ice-cream in flavours like shrimp, cod, tuna and grilled sardines when it opens next month.

  a shop in portugal is reportedly planning to start selling special ice-cream in flavours like shrimp, cod, tuna and grilled sardines this month.

  the "coromoto" store in the southern fishing port, located 300 kilometres south of lisbon, will offer a total of 60 exotic flavours alongside traditional options like chocolate and vanilla, its owner manuel oliveira said.

  "anything that you can eat or drink can be transformed into an ice cream," he said, who said he and his daughter would make all the flavoured ice creams without using any chemicals.

  among the other ice creams to be served are several alcohol-based flavours like baileys irish cream, french fruit and herb liquor pisang ambon, and curacao.

  oliveira, 52, said he inherited his passion for ice cream from his father, who earned a place in the guiness book of records for dreaming up the largest number of flavours of the popular dessert.

  his father's shop in the venezuelan city of merida serves over 700 ice cream flavours, including spaghetti, trout and garlic.

  ice cream makers across europe are introducing more and more unusual flavours in order to hold on to their market shares in the face of stagnant sales in recent years.


  choose a dramatic setting for your first date.

  according to the song by paul simon, there are 50 ways to leave your lover. having achieved that, helpful scientists say, there are six ways to find another one.

  they suggest that, for a first date to be a success, you should forget the old-fashioned romantic dinner and head instead for the funfair.

  the excitement of going on a roller coaster - or watching a thriller movie - will apparently boost each other's sex appeal.

  so will playing rock music, sharing a joke and even going for a jog together.

  the six rules are set out in new scientist magazine, based on research from a variety of sources.

  here they are:

  1. choose a dramatic setting for your first date, such as a roller coaster, or go to see a nerve-jangling movie such as fatal attraction.

  2. mirror the other person's gestures, for example by taking a sip of your drink at the same time. research shows that copying the other person helps create a feeling of affinity .

  3. share a joke or engineer a comic situation, such as learning new dance steps while one of you is blindfolded. scientists found an experience that makes you laugh creates a feeling of closeness.

  4. get the soundtrack right. it has long been said that music is the food of love and many people will turn to romantic tunes such as those by marvin gaye or barry white to create the right mood. rock music has also been proved to work.

  5. take exercise together, possibly by playing sport or jogging. this boosts dopamine levels in the brain.

  6. gaze into the other person's eyes. it might be a cliche, but it works.


  why, i pleaded with my mother, did i have to share a room with lind a? i was 12 at the time, and i my mind, at least, my seven?year?old sister was still a child. she went to bed earlier than i did, and the light was turned off at her bedtime, i had to resort to flashlight under the covers if i wanted to r ead.

  secretly, i meditated on the bliss of being an only child with a room all my own . and during that summer, my father seemded to be meditating along the same line s. he was going to night school and wanted a room to study in quietly, apart fro m his noisy family. so he decided to build one.

  for my father, adding a room to the house was not a matter of calling in a contr actor or an architect??it meant getting out hammer and saw, buying some nails, plaster and lumber, and getting to work.

  we children were fascinated with the construction process. my baby brother toddl ed about the back yard with cries of “hammoah, hammoah” as he dragged behind h im a hammer bigger than he was. when the framework went up on the concrete found ation, the room became a forest where we played robin hood.

  all through the summer the room rose like a miniature magic castle. daddy built a bookcase into one wall for his schoolbooks, a large closet, and windows facing out in three directions. how i envied him the luxury of a rrom of his own.

  by christmas, the room was finished ?? paleblue walls, blue curtains shot with gold thread, floor laid, heat and electricity turned on.

  on the last day before christmas vacation, i came home from school and found the bedroom i shared with my sister completely rearranged.

  “okay, linda!” i shouted. “what did you do with my books?” linda smiled her smug i?know?something?you?don't?know smile and led me down the hall. my par ents were standing in the new room. “surprise!” they cried. all my things had been arranged in a new maple bedroom suite. my clothes hung in the closet; my bo oks lined the built?in bookshelf. i was overwhelmed.

  “daddy knew?you needed your own room,” my mother said. “so he decided you sh ould have this one.”

  that night, tucked up in my very own bedroom and staring out the window at the s uddenly mysterious and alien backyard in the darkness, i experienced a strange e motion. i was lonely. i missed my sister's sleepy mumbles. “if you don't turn t hat flashlight off, i'm telling mom” had somehow become a missed comfort rather than an annoying threat. i tiptoed to linda's room. she was still awake. togeth er, we tiptoed back to the new room, turned off the lights and huddled under the covers giggling. we told each other ghost stories, each begging the other halfw ay through to stop. beyond the long windows, moonligh sifted through the branche s of the maple tree.

  “i'm glad you're back here,” linda said.

  i was touched. “really?”

  “uh?huh. because now i've finally got a room of my own.”


  “為什么我一定要和琳達(dá)同住一間屋子呢?”十二歲那年,我這樣問過母親。至少在我看來,我那才七歲的妹妹還是小孩子。妹妹晚上比我睡得早,而她上床 就得關(guān)燈,如果我還想看書話就只得借助手電筒子,而且還得藏在被窩里。

  ? 我悄悄夢想:要是我是家里唯一的小孩,能夠擁有完全屬于我自己的一個(gè)房間,那該多好啊 !那個(gè)暑假,父親似乎也在盤算同樣的事兒——他在上夜校,也想有一間屋子清清靜靜地學(xué) 習(xí),躲開一大家子人的喧鬧。因此,父親決定加蓋一間屋子。

  ? 對父親來講,給原來的房子加蓋一個(gè)房間用不著請個(gè)建筑商或者設(shè)計(jì)師什么的,而是找出榔 頭、鋸子,買些釘子,灰泥和木板,自己動(dòng)手。? 我們小孩對房子的建筑過程著了迷。剛學(xué)會(huì)走路的弟弟拖著一把比他自己還大的榔頭在后院 里一搖一晃地走來走去,一邊口齒不清地叫嚷“錘錘,錘錘。”房子的框加架在混凝土地地 基上建立起來后,那間屋子就成了我們玩捉“羅賓漢”游戲的森林。

  ? 整個(gè)暑假,屋子就像魔法師手中的微縮城堡一樣,日漸成形。爸爸在一面墻上做了一個(gè)書架 ,用來放在他讀夜校時(shí)要用的書;還在這面墻上做了一個(gè)大大的壁櫥。另外三面墻都開了窗 。我好羨慕他,擁有屬于他自己的房間,太奢侈了!? 到圣誕節(jié)時(shí),房子完工了。淺藍(lán)色的墻壁,緩有金絲線的藍(lán)色窗簾,鋪了地板,裝了暖氣, 安了電燈。

  ? 臨放圣誕假的前一天,放學(xué)回到家,我發(fā)現(xiàn)我和妹妹同住的臥室徹底變了個(gè)樣。

  ? “好哇,琳達(dá)!”我大叫,“你把我的書怎么了?”琳達(dá)笑得神秘兮兮地,好像她知道一些我 不知道的事。她把我拖下樓,來到客廳。爸媽站在新房子里,“大吃一驚吧!”他們朝我大 聲說道。我的所有東西都被安放在了一套嶄新的楓木臥室家具里。衣服掛在壁櫥里,書擺放 在壁架上。我激動(dòng)不已。

  ? “爸爸知道你需要有自己的房間,”媽媽說,“因此他決定你該住這間。”

  ? 那晚,蜷縮在我自己的獨(dú)有的臥室里,凝望窗外,黑暗中,突然覺得后院變得陌生而神秘起 來。我體驗(yàn)著一種很奇怪的感覺,我覺得孤獨(dú)。我想念妹妹睡夢中的呢喃。“你再不關(guān)手電 我就告訴媽咪了”也不再是讓我頭疼的威脅,反而成了令我懷念的慰藉。我踮著腳尖走進(jìn)琳 達(dá)的房間,原來她也沒有睡著。我們一起躡手躡腳地回到新屋,關(guān)掉燈,擠在被窩里咯咯地 笑成一團(tuán),我們互相講鬼故事,講到一半又嚇得彼此告饒,不敢再聽了。月光透過長長的窗 戶,濾過窗外楓樹的技葉,靜靜地瀉進(jìn)屋子里。

  ? “我很高興你住在這兒,”琳達(dá)說。

  ? 我很感動(dòng),“真的?”

  ? “唔,因?yàn)楝F(xiàn)在我總算有我自己的房間。”?



在經(jīng)歷了人生中的大事之后,人會(huì)一下子成長起來,寫出來的文章風(fēng)格可能會(huì)發(fā)生很大的變化。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的高考英文寫作,供大家參閱! 高考英文寫作:生命的意義 Compared to the universe our lives are really short just