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  In the above picture,

  a collection of job-seekers with highacademic degrees swarm to an employer,

  only to be told that technicians alone arein demand.

  What is reflected in the picture is anemerging phenomenon—the gap

  between supply and demand of the jobmarket.

  A recent survey indicates that jobs suchas service and sales account for

  a percentage as large as 80%,

  while young men show little interest in these “blue-collar” occupations.

  In contrast,

  the majority of students strive to be engaged in “white-collar” professions,

  fields offering insufficient job opportunities.

  At the same time, students are liable to insulate themselves from the society,

  thus unable to put into practice what they have learned from the books.

  As a result, when students graduate,

  they get a diploma but little experience and capacity, which, however,

  are valued by the employers.

  In my view,

  the solution relies largely on the joint efforts of school authorities and studentsthemselves.

  On the one hand, schools should provide guidance for students,

  encouraging them to incorporate book learning into practical skills.

  On the other hand,

  it is advisable for students to come down to earth and accumulate experience

  related to their future job. Only in this way,

  can they better adapt to the society and find a suitable position in it.


  At first sight, the cartoon is notuncommon:

  a man is spraying insecticide on a massof pests

  to prevent them from spreading diseases.

  But on reflection,

  we can realize it actually serves as ananalogy to a phenomenon

  that has aroused our social concerns.

  Like these pests, product safety, especiallyfood safety,

  pose a grave threat to the public interest.

  Now, some money-oriented businessmen resort to illegal means

  in order to extract more profits from consumers.

  They betray their conscience by injecting water into pork,

  adding harmful substance to milk or applying too much agricultural chemical tocrops.

  Many consumers develop severe illnesses which result from eating tainted food.

  In light of the seriousness of the problem,

  we must spare no effort to launch a campaign against this phenomenon.

  First of all, it is most important that a wide-ranging surveillance system be built

  to guarantee the quality and safety of products.

  Moreover, laws and regulations concerned should be made

  to punish the selfishness and irresponsibility.

  Last but not least, it is necessary for consumers to be well-informed of thepotential harm

  brought by certain problematic products.

  With our concerted efforts, I am convinced these “pests” will eventually goextinct.


  As is vividly portrayed in the abovedrawing,

  two men, representing the countrysideand the cities respectively,

  stride forward hand in hand. This drawingconveys a clear message that

  the urban and rural areas should put ahigh premium on the common development.

  Looking back on the past,

  nobody can deny the fact that the boomin cities can be attributed,

  to a large extent, to labor-intensive industries,

  which owe much to migrant workers in turn.

  From a different perspective, many farmers swarm into the cities,

  where they can get more job opportunities and better education,

  with the aim to improve their living standard.

  All in all, both farmers and city residents benefit from the common development.

  Nevertheless, we should not turn a blind eye to the uniqueness of both areas.

  It is true that people in cities enjoy more chances,

  better pay and more convenient transportation, but meanwhile,

  they are rather harassed by such problems as higher living costs,

  pollution and traffic jams.

  In contrast, people in rural areas have better environment to live in,

  with fresh air to breathe and clean water to drink.

  Yet, prompt medical services and good education may not be available.

  Therefore, drawing on each other's strong points for common progress

  will help dwellers in both areas better enjoy the advantages while easing concerns

  caused by the disadvantages.

  Only in this way, will the country's future prosperity be guaranteed.


  What a revealing picture it is!

  In the picture, a finger tries in vain toknock over a tumbler.

  The words on the tumbler read “unfairregulations”,

  while those on the finger “public”.

  Why do these unfair terms imposed onconsumers remain intact,

  in spite of the latter's repeated endeavorto sweep them away?

  From my point of view, a number of factors are responsible for the phenomenon.

  For one thing, some giant monopolistic industries often abuse their dominantposition

  to take advantage of consumers, who have no choice but to accept those unfairdeals.

  For another, government fails to deter this problem due to its weak surveillancesystem,

  which practically overprotects local enterprises for the sake of profits.

  It is not a tough problem to tackle as long as we find its root.

  In the first place,

  anti-monopoly laws should be issued and enacted to ensure the consumers'interest.

  Secondly, it is imperative for the government at all levels to enhance supervisionand

  tighten restriction of the suppliers.

  As a result, these unfair terms are bound to disappear sooner or later


考研中,英語寫作方面,可能會出現(xiàn)很多容易考到的作文。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的考研英語易考范文背誦,供大家參閱! 考研英語易考范文背誦篇1 In the above picture, a collection of job-seekers with highacademic degrees swarm