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  描寫人物的大學(xué)英語作文:Franklin Roosevelt

  A Person I Admire——Franklin Roosevelt

  Times need heroes, and heroes stand out. Franklin Roose velt is just a hero of the times. Well known for his unprecedented 13 years as the President of U. S. , he is regarded as a savior of America. However, it is not his brilliant achievements that attract me. What I really admire are some qualities shining in his whole life such as fortitude, courage and also his amiability.

  His early time, I mean before his forties, was smooth. He was born rich and had a happy marriage. After graduating from Harvard, he served in the Navy. At that time, he had already shown his remarkable leadership and since his uncle was a President, he would surely enter the political arena. But everything changed when he was 39. Healthy and strong as he was, he was attacked by polio after swimming, which caused the life long de formity in his legs. It was extremely hard for this ambitious man to face the misfortune. He was, of course, in a bad mood and wanted to give up all his dreams at first. Then, after careful thinking, he finally decided to bestir himself. He was not a man

  easy to surrender. Again he took part in political activities and,at the same time, practiced standing up and then walking with a stick. Eventually this brave man won the battle against fate. He became the only disabled President in American history and unprecedentedly served four terms. All should be attributed to his fortitude.

  "The only thing we fear is fear itself." This famous saying now has spread all over the world and encouraged lots of people.Roosevelt first said it, and as a great leader, he made all his people believe it. He practiced what he preached for he was surely a courageous person challenging the tradition. He formulated new policies to help his nation out of the Depression. He declared war against Fascists though most of the Congressmen opposed him at that time. All proved that he was right for his courage was not rash but based on careful thinking. "A leader is one who dares to dream, and then, dares to achieve."

  He was great, but not great in appearance. He looked like a kind grandpa at the first sight. He initiated the fireside chat to express his ideas and explain his policies in a relaxed atmosphere on radio. He always smiled sincerely when speaking and listening. These didn't lower his prestige but made him amiable and welcome.

  He is surely not a perfect man no one can be perfect.Every age has its hero in the forefront, just like Franklin Roosevelt a man I admire.

  簡 評


  本文還引用了羅斯福總統(tǒng)的名言,如“The only thing we fear is fear itself.”’“A leader is one who dares tO dream,and then,dares toachieve.”等,增加了文章的說服力。

  但文章仍需在以下幾個(gè)方面有所改進(jìn):一、段落之間缺少承上啟下的自然銜接(transition),意義的轉(zhuǎn)折顯得生硬,比較突然。恰當(dāng)?shù)剡\(yùn)用銜接手段可以將幾個(gè)段落有機(jī)地結(jié)合成一個(gè)整體。二、段首最好能有依據(jù)概括大意,點(diǎn)明中心的主題句(topic sentence),使讀者對每一段的內(nèi)容一目了然。三、第二段對羅斯福生平的介紹稍稍過長,破壞了文章整體的結(jié)構(gòu)平衡,不妨將一些與主題無關(guān)的句子刪去,效果會(huì)更好。


  描寫人物的大學(xué)英語作文:Helen Keller

  How would I gather up the courage to keep on living if I were doomed to spend my life in the completely soundless darkness? Helen Keller, a distinguished American author, gave this question a perfect answer by writing her glamorous legend that won her profound respect and great admiration throughout the world. Despite the physical handicaps, she lived her life to the full instead of crying, "Jesus, life is unfair!" Apparently, destiny worked no magic on her. Then where did she derive the strength to overcome the seemingly unconquerable difficulties while the able bodied often feel lost in despair when they are frustrated?

  A calamitous disaster deprived Keller of many things we take for granted. She was totally cut off from the visible world and yearned for only three days to see. Though it seemed to be the wildest dream beyond fulfillment, she did see what we, born with sight, fail to see. Her love of life brought her bright eyes and sharp ears to appreciate the grandest beauty of nature and the sweetest whispers of the breeze. She took pleasure in every second. She lived with a heart filled with gratitude willing to digout the hidden truth of life. Entitled to sight and hearing, we usually abuse the faculties rather than cherish them as a precious gift. With that, we've missed the essence of life that lies around us in simple forms.

  Keller's striking optimism might be her secret of success,but what made her achieve the impossible is that she lived where as we exist. People hardly recognize the value of something till it's lost. What if we were to lose our sight the next moment?

  簡 評


  作者語言功底雄厚,用詞精練地道,表達(dá)恰如其分,宛如行云流水,最后的點(diǎn)題如畫龍點(diǎn)睛,幾乎無可挑剔:“Keller's striking optimism might be her secret Of success,but what made her achieve the impossible is that she lived whereas weexist.”全文猶如一塊無瑕的美玉,讓人愛不釋手。從文章背后,不知讀者是否能看到作者那顆玲瓏剔透的心?


  描寫人物的大學(xué)英語作文:A Singers Death

  October 18th, 2002, a sad day to most fans, for their idol Luo Wen left them forever. It's really bad news to the HK music circles, as well as to me.

  Luo Wen, in my mind, was always strict with himself in his singing career. His early song were all vigorous and inspiring,partly for the special social environment at that time. Later, as the idol singers came up one after another, the old songs were not fit for the young fans, so he tried to change his style. And these years, he began to help some new singers to improve their skills. His songs were so influential that the HK Minister of Finance even used one to encourage all the citizens to work hard to gether and overcome the difficulty bravely.

  Unfortunately, about two years ago, the news that he got cancer flew into our ears. However, he still went on singing and teaching. He had been struggling with the disease until the last minute. As the newspapers reported, he didn't close his eyes when he died. Someone said it was because he had a wish unfulfilled. He had hoped to give the last performance in HK in September, but his illness prevented him from doing that. It may be the biggest regret in his life. It's also said that he only weighed 32 kilograms at the end of his life. You can't imagine how much he had suffered from the disease. But every time we saw him in public, he was wearing a smile.

  The next day, many newspapers reported his death and simultaneously praised him for his contribution to the HK music circles and his spirit of struggling against the disease. He set a good

  example for those young people who don't value their lives.

  簡 評




  此外,文中還有幾處表達(dá)顯得生硬,如第三段中the news that he got cancer flew into our ears不符合英語的表達(dá)習(xí)慣,可改為word came that he had cancer。還有his illness prevented him from doing that,最好改為he was too weak to do that。







