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  拒絕加班 九大方法助你提高工作效率

  Have too many things to do in too little time? Well, this information on how you can boostproductivity every day will certainly help. It focuses on to-do lists and making sure you actuallycomplete items on the list.

  你是否經(jīng)常有很多的事情要在很短的時(shí)間內(nèi)完成? 那么,下面的信息將教你如何提高每天的工作效率。這篇文章重點(diǎn)關(guān)注待辦事項(xiàng),和如何確保你實(shí)際都完成所有待辦事項(xiàng)了。

  If you aren’t already using to-do lists, you really should be -they are one of the mosteffective methods of time organization out there and can really help you organize what youneed to do and actually track that it gets done.


  As someone who has a hard time staying productive, I find this chart incredibly useful,especially the part about doing the hardest task first, which I don’t usually do on my to-do lists-although I’m great at knocking off the small tasks and batching things.


  1. Listing

  1. 列清單

  It all begins with listing. If you don’t have a list, create one. If you have a rough list fromthe night before, the first thing to do when you sit at your desk is to sharpen the list, addingany last minute items.


  2. Worst First

  2. 從最糟糕的開始

  We often have one item on the list that is hanging over our head and just doesn’t seem likeit will get taken care of. Step up to the plate and knock this out. The rest of the day is downhillfrom there.


  3. Just do it

  3. 說做就做

  Use those small items to help you feel more productive. They are quick and often veryeasy. Complete and get the big marker out to cross them off the list.


  4. Make things enjoyable

  4. 讓事情變成享受

  Reward yourself with occasional breaks, music you enjoy, or even a snack. Life is short.Enjoy your work.


  5. Pack Times

  5. 擠時(shí)間

  Identify the time you know are most productive (3pm coffee hour?) and set aside sometasks for this time. When this time rolls around, close your cubical door so that it is just youand your work.


  6. Batching

  6. 批量工作

  Cluster your emailing sessions and your phone call sessions. Short for 3-4 batches a day.This will help keep short emails and phone calls from distracting you.


  7. Specialize


  Focus on one single task at a time. Distractions and multitasking eat up your time.Consistently completing and crossing off tasks is encouraging and satisfying.


  8.Optimize and reflect


  a. As you get to the end of the day, think back on the day, identify your peak times, themost wasteful tasks and seek to keep from repeating these tasks tomorrow.


  b. Might you have been able to more efficiently complete a task? Taking the time to make amental note of what you can do better the next time will put you on the road to continuousimprovement.

  可能你已經(jīng)能夠更高效地完成一項(xiàng)任務(wù)? 花些時(shí)間寫個(gè)心得,關(guān)于你下次在哪里可以做得更好,這個(gè)可以幫助你持續(xù)地進(jìn)步。

  9. Re-list


  a. At times you will not complete everything you had on your list. This is okay, add them totomorrows list with a star so that they do not get rolled over a second day.


  b. By the day’s end you will have a rough idea of items you need to do tomorrow. Goahead and list them. Tomorrow when you start fresh, you will be less likely to have missed anre-list.



  工作再忙也要健康 白領(lǐng)健身小貼士

  An early morning workout may burn more calories, and improve your body's performance capabilities, but let's face it, some of us would rather sleep in and hit the gym after work. That's OK; evening workouts have their perks.


  If you'd much rather exercise after you've clocked your eight hours at work, here are some tips to make evening workouts a priority.


  Avoid an Afternoon Slump — Eating a big, greasy meal for lunch and then treating yourself to unhealthy snacks throughout the afternoon is one of the best ways to kibosh an early evening workout session. Refined carbs and sugar will take a toll on energy levels, so be sure to eat a healthy lunch that includes a good mix of lean protein, veggies, complex carbs, and healthy fats. This will help keep you feeling full and energized without giving you that lethargic feeling.


  Pack Your Gym Bag Before Bed — If you're not a morning person to begin with, finding time to get your gym items together may cut into what little time you have to shower or eat. Before you go to bed, get your gym bag put together and set it right at the door. Doing this will make sure you include all of your essential gym items, and you won't forget to grab it as you're leaving.


  Happy Hour Can Wait — You take your gym bag with you to work, but then Sally in the next cubicle reminds you that it's Greg's birthday and everyone is going to happy hour to celebrate. You may think that this is the perfect excuse to get out of your date with the treadmill, but happy hour can wait — and besides, you can squeeze in a quick workout and make it to Greg's birthday bash.


  Sign Up For Classes With a Co-Worker — Not only does signing up for classes help keep you accountable for your after-work gym sessions, but going to them with a co-worker also leaves little room for excuses! If you buddy up with someone from work, you'll be less likely to skip out on trips from the office to the gym. And really, who doesn't like a gym buddy?



  職場(chǎng)人士注意 鼠標(biāo)鍵盤可造成慢性疾病

  It's not just the most physically demanding jobs that can lead to serious injuries. Workingwith a seemingly harmless mouse and keyboard can cause chronic injuries just as easily ashauling a load of cement. In fact, repetitive strain injuries such as carpal tunnel affecthundreds of thousands of American workers a year, and lead to tens of billions of dollarsannually in workers comp claims, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)。


  Nelson Liu, a certified acupuncturist in Los Angeles, sees many of these disorders in hispatients. "People who sit at desks and work on computers come to me with chronic pain in theshoulders, wrist, neck, and eyes, and they often result from the small, repetitive motions theydo on the job every day," Liu tells Yahoo! HotJobs。

  Nelson Liu是洛杉磯的一位針灸師,他經(jīng)常能在自己的病人中見到類似的問題。他說,“坐在桌子前從事電腦相關(guān)工作的人通常會(huì)在肩部、手腕、脖子和眼睛產(chǎn)生一些慢性病痛,通常都?xì)w咎于他們?nèi)粘9ぷ髦薪?jīng)常重復(fù)的小動(dòng)作。”

  Common Injury Causes


  The top culprits of what experts call repetitive strain disorders include:


  Sitting in an unnatural posture for a long time。


  Not allowing recovery time。


  Shallow breathing。


  Repetitive motions, such as using the phone, typing with bent wrists and using a mouse。


  Using force or pressure, such as pinching pens, gripping the mouse too hard, orpounding the keyboard。


  Even emotional stress can lead to strain and pain. "People are particularly stressed outright now, and often emotional stress turns to physical stress, which turns to worse posture,which turns to pain, which turns to more stress," says Wendy Young, a certified ergonomist inHouston and author of the e-book, getinsideyourcomfortzone.com。

  甚至心理壓力也能導(dǎo)致壓迫和疼痛。Wendy Young是一位工作學(xué)學(xué)者,他說,“現(xiàn)在的人們壓力太大了,心理壓力經(jīng)常轉(zhuǎn)化為生理上的壓力,這會(huì)導(dǎo)致人們采用更糟糕的工作姿勢(shì),進(jìn)而引起疼痛,又轉(zhuǎn)化為更大的壓力。”





