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  經(jīng)典美文可以陶冶情操,豐富想象,還可以培養(yǎng)學(xué)生對語言文字的興趣,有益于培養(yǎng)他們的語文素養(yǎng)。以經(jīng)典美文誦讀作為突破口,破解當(dāng)今學(xué)生 讀書苦,苦讀書 的現(xiàn)狀,在教學(xué)中走出了一條開滿鮮花的快樂閱讀之路。小編精心收集了有關(guān)于保護(hù)環(huán)境的美文,供大家欣賞學(xué)習(xí)!


  World powers are aligned and change is possible

  In 1992, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change rightly called for a stabilisation of greenhouse gas concentrations at a level that would prevent dangerous climate change. The UN Climate talks that have just begun in Paris can and should underpin the decarbonisation of the global economy needed to meet that goal.


  Signatories to the convention have agreed to limit global warming to no more than 2C, or 1.5C if the emerging science justifies it. To have a two-thirds probability of meeting the 2C target, total CO emissions between 2011 and 2100 have to be less than 950bn tons. Emissions from energy need to fall from about 35bn tons this year to 10-15bn tons by 2050, and to zero by about 2070.


  Such decarbonisation is achievable with current technologies. The cost will be modest assuming significant technological improvements that are within reach, through a combination of targeted research and learning by doing.


  A global collaboration of energy research teams has identified the steps that need to be taken by 16 countries that are major emitters. The proposals all involve better energy efficiency, through smart buildings, power grids and transport. They rely on low-carbon power, such as wind, solar, nuclear, geothermal or hydroelectric. They entail eliminating carbon-based fuels: vehicles and planes must switch to electricity, hydrogen fuel cells or advanced biofuels; industry must swap heating oil for electricity and fuel cells.


  As for the technology, one priority is improved batteries for home appliances, electric vehicles and electricity grids. Another is carbon capture, and a way to use carbon dioxide to make synthetic fuels using renewable energy. A third is “smart” electricity grids, based on metering and feedback. Finally, publicly accepted nuclear power.


  An agreement is needed to prevent countries from freeriding on the efforts of others, to facilitate co-operation on technology and to provide public goods such as climate financing for poor countries. Yet the multilateral system has failed repeatedly; success is not assured.


  The UN convention required rich countries to move first, but until now the US Senate has insisted that China move together with America. Last year China agreed, even committing to provide climate finance for poor countries. For the first time since 1992, the US, China and the EU are aligned.


  Leaders must reaffirm the 2C limit in Paris, and check every five years whether a tougher one is needed. They should commit to decarbonisation this century and explain by 2018 how they intend to pursue it to 2050. Major economies must spend more on research and development, and say how they will pay for at least 0bn a year in additional climate financing for low-income countries by 2020. The deal they strike should be reviewed every five years.


  For years, sceptics have attacked climate science. Now they attack the Paris conference itself — wrongly alleging that the needed technologies do not yet exist or arguing, illogically, that climate change is a low priority or that adaptation is better than prevention. They quibble absurdly with specific reduction pledges made in advance of Paris, pretending that these would be the final word until the end of this century.


  This is word play, not serious analysis of what can be done, should be done and may well emerge from Paris. The governments there will pay little attention to such scepticism.



  This is Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Steve Mirsky.

  Got a minute?

  Only about 23 percent of the world's land area is still what you'd call wilderness—where indigenous people, wildlife, plants and microbes get a chance to live with little or no disturbance from large human populations. But even that current figure of 23 percent is down by a tenth in just the last couple of decades. Which translates into an area the size of Alaska being converted away from wilderness since the 1990s. That's according to a study in the journal Current Biology that was also announced at the just completed Honolulu meeting of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

  The research found that the regions that suffered the biggest wilderness losses were South America and Central Africa. South America lost almost a third of its wilderness while Africa's is down about 14 percent.

  James Watson is the lead author of the study. He's with the Wildlife Conservation Society and the University of Queensland—he's no relation to the more famous DNA double helix James Watson.

  In the journal article he and his colleagues write: "The continued loss of wilderness areas is a globally significant problem with largely irreversible outcomes for both humans and nature: if these trends continue, there could be no globally significant wilderness areas left in less than a century. Proactively protecting the world's last wilderness areas is a cost-effective conservation investment and our best prospect for ensuring that intact ecosystems and large-scale ecological and evolutionary processes persist for the benefit of future generations." And future generations includes both the organisms in the remaining wilderness—and us.

  Thanks for listening for Scientific American — 60-Second Science Science. I'm Steve Mirsky.


  I have no idea where he is.


  Not sure where to go. How are you doing back there?


  Ice bear needs oxygen.


  Let's surface.


  Okay, you go search towards the kitchen, and I'll look around here.


  Oh, his phone.It's still warm.Hey, get me out of here!Help me. - Panpan! Help me.

  噢,他的手機(jī)。手機(jī)還是溫的。喂,救我出去!救救我。- 胖胖!救救我。

  Grizz, stop, I'm stuck.


  Leave me. It's too late.


  No, never.I'm not leaving.


  I just got to dig to...Hey, are you guys all right?


  Ice bear is a survivor. Hero.


  You know, guys, the whole point of tote bags is to reuse and conserve for the environment.


  You only need, like, one or two...six if you're pretentious about it.


  I understand now. - We're sorry about the mess.But what do we do to get rid of all our totes?

  我現(xiàn)在明白了。- 對于造成的后果我們很抱歉。但是我們要拿這些環(huán)保袋怎么辦?

  Ice bear has buyer's remorse.


  Let me help you with that, little fella.


  Wow, look.


  It's the first tote we ever got.


  Oh, yeah, from the hip-looking cashier.


  Wait a minute.These babies are limited wildlife edition.


  Some of the money is given to help local beavers build their dams.


  I have an idea!


  This is one of the best ideas you've ever had, panpan.


  Mother nature would be proud.


  Tote life?


  Tote life. - Tote life.

  環(huán)保袋生活。- 環(huán)保袋生活。





