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  Two months ago a new client entered my office for her first coaching session. “All I want is to feel happy,” she said. “I'm miserable and I focus on that misery all day long.”

  It seemed like a fairly simple request, so we went to work。



  Week after week I witnessed the smile on my client's face becoming more consistent, more authentic. Soon she began talking about the laughter and pleasant activities that now fill her days. So I asked whether she thought that we had achieved her happiness goal. I was surprised when she said “no.”


  What I learned is that this vibrant woman believed that inorder to characterize herself as happy she could never feel sad. To her,sadness and other unpleasant feelings are not allowed in the life of someonewho defines themselves as a happy person. But that is not what the humanexperience is actually about。


  If we don't allow a natural progression of the resulting unpleasant feelings we will never fully experience and embrace the joy in life. That's right; where there is black, there is white, it's just how nature works. There are two complementary forces that make up all aspects of life and we must allow and accept their balance。


  This is the understanding that my client was missing。


  And it begs the question: Happiness--what is it, really?


  In simplest form, happiness is a state of being. Sure, our circumstances influence the level of happiness we can access, but happiness is within us, not around us. We all have it, but we each define it differently and have varying expectations of ourselves and our own abilities to be happy. And that is what causes the confusion。


  It's perfectly OK to have moments or days of feeling bad,rather than good. When we resist the feelings that we categorize as unpleasant,it simply causes more resistance, leading to greater unhappiness. Let's debunkthe happiness myth. These steps might just help you develop a healthy--and,dare I say, happy--life balance。


  1. Build a solid foundation。打好基礎(chǔ)。

  Martin Seligman is one of the leading researchers in positive psychology and author of Authentic Happiness. Seligman describes happiness as having three parts: pleasure, engagement, and meaning. Pleasure is the “feel good” part of happiness. Engagement refers to living a “good life” of work, family, friends, and hobbies. Meaning refers to using our strengths to contribute to a larger purpose. Seligman says that all three are important, but that of the three, engagement and meaning make the most difference to living a happy life。


  Revisit your relationships. Are they satisfactory? Do you have a good support network in place? If not, work on building it up. When you hit a bump in the road having supportive people around you will make a world of difference。


  Also, review how you contribute to a larger purpose. Focusing on something bigger than you are helps to keep things in perspective。


  2. Set realistic expectations。設(shè)定切合自我實(shí)際的目標(biāo)。

  You are human. Forcing or faking happiness leads to misery and conflict. Even if you create your happiness foundation and achieve a state of general well-being, you will have your ups and downs. It's how you deal with those fluctuations that matters. Condemnation and negativity will jeopardize your state of balance. Get real. Eliminate the pressure and you will bounce back more quickly。


  3. Allow your feelings, rather than resisting them。遵從真實(shí)感受,而不是抵制它們。

  There are days when you will wake up feeling unhappy.Whether you fully understand it or not, it's important to accept that thishappens. Be patient with yourself. Don't complain, but do indulge in a little timeto examine your feelings without criticism. Rather than, “I hate when Ifeel like this,” try “It's interesting that I have thesefeelings.” Be OK with it and examine the feelings for a little while ifthey merit  your attention. If not, simply turn yourfocus to your larger purpose to prevent yourself from dwelling on somethingthat isn't dwell-worthy。

  總有當(dāng)你醒來感覺不快的幾天。無論你是否完全理解,重要的是要接受這種情況的發(fā)生。對(duì)自己有耐心。不要抱怨,而是要不帶批判性的檢查自己的情緒。不是“我討厭當(dāng)我有這種感覺的時(shí)候”,而是試著想想“有這種感覺很奇妙。” 對(duì)這些情緒保持淡定,如果這種情緒值得關(guān)注,檢查它;如果沒有,把你的關(guān)注點(diǎn)放在更大的目標(biāo)上,來防止你關(guān)注不必要的東西。

  4. Be ready for change。為改變做好準(zhǔn)備。

  Ups and downs are normal, but if you find yourself in what feels like a constant state of unhappiness it's important to listen to what your body and mind are telling you. Life has a funny way of tapping us on the shoulder when we need to create change. If you don't pay attention to the gentle tapping, you may be surprised by a less gentle reminder--or series of them。


  Either way, your subconscious mind will get your attention to suggest, or force, change. So make it easy on yourself and pay attention to the gentle tap. What is the cause of your unhappiness? Find someone who can help you sort through it, and embrace the change that lies ahead. You are on your way。



摘錄:如果我們不允許一個(gè)不愉快情緒的自然的產(chǎn)生,我們就無法體驗(yàn)和擁抱生活的樂趣。正是這樣;當(dāng)有黑暗的地方就有光明,這才是自然的。生活的各個(gè)方面都有兩個(gè)互補(bǔ)的力量,我們必須允許和接受它們的平衡。 哲理文章:四招帶你體會(huì)幸福


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