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時間: 楚欣650 分享



  A Tortoise and Scorpion had contracted a great intimacy, and bound themselves with such tiesof friendship, that the one could not live without the other.

  One day these inseparable companions, finding themselves obliged to change their habitation,traveled together; but in their meeting with a large and deep river, the Scorpion making a stop,said to the Tortoise:



  “My dear friend, you are well provided for what we see before us, but how shall I get over thiswater?”



  “Never trouble yourself, my dear friend, for that,”replied the Tortoise,“I will carry you upon myback secure from all danger.”


  On this, the Scorpion, without hesitation, got upon the back of the Tortoise, who immediatelytook water and began to swim. But he had hardly got half way across the river, when he hearda terrible rumbling upon his back; which made him ask the Scorpion what he was doing.


  “Doing!”replied the Scorpion,“why, I am whetting my sting, to try whether I can bore thishorny cuirass of yours, that covers yours flesh like a shield, from all injuries.”


  “Oh, ungrateful wretch,”cried the Tortoise,“wouldst thou, at a time when I am giving thee sucha demonstration of my friendship, wouldst thou at such a time, pierce with thy venomoussting, the defense that Nature has given me, and take away my life? It is well, however, I haveit in my power both to save myself and reward thee as thou deservest. ”


  So saying, he sunk his back to some depth under water, threw off the Scorpion, and left him topay with his life for his monstrous ingratitude.



  Once there was a fox who lived in a jungle He always Went to look for food in a village that wasnot far from where he lived One day, the fox went to a village near the jungle.


  There he met a dog who was guarding his master's house. "How are you, mV friend?" asked thefox. "I'm fine, thank You," said the dog. "Why do you sit here?

  它碰見 了一只看門狗.“你好嗎,朋友7”狐貍問。 “我很好,謝謝。¨狗回應(yīng)道。“你為什么呆在這兒呢?

  Let's go and look for some food, "said the fox. The dog felt that all this while his master hadnot given him enough food to eat. "Where shall we go?" asked the dog.

  走吧,我們一起去找好吃的吧。狐貍說狗覺得可以,因為它在主人家連飯都吃不飽。 狗問道:“那我們該去哪兒呢,

  "Let's go and eat some chickens and ducks, "answered the fox. The dog was very happy tohear the fox's answer. He told the fox he preferred a chicken. "You can have that, but you musthelp me, " said the fox. "


  AII right, "replied the dog. The fox took the dog to a farm not far from there. The dog was veryeager to eat the chicken. "We can't go into the farm now," said the fox. "

  狗回答道。于是狐貍帶著狗到了不遠處的一個農(nóng)場里。猗非常急切地想 屹雞。“我們現(xiàn)在還不能進去,¨狐貍說,

  We must wait until it is dark. At night the farmer won't be able to see us "All right, " said thedog. That night, the fox and the dog entered the farm.

  “我們得等天黑了才能摸進 去,晚上我們就不會被農(nóng)夫發(fā)現(xiàn)了。" “那好的。”狗說到了晚上,狐貍和狗偷偷地潛入農(nóng)場里。

  The dog was worried about being caught by the farmer. "Don't worry. I have stolen tenchickens before and I have never been caught, "said the fox."That was before, "Said the dog.

  狗心里忐忑不安, 非常擔心被農(nóng)夫抓個正著。¨別擔心。我曾偷過他們的十多只雞,從來沒被抓住過。”狐 貍說。 ¨那是以前的事,¨狗說,¨如果碰巧今晚被人發(fā)現(xiàn)怎么辦?¨

  "What will happen if the farmer sees us tonight? ""lf the farmer sees us, we'1l run away quickly, "said the fox. "How will I run“ he asked "I'm not Use to this place."


  "You just have to run into the Jungle," replied the fox. "The farmer won’t chase are you in thejungle." "All right. I’ll do that," said the dog.

  ¨往森林里跑就行啦!¨狐貍回答道,¨農(nóng)場主不會到森林粵追 你的。"好吧,就聽你的。¨狗說。

  At last they reached the chicken coop. They were quite unlucky that night. The fox and the dogboth fell into a trap set by the farmer. They cried out in fear.

  最后,它們來到雞舍,那天晚上它們很不走運。狐貍和狗都 掉進了農(nóng)場設(shè)置的陷阱里,它們害怕得大叫起來。

  The farmer heard their cries and he woke up from his sleep. "It must be that nasty fox, " saidthe farmer, getting up quickly.

  它們的叫聲驚 醒了睡夢中的農(nóng)場主。“肯定是狡猾的狐貍來了。”農(nóng)場主說,并 快速起來,下床點亮燈就去了雞舍。在陷阱里,他發(fā)現(xiàn)了一只狐 貍和一只狗。

  The farmer switched on the light and went to the chicken coop. He saw a fox and a dog in thetrap.


  "Oh, it isn't enough that you came to steal, but you also brought along a friend," said thefarmer. "You are both equally bad" The farmer took a piece of wood and beat that fox and thedog. Then the farmer told his wife, "The dog became friends with the fox. Because of that habecame a thief tool"
