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時間: 楚欣650 分享



  1. 不要向上天抱怨你的不公,因為上天根本不認識你

  Don''''t up day complain you injustice, because god don''''t know you

  2. .如果我們努力了雖然不一定能成功,但不努力絕對不會成功.

  if we tried although can not succeed, but not hard never succeed.

  3. .哭,并不能解決問題,反而會讓別人覺得你懦弱.

  cry, and will not solve the problem, it will let others think you weak.


  4. 成功是建立在痛苦之上的

  Success is built on the pain of the above


  the road of life is suffering a stack, want to go down, it must be strong.

  6 當我們努力去沒成功時,只要我們還有去抱怨的力氣,那就證明我們還沒盡力

  When we try to not success, as long as we still have to complain about strength, then prove we haven''''t tried to

  7. 我們要用心去做事,有多少心就做多少事

  We must work hard to work, how much heart will do much

  8. 人生沒有后悔,我們只能盡力去不讓自己后悔

  Life without regret, we can only do our best to not to regret

  9. 偉人之所以成為偉人,是因為他們在常人浪費生命時奮力的去學(xué)習(xí)。

  . The reason why a great man is become a great man, because they are ordinary people waste life struggling to learn.

  10. 我們要相信希望就在前方

  . We believe that the hope is just ahead

  11. 只有我們自己先相信自己,別人才會相信我們。

  Only our own first believe in yourself, others will believe us.

  12. 不要埋怨自己的父母,他們沒有錯,想活得更好就自己努力

  . Don''''t complain their parents, they have no wrong, want to live better is your efforts

  13. 趁現(xiàn)在好好孝敬父母,不要等他們老了沒有力氣享受時才明白

  . Now a good honor your father and your mother, don''''t wait until they had no strength to enjoy the old don''''t understand

  14. 其實父母想要的不是金錢而是一句簡簡單單的'我愛你’罷了

  . In fact parents want is not money, but a simple "I love you" just

  15. 浪費了今天,我們會在明天去填補今天,會再后天填補明天,我們的生命終將這樣填不下去,一事無成

  . Wasted today, we will be in tomorrow to fill today, will be acquired fill tomorrow, our life will be so fill not bottom go to, nothing at all

  16. 只要開始就不要輕易放棄

  . As long as the start, don''''t give up easily

  17. 不要認為自己沒用,只是還未到我們綻放的時刻罷了

  . Don''''t think he was useless, but is not to our blossom moment just

  18. 衡量一個人的財富的標準在于我們失去周圍的一切后還能剩下什么

  The measure of a man''''s wealth is the standard we lose all around after can also leave

  19. 一個人,如果你不逼自己一把,你根本不知道自己有多優(yōu)秀。

  . A person, if you don''''t force yourself, you don''''t know that you have many good.

  20. 世界上,成功的有兩種人,一種人是傻子,一種人是瘋子。傻子是會吃虧的人,瘋子是會行動的人。

  The world, successful there are two people, a man is fool, a man is mad. Fool will suffer, madness is action.

  21. 上天是公平的,只要努力就會有收獲,否則就是你不夠努力

  . God is fair, as long as effort will include results, otherwise is you hard enough

  22. 人生總要瘋狂一次,拼搏一次

  . Life is always crazy once, struggle a

  23. 除去睡覺,一個人可以活一萬天。人與人之間的不同之處在于:你是活了一萬多天,還是只活了一天,復(fù)印了一萬多份。

  . Remove sleep, a man can live for ten thousand days. The different between people in: are you live more than ten thousand days, or only live a day, the copy of more than ten thousand.

  24. 一個有事業(yè)追求的人,可以把“夢”做得高些。雖然開始時是夢想,但只要不停地做,不輕易放棄,夢想能成真。

  A career pursuit, can put the "dream" do some taller. Although the start is a dream, but as long as keep on doing, do not give up easily, the dream can come true.

  25. 夢想只要能持久,就能成為現(xiàn)實。我們不就是生活在夢想中的嗎

  Dream as long as it can hold out for long time, can become a reality. We don''''t is life in the dream