We all get confused at times, but prolonged periods of confusion can cause us to feel that we are stuck in a never-ending, foggy web of uncertainty.
To those who are currently caught up in the web of confusion, this may not make sense just yet, but stick with me.
Here is what you can do to overcome your confusion and find the joy:
1. Accept where you are.
Accept the fog, accept the confusion and accept the feelings of "stuckness." This is usually a sign that more information needs to be delivered before you can move forward.
2. Take a deep breath.
Center yourself, and firmly state, "I don't know what to do, and that is okay." When you firmly state your uncertainty, you move out of the fog. The more you focus on your certainty, the more at peace you will feel with where you are at.
3. Focus on what you know.
When you are confused it can be easy to get stuck in a web of consistent, repetitive thoughts that appear to have no end and no beginning. To clear this, start focusing on what you know and what you feel sure about. When you do this, it will automatically help to weaken the cloud of confusion over your life.
4. Be patient.
Being confused is a sign of change and you may need to let the journey unfold a little bit more before you make a decision. Be at peace with that, and be at peace with the fact that you don’t have all the answers. Just accept the way things are and trust that inspiration will reach you when the time comes to make a decision.
The beauty about being stuck and confused in life is that there really is no wrong turn or wrong path.
Every road traveled is a blessing in some way, so take the stress out of life's decisions and trust that all roads really do lead home.
Have you ever been around someone who immediately put you at ease? Perhaps you may be one of those people who others feel safe around.
What is the common thread in people who emanate warmth? Some may think it is related to personality or physical appearance. But this does little to explain why bright beacons of light can be found anywhere. Essence has nothing to do with our exterior.
I like to believe the common thread is a universal trait we are all able to tap into. When we see the truth of who we are and wholeheartedly love every part of that truth, we automatically shine. When we embrace our essence and live in congruence with who we are, we radiate peace.
Every day we can choose to wake up and see the gift of getting to be who we are. When we decide to live from this way of "being," it becomes easy to see this same light and gift in everyone — even those who may not yet see it in themselves.
The benefits of self-love are many. What I know to be true without a doubt in my heart, is that we are all capable of giving this gift to ourselves.
These words help me remember why embracing my essence is always the best thing to do. Perhaps this may resonate with where you are.
When you love who you are,
you become a conduit of light.
Just drop into your heart space,
and live life from this view.
For all of this doing
is not who you are.
Listen to your heart’s soft whisper,
this voice will show you the way.
Live life from your essence
is what she will say.
See the light in yourself,
and your world will be bright.
There is no need to worry,
you are exactly as you should be;
remember to love who you are,
and love you will see.
"Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come." - Unknown
If your life isn't where you want it to be, change it. It's what successful people have done for thousands of years. You may currently be struggling and frustrated with your life but it's not going to stay like this forever, that is, unless you don't do anything to change it.
The best time of your life may still be ahead of you but it won't just magically show up, you have to create it. It's in your power to create whatever future you want for your life. Even if your best days are truly behind you, you can still have plenty of great days ahead of you if you decide to make it so.
Instead of letting circumstances control and defeat you, use them to push you into action so that you can change your present situation. Bad times aren't going to last forever but if you want more great times ahead of you instead of just good times, it's time to start doing things that will make that a reality… it's time to work toward your ideal destination.