Education authorities in Japan are to discipline a teacher who forced two students to drinkdiluted hydrochloric acid, the latest incident to trigger concern over corporal punishment inthe nation's schools.
The teacher, who has not been named but is from Gamagori, ordered the boys to drink thesolution after they reported an incorrect result in a science experiment on January 18, theNikkei Shimbun reported.
The incident only came to light when another student told his parents what had happened.
Officials of the local board of education in Aichi Prefecture, central Japan, said the teacher hadinformed them that the acid posed no danger to the children as it was diluted.
But the authorities were not convinced.
"As this incident posed a risk to the life and health of students, it was a grave failure ofleadership and we can only apologise to the students and their families," the board said in astatement.
"We are currently deciding in disciplinary measures for the teacher involved."
The incident has focused new attention on the punishments meted out to children in Japan'sschools.
Teachers are forbidden to use corporal punishment against pupils, but the suicide of a 17-year-old student on December 23 has demonstrated that it remains an integral part of schoollife here.
The boy was captain of the basketball team at Sakuranomiya Senior High School in Osaka andwas repeatedly punished by his coach. The day before he was found hanging in his room, theboy was repeatedly slapped around the face for mistakes that he made in practice.
In a note to the coach that he never delivered, the boy wrote, "Even if I make the samemistakes as others, I get scolded harshly because I am the captain."
After the boy's suicide, 21 of the 50-strong basketball squad said they had been similarlypunished by the coach.
Summoned by the local board of education to explain his actions, the coach said his methodswere "a way to inspire the athletes."
In a press conference, an official of the board of education said, "We are truly sorry, but thefact remains that corporal punishment has never ceased to be practised at schools."
Going to college means immense changes in their lifestyle for most students. Living in adormitory remains a major challenge as it means learning how to share space with otherswho are total strangers.
While some can live together peacefully, others may encounter conflicts that need to beworked out.
According to a recent survey of students in 12 different universities in Wuhan, only 40 percentof respondents are satisfied with their dormitory friendships and 30 percent said they keepaloof from conflicts in the dorm.
“Living in a dorm can be a great experience and many make lifelong friendships,” said Tan Mali, deputy party secretary of South China Normal University.
However, disaster can strike when conflicts arise and they are often difficult to resolve, Tanadded.
For those living in a dorm for the first time, sharing things, such as a laptop or paper towels, can be a source of conflict.
Hu Guoqiu, 18, a freshman majoring in law at Fudan University, said that one of his roommatesused the others’ shampoo, soap, and even toothpaste without asking for permission.
“He took it for granted that he could eat our snacks, but he would call us stingy if we werereluctant to share anything with him,” said Hu.
Another common problem is related to different habits. “Sometimes one roommate may wantto watch a movie, another wants to study, and another wants to sleep,” said Chen Lin, 18, afreshman majoring in computer science at Shantou University. “Such a situation can lead toarguments.”
Sometimes roommates may also clash when welcoming guests, especially those of the oppositesex. Sometimes they fight over small things, such as what type of music to play or whether toturn on the air conditioner or not.
However, there are more effective methods to solve problems than screaming at each other.
The best way is to talk about an issue before it even becomes a problem, according to HuangBingchao, a student counselor in the foreign language department at South China NormalUniversity.
You should approach roommates honestly and directly, and try to work out a solution. “Ignoring a conflict may be the easiest option, but it can cause issues to escalate,” Huangsaid. “Agree on a time for an open discussion so that everyone can think about it.”
Luo Lisha, 22, a senior majoring in journalism at the Communication University of China, proposed establishing rules that everyone can obey.
These rules can be written down in an agreement and posted in a visible place. Students canalso outline which items to share and which are for private use. They can regulate cleaningduties, agree on a time to sleep, and decide on how to receive guests.
Counselor Huang, however, suggested that an agreement should contain penalties for breakingthe rules. For instance, a rule could allow friends of the opposite sex to visit on weekends andstay until 10 pm, but if a roommate breaks this agreement, he or she has to tidy the room fora whole week.
In any discussion it is important to talk with your roommates in a positive way. For example, you could mention your roommates’ good personality traits.
“This can help them understand you better and make them more willing to compromise,” said Luo.