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  J. K. Rowling had more magic up her sleeve after all.

  原來羅琳(J. K. Rowling)還藏著不少魔法沒有施展。

  Over the weekend the Sunday Times (London) disclosed that she is the author of 'The Cuckoo'sCalling,' a well-reviewed crime novel issued in April under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith.

  倫敦的《星期日泰晤士報》(Sunday Times)上周末披露,羅琳是《布谷鳥的呼喚》(The Cuckoo's Calling)一書的作者。羅琳使用羅伯特•加爾布雷思(Robert Galbraith)這一化名,于今年4月出版了這本備受好評的犯罪小說。

  The book, which features a private investigator named Cormoran Strike, who lost a leg inAfghanistan, quickly zoomed up the charts Sunday after Ms. Rowling was identified as thewriter. The author had originally been described as having served in the military, where hisexperiences helped shape the novel.

  這本書的主角是一個在阿富汗失去了一條腿的私家偵探,名叫斯特賴克(Cormoran Strike)。羅琳被確定為該書作者后,這本書周日在各大圖書排行榜上的排名直線上升。此前這本書的作者被描述為曾在軍中服役,其從軍經(jīng)歷幫助打造了這本小說。

  The book was published in the U.S. by Mulholland Books, an imprint of Lagardère SCA'sHachette Book Group, and by a sister imprint in the U.K.

  這本書在美國由Mulholland Books出版,后者是Lagardere SCA旗下Hachette Book Group的一個品牌,在英國則由一個姊妹品牌出版。

  By early Sunday afternoon, the physical edition ranked No. 1 at Barnes & Noble Inc.'sonline store and at Amazon.com Inc. in the U.S. A Barnes & Noble spokeswoman describedthe title as a slow seller until Ms. Rowling was identified as the author.

  截至周日下午早些時候,在美國,這本書的實(shí)體書在巴諾書店(Barnes & Noble Inc.)網(wǎng)上商店以及亞馬遜(Amazon.com Inc.)排名榜首。巴諾書店發(fā)言人說,在羅琳被確定為該書作者之前,這本書銷售緩慢。

  By late Sunday afternoon, 'The Cuckoo's Calling' was temporarily out of stock online atBarnesandNoble.com, while Amazon said that the title 'usually ships within 10 to 14 days.' Aspokeswoman for Barnes & Noble noted there is still 'some availability' in stores.'


  Mulholland will publish a second book in the series next summer, said Reagan Arthur, publisherof Hachette's Little, Brown & Co., in a prepared statement. She also said that 'TheCuckoo's Calling' is being reprinted and that the edition will state that Robert Galbraith is apseudonym for J.K. Rowling.

  Hachette旗下利特爾與布朗出版公司(Little, Brown & Co.)的發(fā)行人阿瑟(Reagan Arthur)在事先準(zhǔn)備好的聲明中說,Mulholland明年夏天將出版該系列的第二本書。她還說,《布谷鳥的呼喚》將再版,新版將注明加爾布雷思是羅琳的化名。

  An independent retailer in the Midwest said she understood Ms. Rowling's desire for a cleanslate. 'I think she did this so that she could write freely without expectations from heraudience,' said Sarah Bagby, owner of Watermark Books & Café in Wichita, Kan., whichstocked the book when it came out in April.

  美國中西部地區(qū)的一位獨(dú)立零售商說,她理解羅琳希望像一張白紙一樣從頭開始??八_斯州威奇托的Watermark Books & Cafe的所有人巴格比(Sarah Bagby)說,我認(rèn)為她這樣做是為了能夠不受讀者期望的束縛自由寫作。該公司在4月份《布谷鳥的呼喚》出版后囤了一些貨。

  A spokeswoman for Ms. Rowling confirmed the author's identity via an email but declinedfurther comment.


  Ms. Rowling is best known for her wildly popular seven Harry Potter novels, all of which weremade into films. Although her first adult novel, 'The Casual Vacancy,' received mixed reviewslast fall, it proved popular with readers.

  羅琳最知名的作品是她七部備受歡迎的“哈利•波特”系列小說,七部小說都被拍成了電影。盡管她的第一部為成年人寫作的小說《偶發(fā)空缺》(The Casual Vacancy)去年秋天出版后獲得的評價毀譽(yù)參半,但卻很受讀者歡迎。

  On Sunday, Michael Pietsch, chief executive of the Hachette Book Group, said 'The CasualVacancy' has sold more than a million hardcover copies in North America since publication andwas the group's biggest selling hardcover title in 2012.

  周日,Hachette Book Group首席執(zhí)行長皮奇(Michael Pietsch)說,《偶發(fā)空缺》自出版以來,在北美已經(jīng)銷售了逾100萬本精裝本,是2012年該公司銷量最高的精裝版圖書。

  Earlier this year, a 'rich list' published by the Sunday Times, which like The Wall Street Journalis owned by News Corp, estimated Ms. Rowling's fortune at £560 million (6 million).

  今年早些時候,《星期日泰晤士報》發(fā)布的一個“財富榜”估計,羅琳的資產(chǎn)為5.60億英鎊(合8.46億美元)。 《星期日泰晤士報》和《華爾街日報》均為新聞集團(tuán)(News Corp.)所有。

  The Harry Potter series has sold more than 450 million physical copies world-wide, according toScholastic Corp., which publishes the books in the U.S. Scholastic is in the process of issuingnew fancy paperbacks with new cover illustrations.

  據(jù)哈利•波特系列的美國出版商Scholastic Corp.說,哈利•波特系列在全球銷售了逾4.50億本實(shí)體書。該公司目前正在出版該系列圖書帶全新封面插圖的新版平裝本。




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