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  IMD and Iese Business Schools have tightened theirgrip on the top spots of the twin FT executiveeducation rankings, monopolising first and secondplaces for both open-enrolment and customisedprogrammes.

  瑞士洛桑國(guó)際管理發(fā)展學(xué)院(IMD)和西班牙Iese商學(xué)院(IeseBusiness School)穩(wěn)坐英國(guó)《金融時(shí)報(bào)》兩份高管教育榜單榜首。英國(guó)《金融時(shí)報(bào)》2017年高管教育排行榜開放招生課程和定制課程兩份排名的頭兩名,均由這兩所學(xué)校包攬。

  Swiss school IMD comes top in the ranking of open-enrolment courses, available to all workingmanagers, and jumps two places to second for customised programmes, which are tailor-madefor corporate customers. Iese of Spain holds on to the top spot in the custom ranking andremains second in the open ranking.


  It is the first time in the rankings’ 19-year history that two schools have between them held thetop two spots in both categories.


  The 2017 FT executive education rankings include the best 85 customised programmes andthe best 75 open-enrolment programmes worldwide. The rankings are based principally onmeasures of participants’ and clients’ satisfaction, as well as the schools’ growth in revenues, their international reach and faculty diversity.


  One of Iese’s strengths is its academic rigour. The Barcelona school performs consistentlyhighly across all aspects of customised programmes. It is ranked in the top five in 11 criteriaout of 15. Iese is top for its international clients and the diversity of its faculty.


  Its corporate customers value the school’s flexibility and ability to innovate. “We havedeveloped a programme which is co-delivered with an experimental learning provider,” commented one client responding to the FT survey. “Iese has been a true partner in thisprocess and our business has benefited with an energised and prepared executive bench.”


  After IMD in second place, Duke Corporate Education completes the custom programmepodium. It is the third year in a row that the US school is in third place, having previouslytopped this ranking for a record 12 consecutive years to 2014.

  在定制課程排行榜上,排在第二名瑞士洛桑國(guó)際管理發(fā)展學(xué)院之后的是杜克企業(yè)教育學(xué)院(Duke CorporateEducation)。這是這所美國(guó)學(xué)校連續(xù)第3年位列第三。該校在2014年連續(xù)第12年占據(jù)定制課程排行榜榜首位置,創(chuàng)下紀(jì)錄。

  Other notable custom course performances include Harvard Business School, which recordedone of the year’s biggest rises, jumping nine places to fifth. The Massachusetts school wasranked 18th two years ago.

  其他在定制課程排名中表現(xiàn)突出的學(xué)校包括哈佛商學(xué)院(Harvard Business School),該院取得了今年最大幅度的排名攀升,上升9位至第5名。兩年前,這所位于馬薩諸塞州的學(xué)院還排在第18位。

  McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University in Washington DC returns to thecustom ranking in 15th place after dropping out last year because of a low survey responserate from clients. Only three schools enter the custom ranking for the first time, includingLondon’s Cass Business School in 60th place.

  位于華盛頓特區(qū)的喬治敦大學(xué)(Georgetown University)麥克多諾商學(xué)院(McDonough business school)重新回到了定制課程排行榜的第15位,去年,該校因客戶調(diào)查反饋率低而未上榜。只有3所學(xué)校是首次登上定制課程排行榜,包括排名第60位的倫敦卡斯商學(xué)院(Cass Business School)。

  In the open ranking, IMD, in Lausanne, scores particularly highly in the top 10 criteria based ona survey of executives who attended programmes. It is ranked first in three criteria and in thetop five for the remaining seven.


  IMD participants praised the way their training pushed them out of their comfort zones andalso the one-on-one coaching sessions tailored to their individual business situations. “It was aneye opener about what a good leader is,” commented one participant. “We learnt aboutourselves first, what drives us and why, in order to manage others.”


  Sa?d Business School achieved the biggest rise at the top of the open ranking, jumping fiveplaces to fourth. It is the first time that the school, based at the University of Oxford, is rankedin the top five. Sa?d improved its position in all 10 criteria informed by the participants’ ratings.

  在開放課程排行榜頂端,賽德商學(xué)院(Sa?d Business School)排名上升幅度最大,躍升5位至第4名。這是這所位于牛津大學(xué)(University of Oxford)的商學(xué)院首次進(jìn)入前五。賽德商學(xué)院在所有10項(xiàng)受學(xué)員評(píng)分影響的指標(biāo)上的排名都有所提升。

  Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School at University College Dublin showed the best overallprogress, moving up 21 places to 48. Guanghua School of Management at Peking Universityreturns to the ranking at 38, after missing last year due to a low response rate fromparticipants.

  都柏林大學(xué)學(xué)院(UCD)邁克爾?斯墨菲特商業(yè)研究生院(Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business)的總體進(jìn)步最大,排名攀升21位至第48名。北京大學(xué)(Peking University)光華管理學(xué)院(Guanghua School ofManagement)重回排行榜第38名,去年該院因?qū)W員調(diào)查反饋率低而未上榜。

  Finally, only two schools join the open ranking for the first time this year. Antai College ofEconomics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University comes straight in at 32 and EllerCollege of Management at the University of Arizona is ranked 68th out of 75.

  最后,今年只有兩所學(xué)校首次登上開放課程排行榜。上海交通大學(xué)安泰經(jīng)濟(jì)與管理學(xué)院(Antai College ofEconomics and Management)直接排到第32名,而亞利桑那大學(xué)(University of Arizona)艾勒管理學(xué)院(Eller College of Management)在75所院校中排名第68位。

  A third, combined ranking lists the top 50 schools for executive education, calculated fromthe customised and open tables.



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