


時(shí)間: 詩盈1200 分享





  Take that, Kim Jong-il. Missiles launched by NorthKorea over the weekend barely caused South Korea’s stock market(股市) to break sweat (一身冷汗)on Monday. Then, dispensing with (省掉)tradition, Samsung Electronics (三星電子)released a buoyant(輕松愉快的) forecast for second-quarter earnings. That really put a rocketup the market. Shares in Asia’s biggest technology group leapt 5.5 per cent, while thebenchmark (基準(zhǔn))Kospi bucked regional malaise(不滿,隱憂) to close slightly higher.

  As the country’s biggest exporter, what is good for Samsung is good for Korea – and theprospect of a fivefold (五倍的)increase in consolidated (加固的)operating profit from the firstquarter is indubitably(無疑地) good. (Compared with a year ago, however, Samsung’s class="main">


時(shí)間: 詩盈1200 分享




  Take that, Kim Jong-il. Missiles launched by NorthKorea over the weekend barely caused South Korea’s stock market(股市) to break sweat (一身冷汗)on Monday. Then, dispensing with (省掉)tradition, Samsung Electronics (三星電子)released a buoyant(輕松愉快的) forecast for second-quarter earnings. That really put a rocketup the market. Shares in Asia’s biggest technology group leapt 5.5 per cent, while thebenchmark (基準(zhǔn))Kospi bucked regional malaise(不滿,隱憂) to close slightly higher.

  As the country’s biggest exporter, what is good for Samsung is good for Korea – and theprospect of a fivefold (五倍的)increase in consolidated (加固的)operating profit from the firstquarter is indubitably(無疑地) good. (Compared with a year ago, however, Samsung’s $1.7bnto $2bn projection(投影) is roughly flat.) It is a fair bet Samsung will deliver on its promises; after all, the second quarter closed last week, so management has full visibility. Semiconductors(半導(dǎo)體) are at last benefiting from higher spot prices. Depending on size, Nand flash memory prices rose 36-84 per cent from the first quarter, according to iSuppli, aconsultancy(顧問公司). Sales of liquid crystal display panels, which accounted for some 40 per cent of Samsung’s operating profit last year, are likewise rising: shipments rose 42.5 percent quarter on quarter, according to WitsView.

  Samsung’s stock price has risen 40 per cent this year, comfortably outpacing(超過) thebroader market. Although its shares now trade on 1.4 times book value, that is still far from the 2.2 times that might be justified in a cyclical upswing(改進(jìn),提升). One niggle(吹毛求疵) isthat Samsung’s guidance refers to consolidated accounts, instead of the more usual parent-basis numbers. The switch allows Samsung to include more overseas subsidiaries(子公司), implying that is where most of the profit boost is coming from. Good news, in short, especiallyif it signals a broader tech recovery, but not enough to send Samsung’s shares ballistic(發(fā)射的).

  Keke Vew: 自1992年中韓正式建交后,三星電子于1992年8月在中國惠州投資建立了三星電子有限公司 (SEHZ)。此后,三星電子不斷加大在中國的投資與合作,截止到2002年,在華累計(jì)投資額已達(dá)26億美金,成為對中國投資最大的韓國企業(yè)。




  PARIS — Leading European newspaper and magazinepublishers on Thursday called on the EuropeanCommission to strengthen copyright protectionas a way to lay the groundwork for new ways togenerate revenue online.


  The publishers said widespread use of their work by online news aggregators and other Websites was undermining their efforts to develop an online business models at a time when readersand advertisers are defecting from newspapers and magazines.


  “Numerous providers are using the work of authors, publishers and broadcasters without payingfor it,” the publishers said in a letter to Viviane Reding, the European media andtelecommunications commissioner. “Over the long term, this threatens the production of high-quality content and the existence of independent journalism.”


  The petition echoes other recent calls from publishers for greater copyright protection asthey try to move beyond a business models based largely on advertising and try to generatemore revenue from users. Only a handful of newspapers or magazines, including The WallStreet Journal and The Financial Times, have had success charging readers to use their sites.

  請?jiān)笗c近期其他來自出版商的呼吁產(chǎn)生了共鳴,尋求更多的版權(quán)保護(hù),他們試圖超越主要基于廣告的商業(yè)模式,嘗試從用戶處產(chǎn)出更多收入。只有少數(shù)的報(bào)紙或雜志,包括The Wall Street Journal(華爾街日報(bào))和The Financial Times(金融時(shí)報(bào)),成功的給讀者充電,讓讀者使用它們的網(wǎng)站。

  The initiative grew out of a campaign in Germany, led by Axel Springer, which publishes thetabloid Bild, to strengthen copyright law in that country. German publishers want to create aso-called neighboring right for publishers, similar to protections that already exist for musicpublishers and other content owners.

  該請?jiān)冈诘聡苌鲆豁?xiàng)活動(dòng),領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者是Axel Springer——小報(bào)Bild的出版商,活動(dòng)目的在于讓德國加強(qiáng)版權(quán)法律。德國出版商希望建立所謂的鄰接權(quán)(即:作品傳播者權(quán)),類似已經(jīng)存在的對音樂出版商和其他內(nèi)容所有者的保護(hù)一樣。

  The right would give publishers greater control over secondary use of their work that generatesrevenue.


  Publishers have not said publicly what they would do with such a right, but executives say onepossibility would be to try to get business users to pay for access to online content. Under sucha practice, businesses would have to pay for special licenses; fees would be collected by a neworganization modeled on the “societies” that gather royalties on behalf of musical copyrightowners. Private individuals would be allowed access to news sites without such a license.


  The letter presented Thursday to Ms. Reding also stopped short of specific proposals. Instead, publishers want stricter enforcement of existing legislation, said Heidi Lambert, aspokeswoman for the European Publishers Council, a trade group that has endorsed thepetition.

  周四這封信被呈給了蕾汀女士,同時(shí)解決了具體建議短缺的情況。歐洲出版商協(xié)會(huì)已經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)了該請?jiān)笗?,發(fā)言人Heidi Lambert說,與此相反,出版商要求更嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行現(xiàn)行立法。

  European publishers have been leading an effort to get Google and other Internet companies toadopt a new technology that manages the relationship between online publishers and searchengines. The system, called the Automated Content Access Protocol, would allow publishers toset the terms of search engines’ and aggregators’ use of their content.


  Publishers say the system, championed by the publishers’ council and the World Association ofNewspapers and News Publishers, would make it easier to create profitable Web sites. Criticssay, however, that it would create unnecessary new hurdles for users.

  出版商們稱,這個(gè)被出版商協(xié)會(huì)和World Association of Newspapers (世界報(bào)業(yè)協(xié)會(huì))以及NewsPublishers擁護(hù)的系統(tǒng),將更容易的建立可盈利的網(wǎng)站。批評(píng)人士則認(rèn)為,它會(huì)給用戶帶來不必要的新障礙。

  Google did not immediately return a call seeking comment.


  Martin Selmayr, a spokesman for Ms. Reding, said she had not yet reviewed the document andcould not comment on it. But he referred to a speech she gave Thursday in Brussels, in whichshe said that a top priority for developing the digital economy in Europe was the creation of “asimple, consumer-friendly legal framework for accessing digital content in Europe’s singlemarket, while ensuring at the same time fair remuneration of creators.”


  The petition has been signed by executives of News Corp., Axel Springer, Gruner + Jahr, Lagardère, Independent News & Media, the Daily Mail & General Trust, Burda Mediaand the Espresso Group, among others. Neither the International Herald Tribune nor its parent, The New York Times, is among the signatories.

  在請?jiān)笗泻炞值挠蠳ews Corp.(新聞集團(tuán))的執(zhí)行主管,Axel Springer(德國最大報(bào)紙出版商), Gruner + Jahr(古納亞爾集團(tuán),歐洲最大雜志出版商), Lagardère(拉加代爾集團(tuán),法國一家綜合性媒體),Independent News & Media(愛爾蘭報(bào)業(yè)集團(tuán)獨(dú)立新聞及傳媒公司), the Daily Mail & General Trust(每日郵報(bào)暨通用信托集團(tuán)),Burda Media(布爾達(dá)傳媒集團(tuán)) 以及EspressoGroup等。 International Herald Tribune(國際先驅(qū)導(dǎo)報(bào))及其母公司,以及The New York Times(紐約時(shí)報(bào))都未簽名。






5.小王子英語讀后感范文 小王子讀書心得體會(huì)

bn projection(投影) is roughly flat.) It is a fair bet Samsung will deliver on its promises; after all, the second quarter closed last week, so management has full visibility. Semiconductors(半導(dǎo)體) are at last benefiting from higher spot prices. Depending on size, Nand flash memory prices rose 36-84 per cent from the first quarter, according to iSuppli, aconsultancy(顧問公司). Sales of liquid crystal display panels, which accounted for some 40 per cent of Samsung’s operating profit last year, are likewise rising: shipments rose 42.5 percent quarter on quarter, according to WitsView.

  Samsung’s stock price has risen 40 per cent this year, comfortably outpacing(超過) thebroader market. Although its shares now trade on 1.4 times book value, that is still far from the 2.2 times that might be justified in a cyclical upswing(改進(jìn),提升). One niggle(吹毛求疵) isthat Samsung’s guidance refers to consolidated accounts, instead of the more usual parent-basis numbers. The switch allows Samsung to include more overseas subsidiaries(子公司), implying that is where most of the profit boost is coming from. Good news, in short, especiallyif it signals a broader tech recovery, but not enough to send Samsung’s shares ballistic(發(fā)射的).

  Keke Vew: 自1992年中韓正式建交后,三星電子于1992年8月在中國惠州投資建立了三星電子有限公司 (SEHZ)。此后,三星電子不斷加大在中國的投資與合作,截止到2002年,在華累計(jì)投資額已達(dá)26億美金,成為對中國投資最大的韓國企業(yè)。




  PARIS — Leading European newspaper and magazinepublishers on Thursday called on the EuropeanCommission to strengthen copyright protectionas a way to lay the groundwork for new ways togenerate revenue online.


  The publishers said widespread use of their work by online news aggregators and other Websites was undermining their efforts to develop an online business models at a time when readersand advertisers are defecting from newspapers and magazines.


  “Numerous providers are using the work of authors, publishers and broadcasters without payingfor it,” the publishers said in a letter to Viviane Reding, the European media andtelecommunications commissioner. “Over the long term, this threatens the production of high-quality content and the existence of independent journalism.”


  The petition echoes other recent calls from publishers for greater copyright protection asthey try to move beyond a business models based largely on advertising and try to generatemore revenue from users. Only a handful of newspapers or magazines, including The WallStreet Journal and The Financial Times, have had success charging readers to use their sites.

  請?jiān)笗c近期其他來自出版商的呼吁產(chǎn)生了共鳴,尋求更多的版權(quán)保護(hù),他們試圖超越主要基于廣告的商業(yè)模式,嘗試從用戶處產(chǎn)出更多收入。只有少數(shù)的報(bào)紙或雜志,包括The Wall Street Journal(華爾街日報(bào))和The Financial Times(金融時(shí)報(bào)),成功的給讀者充電,讓讀者使用它們的網(wǎng)站。

  The initiative grew out of a campaign in Germany, led by Axel Springer, which publishes thetabloid Bild, to strengthen copyright law in that country. German publishers want to create aso-called neighboring right for publishers, similar to protections that already exist for musicpublishers and other content owners.

  該請?jiān)冈诘聡苌鲆豁?xiàng)活動(dòng),領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者是Axel Springer——小報(bào)Bild的出版商,活動(dòng)目的在于讓德國加強(qiáng)版權(quán)法律。德國出版商希望建立所謂的鄰接權(quán)(即:作品傳播者權(quán)),類似已經(jīng)存在的對音樂出版商和其他內(nèi)容所有者的保護(hù)一樣。

  The right would give publishers greater control over secondary use of their work that generatesrevenue.


  Publishers have not said publicly what they would do with such a right, but executives say onepossibility would be to try to get business users to pay for access to online content. Under sucha practice, businesses would have to pay for special licenses; fees would be collected by a neworganization modeled on the “societies” that gather royalties on behalf of musical copyrightowners. Private individuals would be allowed access to news sites without such a license.


  The letter presented Thursday to Ms. Reding also stopped short of specific proposals. Instead, publishers want stricter enforcement of existing legislation, said Heidi Lambert, aspokeswoman for the European Publishers Council, a trade group that has endorsed thepetition.

  周四這封信被呈給了蕾汀女士,同時(shí)解決了具體建議短缺的情況。歐洲出版商協(xié)會(huì)已經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)了該請?jiān)笗l(fā)言人Heidi Lambert說,與此相反,出版商要求更嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行現(xiàn)行立法。

  European publishers have been leading an effort to get Google and other Internet companies toadopt a new technology that manages the relationship between online publishers and searchengines. The system, called the Automated Content Access Protocol, would allow publishers toset the terms of search engines’ and aggregators’ use of their content.


  Publishers say the system, championed by the publishers’ council and the World Association ofNewspapers and News Publishers, would make it easier to create profitable Web sites. Criticssay, however, that it would create unnecessary new hurdles for users.

  出版商們稱,這個(gè)被出版商協(xié)會(huì)和World Association of Newspapers (世界報(bào)業(yè)協(xié)會(huì))以及NewsPublishers擁護(hù)的系統(tǒng),將更容易的建立可盈利的網(wǎng)站。批評(píng)人士則認(rèn)為,它會(huì)給用戶帶來不必要的新障礙。

  Google did not immediately return a call seeking comment.


  Martin Selmayr, a spokesman for Ms. Reding, said she had not yet reviewed the document andcould not comment on it. But he referred to a speech she gave Thursday in Brussels, in whichshe said that a top priority for developing the digital economy in Europe was the creation of “asimple, consumer-friendly legal framework for accessing digital content in Europe’s singlemarket, while ensuring at the same time fair remuneration of creators.”


  The petition has been signed by executives of News Corp., Axel Springer, Gruner + Jahr, Lagardère, Independent News & Media, the Daily Mail & General Trust, Burda Mediaand the Espresso Group, among others. Neither the International Herald Tribune nor its parent, The New York Times, is among the signatories.

  在請?jiān)笗泻炞值挠蠳ews Corp.(新聞集團(tuán))的執(zhí)行主管,Axel Springer(德國最大報(bào)紙出版商), Gruner + Jahr(古納亞爾集團(tuán),歐洲最大雜志出版商), Lagardère(拉加代爾集團(tuán),法國一家綜合性媒體),Independent News & Media(愛爾蘭報(bào)業(yè)集團(tuán)獨(dú)立新聞及傳媒公司), the Daily Mail & General Trust(每日郵報(bào)暨通用信托集團(tuán)),Burda Media(布爾達(dá)傳媒集團(tuán)) 以及EspressoGroup等。 International Herald Tribune(國際先驅(qū)導(dǎo)報(bào))及其母公司,以及The New York Times(紐約時(shí)報(bào))都未簽名。






5.小王子英語讀后感范文 小王子讀書心得體會(huì)


提高英語的水平往往可以看一些英語的新聞和閱讀,還有英語的電視劇和電影,這樣可以很快的提高我們的英語口語,接下來小編給大家?guī)碛⒄Z新聞,需要的同學(xué)們可以看一看。 課外閱讀1 周末朝鮮發(fā)射的導(dǎo)彈震懾了韓國周一的股市,而與別人不


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