


時(shí)間: 秋連1211 分享



  To most people, free massages at the office and unlimited servings of gourmet food would help turn a workplace into a mini oasis.


  But to a growing number of former Google employees, the company's well-publicized perks are not enough to keep them happy at their jobs and now they've taken to the internet to complain about the noisy massage chairs in the nap rooms and overly enthusiastic corporate following.


  ‘It sounds like a first-world problem. But their food. I put on 18 kilos while working at Google,’ one anonymous blogger who used to work out of the company wrote on the Quora thread.


  ‘But they also provided access to great gym within the office. One of my colleagues lost 20-30 kilos while I was there. But with so much food around, it was hard to resist and soon I realized that I was eating whenever I was bored or thinking.’


  Another contributor who identified himself as Ryan Lackey wrote that staffers regularly gained '5-15 pounds from the (copious, good, free) food.


  Some of the perks that draw people in can become their own issues within the office as well, as one post talks about the drama that erupted over noisy massage chairs in a office.


  The company's reputation helps to attract some of the brightest minds in the business, but the virtual dissenters say that those skilled workers are part of the problem.


  ‘The worst part of working for Google is thepeople. In order to get in to work at Google you have to be the kind of person who "whoops" when your CEO comes in the conference room. And screams with excitement when they announce "We've introduced...searching by pictures!!!" as a new product,’ a person with the username Bradley Peel wrote.

  一個(gè)用戶名為布拉德·皮爾的人在網(wǎng)上寫道:“在谷歌就職最大的問題就是那里的人。如果你看到首席執(zhí)行官走進(jìn)會(huì)議室時(shí)能夠只輕描淡寫的招呼一聲,聽到高層宣布‘我們引進(jìn)了……按圖片搜索!’ 時(shí)能夠激動(dòng)的尖叫,那樣你就能在谷歌工作了。”

  Another contributor, who claims to have used his real name in the post and worked at Google for more than three years, says that pride is a sticking point that prevents an open flow of ideas.'I think the average level of Google engineers is mediocre. With a lot of arrogance, too. Everybody believes he (males dominate) is better than his neighbor,' Vlad Patryshev wrote.


  'Objective discussions are pretty rare, since everybody's territorial, and not interested in opinions of other people unless those people are Important Gods.'


  All of these issues have not had enough of an impact to lessen the so-called Google mystique, as more than a million candidates apply to work at the company every year with a hiring rate of less than one per cent.



  1. When in doubt, act.

  1. 猶豫不決時(shí),放手去做。

  It's the difference between running and stagnant water. When you're stagnant, doubt and insecurities breed like mosquitoes. Dale Carnegie wrote that 'inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage.' Fear of failure can paralyze us, as we almost always overestimate the consequences. Build your confidence instead by taking action, often.


  2. Do something outside your comfort zone each day.

  2. 每天做一些超越自己舒適區(qū)的事情。

  If we don't stretch our comfort zones, they shrink. Constantly challenge and improve yourself, and you'll become comfortable doing new things-and you will establish your identity (both to yourself and others) as someone who takes risks. Each new thing you try adds to your knowledge and skill base, and provides you with a foundation of competence. This is the bedrock of any successful career.


  3. Put the focus on others.

  3. 多關(guān)心他人。

  Choose to be conscious of others instead of self-conscious. Ask people questions. Turn conversations into a game where you try to find a connection with the other person. Give compliments generously, and volunteer to help others when you can. Looking for the best in others will help you see it in yourself.


  4. Cultivate mentors.

  4. 結(jié)交良師益友。

  Their advice and connections are invaluable, plus you will make better decisions about opportunities thanks to their objective assessments of the pros and cons. And you will be much more willing to take risks knowing you have supporters who will help you get back up on your feet if you fail.


  5. Keep self-talk positive.

  5. 同自我對(duì)話時(shí),保持積極態(tài)度。

  It's hard to feel confident if someone puts you down all the time. It's impossible if that naysayer is you. Watch how you talk to yourself. Is it how you would talk to a friend? If not, then make a change.


  6. Eliminate negative people from your network.

  6. 將消極者從你的社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)中清除。

  You absolutely need to invite and be receptive to constructive criticism if you want to grow as a professional and as an individual. But recognize that some people will never be happy with you or with life, and it is a waste of time to try to convince them of your worth. What's more, their sour outlook on life is contagious. Learn to identify these people quickly, and move on.


  7. Take care of your health.

  7. 保重身體。

  Make time for exercise, and get enough rest. Your body must be physically ready to take on challenges.


  8. Do your homework.

  8. 做好準(zhǔn)備功課。

  Keep up-to-date on the news in your industry, and know your company and department inside and out. If you have a challenging task ahead, prepare and practice in your mind. Nothing builds confidence like knowledge and preparation.


  9. Watch your body language.

  9. 注意你的肢體語言。

  Your posture and overall appearance affect both your mental state and how others perceive (and thus respond) to you. If you want to be a leader, you have to dress and act the part. Stand and sit up straight, make eye contact, and remember to smile. Wear the professional clothing of your industry. Eliminate the telltale signs of nervousness: excessive twitching, closed-off posturing (crossed arms and legs, hunched shoulders), and shallow breathing.


  10. Practice gratitude daily.

  10. 每天練習(xí)感恩。

  In a recent study of how successful people spend the first hour of each day, the No. 1 response was investing time in thinking about the things for which they are most grateful. Starting your day by saying 'thank you' for the good in your life makes it more likely that you will approach the day's challenges with the proper perspective.


  Like public speaking or leadership, confidence is a professional skill that can be improved. According to Dr. Peter Buckley of Georgia Regents University, 'As you add experiences, you're more likely to gain confidence. And with confidence, you will embrace new experiences.' Start growing your confidence today.






