
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 專業(yè)英語 > 銀行英語 > 銀行英語對話--開信用證


時間: 澤燕681 分享





  C= Customer顧客 T=Teller職員

  T: Can I help you, sir?


  C: Yes, I want to open an L/C, but I don't know how to work?

  對, 我想開個信用正, 但我不明白如何運作?

  T: Ok, Let tell you. A letter of credit is a written payment instrument issued by a bank at the request of a customer (always the importer). It will be sent to the exporter to make shipment and prepare the documents specified in the L/C. As soon as the L/C and documents are presented to the issuing bank, the bank must pay to the exporter (beneficiary). The bank acts as the first payer and this is the most important feature of L/C.

  好, 讓我來告訴你。 信用正是應客戶(通常是進口商)的要求而開立的一種付款承諾文件,信用證將被寄給出口商,使出口商可以把貨物裝船, 并根據信用正的要求準備單據。一旦信用證和單據提交給開證行,開證行必須立即付款給出口商(受益人)。銀行就作為第一支付人進行支付,這就是信用證最重要的特征。

  C: I see, would you tell me what's the main content of an L/C?

  我明白了, 你能告訴我信用證的主要內容嗎?

  T: Name, quality, unit price and amount of goods, ports of loading and destination, price and payment terms, shipping documents, latest shipment date and validity of the L/C.

  商品的品名,數量,單價和種類, 裝貨港和目的地,價格和付款條件,裝船單據,最后裝運期和到目的地的有效期。

  C: Then how can I send an L/C to my customer?

  那么, 我怎么才可以向我的客戶開出信用證呢?

  T: In practice, the issuing bank will send the L/C to one of its correspondents at the place of export by mail of cable. After verifying the authenticity of the L/C, the correspondent (advising bank) will send the L/C to the exporter.


  C: How can my customer receive the proceeds?


  T: The exporter will make shipment and present the L/C with all the documents to a negotiation bank if it is available by negotiation. If the documents are in compliance with the terms of the L/C through carefully checking, the bank will negotiate the documents and send them to the issuing bank for reimbursement. The issuing bank will debit importer's account when releasing the shipping documents to the importer. The whole transaction now comes to the end.

  信用證是可以議付的,出口商向議付行提交信用證所要的所有單據, 只要所提交的單據和信用證要求的條件是一致的話,銀行將議付。當開證行將裝船單據交給進口商時,開證行就借記進口方的帳戶,整個交易就完成了。

  C: I see, Thank you very much


  T: you're welcome!




  C= Customer顧客 T=Teller職員

  T: Can I help you, sir?


  C: Yes, I want to open an L/C, but I don't know how to work?

  對, 我想開個信用正, 但我不明白如何運作?

  T: Ok, Let tell you. A letter of credit is a written payment instrument issued by a bank at the request of a customer (always the importer). It will be sent to the exporter to make shipment and prepare the documents specified in the L/C. As soon as the L/C and documents are presented to the issuing bank, the bank must pay to the exporter (beneficiary). The bank acts as the first payer and this is the most important feature of L/C.

  好, 讓我來告訴你。 信用正是應客戶(通常是進口商)的要求而開立的一種付款承諾文件,信用證將被寄給出口商,使出口商可以把貨物裝船, 并根據信用正的要求準備單據。一旦信用證和單據提交給開證行,開證行必須立即付款給出口商(受益人)。銀行就作為第一支付人進行支付,這就是信用證最重要的特征。

  C: I see, would you tell me what's the main content of an L/C?

  我明白了, 你能告訴我信用證的主要內容嗎?

  T: Name, quality, unit price and amount of goods, ports of loading and destination, price and payment terms, shipping documents, latest shipment date and validity of the L/C.

  商品的品名,數量,單價和種類, 裝貨港和目的地,價格和付款條件,裝船單據,最后裝運期和到目的地的有效期。

  C: Then how can I send an L/C to my customer?

  那么, 我怎么才可以向我的客戶開出信用證呢?

  T: In practice, the issuing bank will send the L/C to one of its correspondents at the place of export by mail of cable. After verifying the authenticity of the L/C, the correspondent (advising bank) will send the L/C to the exporter.


  C: How can my customer receive the proceeds?


  T: The exporter will make shipment and present the L/C with all the documents to a negotiation bank if it is available by negotiation. If the documents are in compliance with the terms of the L/C through carefully checking, the bank will negotiate the documents and send them to the issuing bank for reimbursement. The issuing bank will debit importer's account when releasing the shipping documents to the importer. The whole transaction now comes to the end.

  信用證是可以議付的,出口商向議付行提交信用證所要的所有單據, 只要所提交的單據和信用證要求的條件是一致的話,銀行將議付。當開證行將裝船單據交給進口商時,開證行就借記進口方的帳戶,整個交易就完成了。

  C: I see, Thank you very much


  T: you're welcome!
