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  護理專業(yè)英語課后答案Unit 4

  ?Warm-up Tasks

  Task 1: True or False Statements

  1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. F Task 2: Sentence Completion 1. visit patients in their homes 2. take care of their own illness 3. type 1 diabetes

  4. her public health certificate 5. the day-to-day autonomy

  ?Study & Practice

  I. Reading Comprehension

  1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B II. Words to Practice

  1. ambulation 2. discharge 3. abuse 4. caregivers 5. Counseling

  6. supervision 7. tuberculosis 8. disabled 9. communicable 10. regimen III. Translation

  A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

  1. 以往社區(qū)護士享受著在標準白天上班時間值班,大多從周一工作到周五。然而, 隨著社區(qū)提供24小時服務趨向的出現(xiàn),許多社區(qū)護士與其他醫(yī)療機構護士一樣, 需要倒班和在周末工作。

  2. 一級預防是指預防疾病、 外傷和殘疾發(fā)生的措施。 此級別的預防針對的是對疾 病易感,但還沒有出現(xiàn)可識別的病理變化的個體和群體。一級預防包含的措施 很廣,如健康促進、環(huán)境保護和特殊保護等。 B. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Community nurses should collaborate with colleagues and other health care professionals for the provision of client-centered care.

  2. Home care is defined as the provision of health services by formal and informal caregivers in the home.

  3. Professional autonomy is one of the essential features of nursing as a profession. Nurses have autonomy and independence in decision making and practice.

  4. The nursing shortage is well-documented, and it has become so severe that

  experts use the term “nursing shortage” and “nursing crisis” interchangeably. 5. Primary health care should be accessible, affordable, and acceptable to all individuals who require them, especially to those vulnerable groups. IV. Audio Tasks

  Task 1: Short-answer Questions 1. The first line of defense.

  2. The infection with Human immunodeficiency Virus. 3. The body’s immune system becomes compromised. 4. After T cell counts reach a dangerous low level. 5. By blood tests. Task 2: Spot Dictation

  1. infectious 2. destroying 3. Syndrome 4. attaches 5. production 6. compromised 7. susceptible 8. Indicating


  Warm-up Tasks

  Task 1: True or False Statements

  1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. T Task 2: Sentence Completion 1. one and half million

  2. medicines are used safely 3. patients, drug makers

  4. dosing device attached to the bottle

  5. medication errors

  ?Study & Practice

  I. Reading Comprehension Questions

  1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. D II. Words to Practice

  1. complaint 2. hemorrhagic 3. respiratory 4. anesthesiologist 5. sequence

  6. stimulate 7. perspired 8. assessment 9. eliminate 10. In accordance with III. Translation

  A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

  1. 要對身體的某個病變部位進行有計劃地更換,外科手術是唯一的方法。 手術包 含三個階段:手術前期、手術中和手術后期。手術前期指的是手術開始之前的 準備過程;手術中指的是手術過程;而手術后期指的是手術完成之后的康復過 程。這三個階段統(tǒng)稱為圍手術期。

  2. 術前評估包括收集和復查患者各項生理機能的具體指標,以此來確定患者的手術 前的準備和術后處理。評估中,我們必須確定患者身體、心理和社會的狀況。手 術前,護士必需對患者進行簡潔的、全面的身體評估,尤其要特別注意患者的生 理功能,因為它會影響患者對麻醉和手術的反應;呼吸系統(tǒng)和心血管系統(tǒng)方面的 評估,能夠為患者術后的評估提供基本的指標。這些指標也能夠提醒護理人員注 意這樣的一個問題,那就是患者對手術和麻醉的反應。 B. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Diagnosis should be made to determine if the patient should be operated on. 2. Approximately 80 percents of acute gastric ulcers can heal rapidly within 2 to 4 weeks, leaving little or no trace pathologically.

  3. Operating on the patients, we must be fully aware of the risks associated with the administration of anesthesia.

  4. For any type of surgery and regardless of whether the client is to receive any kind of anesthetic, he is restricted to nothing by mouth.

  5. On the day of surgery, the nurse must consult the physician for instructions about the administration of medications because the patient’s usual medication schedule may be altered. IV. Audio Tasks

  Task 1: Short-answer Questions

  1. It’s harder for oxygen to pass into the blood stream. 2. Cough, sputum and shortness of breath. 3. As many as 5.1 million cases.

  4. Effective in approximately 80 percent. 5. Anyone who is prone to lung infections. Task 2: Spot Dictation

  1. complication 2. fluids 3. predisposes 4. contracting 5. significantly 6. prone 7. chronic 8. anemia


  Warm-up Tasks

  Task 1: True or False Statements

  1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. T Task 2: Sentence Completion 1. during the pregnancy

  2. the pancreas that control metabolism 3. more than 8 Ibs. and 12 oz 4. have big problems later in life 5. talk to their doctors about nutrition

  ?Study & Practice

  I. Reading Comprehension

  1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. D II. Words to Practice

  1. supervise 6. concentrate 2. confirm 7. Obstetrics 3. emphasize 8. preference 4. preventable 9. present 5. contemporary 10. essential

  III. Translation

  A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

  1. 分娩期間可以收集兩種類型的干細胞:羊膜干細胞或臍帶血干細胞。

  2. 越來越多的證據(jù)顯示,如果丈夫沒有表現(xiàn)出過多的焦慮,那么他參與新生兒 的出生會使生產(chǎn)過程更順利,產(chǎn)后的結果會更理想。 B. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. A midwife is supposed to be a pregnant woman's partner, if not best friend. 2. Nurse anesthetists have a long and proud history, dating back to the battlefield nurses of the Civil War.

  3. Networking is an effective way to find work, she says, but it can be roundabout. 4. Jobs submitted his resignation to the Board and strongly recommended that the Board implement its succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO.

  5. The World Health Organization believes drug-resistant strains present a challenge to the global effort to control the disease. IV. Audio Tasks

  Task 1: Short-answer Questions 1. Endometrial cells. 2. Female hormones.

  3. Pelvic pain and bleeding.

  4. Anatomical changes (or Problems related to hormone production). 5. Oral contraceptives and hormone therapy. Task 2: Spot Dictation

  1. ovaries 2. hormones 3. menstruation 4. excess 5. symptoms 6. anatomical 7. therapy 8. Procedure
