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  to diagnose 診斷 =to make a diagnosis 診斷 be diagnosed with cancer 被診斷患有癌癥 prognosis 預(yù)后


  ER-Emergency Room 急診室 operation room/theater 手術(shù)室(簡(jiǎn)稱“OR”) recovery room 恢復(fù)病房 ICU-Intensive Care Unit 重癥監(jiān)護(hù)室 observation room 觀察室 to have a ward round 查房 shift report 交班報(bào)告 Children’s ward 兒童病房 private ward 特等病房 Male ward 男性病房 teamwork 團(tuán)隊(duì)工作 isolation ward 隔離病房 surgical ward 外科病房 dressing room 換藥室


  cadi(o)-表“心臟”之前綴 vascular 脈管的 cardiovascular 心血管的 cholesterol 膽固醇 heart attack 心臟病猝發(fā) to have a stroke 中風(fēng) **a-特定字母前表“非”之前綴 heart rhythm心率 arrhythmia 心律不齊cardiac angina 心絞痛Coronary Heart Diseases 冠心病


  varicose veins 靜脈曲張 spider 蜘蛛 spider veins 皮下


  brain damage 腦部損傷 permanent and irreversible (來自“to reverse” 逆轉(zhuǎn), ir-表“否定”之前綴) 永久性的不可逆轉(zhuǎn)的 be in a vegetative state 處于植物人狀態(tài) be in a comma 處于昏迷狀態(tài) suffer a stroke 中風(fēng)


  birth control 計(jì)劃生育 family planning 計(jì)劃生育 **contra-表“抵御”之前綴 contraceptive 避孕藥物/用具 (ceptive-受孕的,由 “receive”轉(zhuǎn)變而來) birth control pills 避孕藥 (the pill) condom 避孕套 be fertile 有繁殖能力的 be infertile 不孕/不育的 infertility (n) 不孕/不育 **intra-表“經(jīng)……內(nèi)部”之前綴 IUD 宮內(nèi)節(jié)育器(全寫為 intrauterine device) sterilization 絕育 tubal ligation 輸卵管結(jié)扎 (tube指“ovarian tube”輸卵管) blocked fallopian tube 堵塞的輸卵管 ovum 卵子 oval (a) 卵形的 to ovulate 排卵 ovulation (n)


  Artificial insemination 人工授精 IVF-In Vitro Fertilization 體外授精

  Embryo transfer 胚胎移植


  Tissue graft/transplant 組織/器官移植 ( graft 原意為“嫁接”) **auto-表“自動(dòng),自我”之前綴 autograft 自體移植 **zenograft 異種移植 renal transplant 腎移植 to donate tissue/organ 捐贈(zèng)組織/器官 donor 捐助者 donation (n) 捐贈(zèng)corneal transplantation to reject 排斥 anti-rejection drug 抗排斥藥物 be costly 費(fèi)用高昂的


  hepatitis 肝炎 heap-表“肝臟”字根 -itis 表“炎癥”之詞素 virus carrier 病毒攜帶者 hepatitis A 甲肝 hepatitis B 乙肝(以此類推) liver cancer 肝癌 to have hepatitis vaccine 接種乙肝疫苗 liver sclerosis 肝硬化sclerosis 硬化癥


  hyper-表“過高”之前綴,hypo-則為表“過低“之”字根,如hypotension 低血壓) hypertension 高血壓 to reduce salt intake 減少鹽的攝入 sodium 鈉 低血壓 hypo-表“過低”之前綴 60. hypothermia 低體溫癥 therm-表“溫度”之字根 61. to cure 治愈 62. be curable/incurable 可以治愈的/不可治愈的 to do moderate exercises 做適度的運(yùn)動(dòng)


  to suffer from insomnia/sleeplessness 患失眠癥 be sleepless 無法入睡 to oversleep 睡過頭 be drowsy昏昏欲睡 to take sleeping pills 服用安眠藥 Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome 成人型呼吸窘迫綜合癥to snore/snoring 打鼾


  Disability 殘疾 be handicapped 殘廢的 be crippled 跛腳的 be deaf 聾的 be dumb 啞的 be blind 失明的 rehabilitation 康復(fù)(簡(jiǎn)稱“rehab”, rehab medicine 康復(fù)醫(yī)學(xué))rehab center 康復(fù)中心 to amputate (vt) -ion (n) 截肢 prosthesis 假肢 be paralyzed 癱瘓 (**para-表示"側(cè)","旁","與...并行","近旁”之前綴,parallel 平行的)


  Osteo-表“骨骼”之字根 calcium 鈣(構(gòu)成骨骼的要素)osteoporosis骨質(zhì)疏松 arthritis 關(guān)節(jié)炎 osteoarthritis 骨性關(guān)節(jié)炎(porosis 表“疏松”之字根)rheumatoid arthritis 風(fēng)濕性關(guān)節(jié)炎 (rheumatism 風(fēng)濕病 )bone fracture 骨折 to have broken ribs 肋骨骨折 to have an X-ray 照X光 bone density 骨密度 location 位置 dislocation 錯(cuò)位,脫臼 shoulder/joint dislocation 肩膀/關(guān)節(jié)錯(cuò)位 a fractured wrist 手腕骨折 be in a cast 上石膏


  thermometer 體溫計(jì)to put the thermometer under the armpit/tongue 將體溫計(jì)放在腋下/舌下 anal temperature 肛溫(anus肛門)reading 讀數(shù) Celsius/Centigrade攝氏 Fahrenheit 華氏溫度 digital thermometer 電子體溫計(jì) mercury thermometer 水銀體溫計(jì) **ther(m)-表“熱“之前綴 thermal 熱的 thermometer **meter 儀表


  Legal 合法的 **-il-表“非”之前綴 illegal 非法的 to abuse 濫用 drug abuse 藥物濫用(吸毒) drug abuser 癮君子 narcotics 麻醉藥物 morphine 嗎啡 heroin 海洛因安非他命amphetamine 搖頭丸 alcohol強(qiáng)行戒毒forced drug treatment酒精 alcoholism酒精中毒; 酗酒 drunk/intoxicated driving 醉駕 be fined 被罰款 criminal offence 刑事犯罪


  Tobacco 煙草 chain smoker 一根接一根抽煙的人 一包煙 a pack of cigarettes cigar 雪茄 pipe 煙斗 filter tip 過濾咀 tar 焦油 nicotine 尼古丁 nicotine addiction 尼古丁成癮 be addictive 有成癮性的 be addicted to smoking 吸煙成癮 additive habit 成癮性習(xí)慣 second-hand smoke 二手煙 to cause diseases of the reparatory system 引起呼吸道疾病 to ban smoking 禁煙World No-Smoking Day 世界無煙日 to quit/give up smoking 戒煙 withdrawal symptoms 戒斷癥狀 to cause premature death 引起過早死亡 (**pre-表“前,預(yù)先之前綴, “mature”成熟)


  immunity 免疫 75. be immune against 對(duì)…具有免疫力 76. to immunize 使..免疫, 接種 inoculation (n) 免疫接種 vaccine (n)疫苗 to vaccinate 免疫接種


  Dys-表“困難”之前綴 dysmenorrhea 痛經(jīng) dystrophy 營(yíng)養(yǎng)不良 dysuria 排尿困難

  -it is 表“炎癥”之后綴 dermatitis 皮膚炎 hepatitis 肝炎encephalitis腦炎laryngitis 喉炎appendicitis 闌尾炎 (appendix 附件)


  hernia surgery 疝氣手術(shù) dementia 老年癡呆 Alzheimer’s disease阿爾茨海默氏病;早老性癡呆病 Nursing home 老人院 hospice care 臨終關(guān)懷 hospice臨終關(guān)懷院 the terminally ill 絕癥患者 morphine 嗎啡 pain-killer 去痛片to age 衰老 post-mortem care 死亡后護(hù)理 (ante mortem死前的)Medicare(美國從稅收開支的、向老人提供保險(xiǎn)的)老年保健醫(yī)療制度 bedsore (n) 褥瘡 bedsore pad 褥瘡墊 bedsore care 褥瘡護(hù)理 euthanasia (mercy killing) 安樂死 passive/active euthanasia 主動(dòng)/被動(dòng)安樂死life support(用機(jī)器設(shè)備)維持生命end-of-life care 生命終期護(hù)理humanities 人道主義 humanitarian



  oral hygiene 口腔衛(wèi)生 tooth cavity 齲齒 decayed tooth 蛀牙 mouth wash 漱口液 to have a tooth 去拔牙 to have a tooth filled 去補(bǔ)牙 false teeth 義齒(假牙)


  Venereal diseases 性病=STD syphilis 梅毒 gonorrhea 淋病 (-rhea表“下瀉”之字根) herpes 皰疹 genital warts 生殖道尖銳濕疣 (genital 外生殖器)vaginal discharge 陰道分泌物


  Poison 毒藥 poisoning 中毒food poisoning 食物中毒 be bitten by a poisonous snake 被毒蛇咬傷 關(guān)于搶救laceration 裂傷 to resuscitate 使復(fù)蘇resuscitation room 急救室be unconscious 無意識(shí)的;昏迷的shock 休克be in a comma 101. to come to 蘇醒 electric shock 電擊 to perform PCR 進(jìn)行心肺復(fù)蘇 be drowned 被溺死 to perform mouth-to-mouth respiration 做口對(duì)口人工呼吸


  Be obese 肥胖 obesity 肥胖癥 be overweight 體重超重 BMI- body mass index 身體質(zhì)量指數(shù) (測(cè)量身體是否肥胖的數(shù)值. 據(jù)有關(guān)報(bào)道, BMI值介于18.5-24, 則體重屬于正常范圍. BMI大于24時(shí)即屬于過重, 大于27時(shí)即屬于肥胖, 必須多加注意)

  lack of physical activity 缺乏體力活動(dòng)dietary changes 膳食改變 plastic surgery整形外科plastic surgeon 整形外科醫(yī)師 to suck 吸 lipo-表“脂肪”之字根 liposuction 吸脂術(shù)(一種通過“吸脂”進(jìn)行減肥的手術(shù))


  106. false teeth 義齒;假牙 107. prosthesis 義肢;假肢


  Oral medicine 口服藥物 for external use only 僅限于外用 Shake it even before use 用前搖勻 ointment 藥膏 indications 適應(yīng)癥 contraindication 禁忌癥 instruction 說明


  Fall 摔倒 burning 燒傷 be scalded 燙傷frost 霜凍to have a frostbite 凍傷 to have a snake bite 被蛇咬傷 poisonous snake 毒蛇 food poisoning 食物中毒 be suffocated 窒息suffocation (n) to get/have an electric shock 受到電擊 to have a traffic accident 遭遇交通意外 be run over by a car 被汽車壓過 to suffer a heatstroke 中暑 to have internal bleeding 內(nèi)出血 be bruised all over 渾身青一塊紫一塊


  Wound 受傷,傷口 wound management傷口護(hù)理to change the dressing 更換敷包 to clean the wound 清洗傷口 tweezers/forceps 鑷子,鉗子 bandage 繃帶 be inflamed發(fā)炎 be infected感染


  AIDS-Acquired Immunedefficiency Syndrome 獲得性免疫缺乏綜合征(艾滋病的全稱)major routes of transmission 主要傳播渠道:1. blood product/blood transfusion 血液制品 2. mother-infant 母嬰 3.unsafe sex 不安全性行為 4. sharing needles in drug injection 毒品注射共用針頭safe sex 安全性行為to die of complications 死于并發(fā)癥 opportunistic infections 機(jī)會(huì)性感染HIV-negative/positive HIV陰性/陽性 virus carrier 病毒攜帶 to die of complications 死于并發(fā)癥

  關(guān)于替代醫(yī)學(xué)(Alternative medicine)(非正統(tǒng)西方醫(yī)學(xué)以外的醫(yī)學(xué)門類,含中醫(yī))

  TCM-Traditional Chinese Medicine中醫(yī) Qigong 氣功 Tuina 推拿 massage 按摩 ** Acupoint 穴位 Acupuncture and moxibustion 針灸 prepared herbal medicine 中成藥 herb (n) 草本植物 herbal medicine 草藥 folk recipe 民間土方 Tibetan medicine 藏醫(yī) foottherapy 足療 Gua Sha treatment 刮痧