
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語閱讀 > 英語優(yōu)美段落 > 大學英語句子和段落翻譯練習


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  在英漢翻譯中,要正確理解英語句子的意義,既要忠實英語原文意義,又要符合漢語的表達習慣。 下面是學習啦小編帶來的大學英語句子和段落翻譯練習,歡迎閱讀!




  We’ll go out as soon as we’ve cleaned up the kitchen.


  I don’t have difficulty in working together with others.


  Diets are most effective when combined with exercise.


  I struggle to balance work and family.


  He seemed incapable of understanding how she felt.


  They’re delighted with the replies they’ve received from the public so far.


  Due to the heavy rain, this train will arrive an hour late.


  We hope they can iron out their disagreement and get on with working together.


  The firm has captured the lion’s share of the UK market.


  You eat a big plate of food for lunch, whereas I have just a sandwich.


  1. 即使父母反對你的提議,你也應該注意聽。(reject, be supposed to)

  Even if your parents reject your proposal, you are supposed to stay focused.

  2. 在電話里你不用承諾什么。(commit to)

  You don’t have to commit to anything over the phone.

  3. 很明顯我們的老師相信這種教學法。 (obvious, believe in)

  It is obvious that our teacher believes in this teaching method.

  4. 在生命的歷程中,他們漸漸認識到友誼是最珍貴的財富。 (during the course of)

  During the course of life, they gradually realized that friendships are the best treasures.

  5. 你認為成功的關鍵因素是什么? (credit as, key)

  What do you credit as the key factors to success?

  6. 反病毒軟件能保護容易受到攻擊的電腦,使之免受病毒侵害。(vulnerable, shield„from„) Anti-virus software can shield vulnerable computers from virus attacks.

  7. 值得一提的是在成為執(zhí)行編輯很久以前,沃爾特?安德森就已經是許多人心目中的英雄了。 (long before, managing editor)

  It is worth mentioning that Walter Anderson had already been a hero in many people’s minds long before he became a managing editor.

  8. 我們不應該嘲笑那些不如自己的人。(laugh at, inferior)

  We should not laugh at those who are inferior to us.



  過去的七年,中國的房地產(real estate)業(yè)經歷了前所未有的高速增長。對于那些月薪較低卻渴望在大城市 擁有一套屬于自己的體面、舒適的棲身之所的人來說,高昂的房價是他們無法承受的負擔。鑒于這一狀況,政府近來采取了一系列的措施來防止房價過快增長,包括提高利率及增加房產稅等。目前,這些措施在部分城市已經 取得了初步的成效。


  In the past seven years, China’s real estate industry has developed in a record high speed. For those who earn less but are eager to own a decent and comfortable place of their own in a big city, the high housing price is a heavy burden that they cannot afford. For this reason, the government has taken a series of measures to prevent the housing price from rising too fast, including raising interest rates and increasing taxes on real estate etc. Presently, these measures have achieved initial effects in some cities.


  中國新年是中國最重要的傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日,在中國也被稱為春節(jié)。新年的慶?;顒訌某﹂_始一直延續(xù)到元宵節(jié)(the Lantern Festival),即從農歷(lunar calendar)最后一個月的最后一天至新年第一個月的第十五天。各地歡 度春節(jié)的習俗和傳統(tǒng)有很大差異,但通常每個家庭都會在除夕夜團聚,一起吃年夜飯。為驅厄運、迎好運,家家戶戶都會進行大掃除。人們還會在門上粘貼紅色的對聯(lián)(couplets),對聯(lián)的主題為健康、發(fā)財和好運。其他的活動還有放鞭炮、發(fā)紅包和探親訪友等。


  Chinese New Year is the most important traditional Chinese holiday. In China, it is also known as the Spring Festival. New Year celebrations run from Chinese New Year’s Eve, the last day of the last month of the lunar calendar, to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month. Customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the Chinese New Year vary widely from place to place. However, New Year’s Eve is usually an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner. It is also traditional for every family to thoroughly clean the house in order to sweep away ill fortune and to bring in good luck. And doors will be decorated with red couplets with themes of health, wealth and good luck. Other activities include lighting firecrackers, giving money in red envelopes, and visiting relatives and friends.