Going to Acrobatic Performance 看雜技表演
It's very difficult to see Chinese acrobatics at home.
Oh!They're breathtaking.
Those hair-raising performances can be scary.
It must be very difficult for them to be trained as very skillful acrobats.
That goes without saying.
Look at the girl who is building a pagoda of bowls.
It's almost incredible.
Ah,it's bicycle stabilizing feats on a raised platform.
More people do performances on a still bike.
There might be a performance called trick cycling tonight.
Dialogue A
(Mary and Bill are going to an acrobatic performance. )
Mary:I'm all dressed up and ready to go.
Bill:That was pretty fast. It only took you fifteen minutes.
M:I don't dilly dally when there's the prospect of a good acrobatic performance in the offing. Let's go.
B:Yes,it's very difficult to see Chinese acrobatics at home. So it's great to have this opportunity since I like them very much.
M:So do I. What kind of things do you prefer?
B:All kinds. Such as magic shows, flying trapeze acts,tightrope walking, and even the clowns.
M:Flying trapeze acts! Oh! They're breathtaking. I'm the nervous type and get too nervous.
B:Yes,those hair-raising performances can be scary. I saw a little girl fell off a pyramid of chairs when she was balancing on them.
M:Really? Was she hurt?
B:Fortunately,she survived the accident because of the safety rope fastened on her.
M:That's too bad. It must be very difficult for them to be trained as very skillful acrobats.
B:Yes,that goes without saying.
M:Oh, it's a hard and very dangerous job. I hope we won'tsee the same thing today.
B:I don't think so. It seldom happens.
Dialogue B
(Mary and Bill are watching the performances. )
B:Can you see clearly? If not,we can move to the front.
M:No problem. It's very good here.
B:Look at the girl who is building a pagoda of bowls. She's stacking the bowls one by one veryskillfully.
M:Oh,it's almost incredible. How can she do that?
B: I heard they are trained when they were very young. Oh,she's finished. Let's applaudher.
M:All right. What's next?
B:We have to wait for the announcer. Ah,it's bicycle stabilizing feats on a raised platform.
M:What's that like?
B:Er…one or more people do performances on a still bike. The bike is on a raised platform.
M:That's difficult, unless the bike is moving.
B:Yeah. It's not easy even on a moving bike. There might be a performance called trickcycling tonight. That's the one with a moving bike. If there is one, you can see it with yourown eyes.
M:That kind of act would take a lot of skill. Everything is easier when you are skillful at it.
B:Yes, just like speaking Chinese. We feel it's difficult,yet the Chinese use it freely.
accident ['æksidənt] n.事故,意外,偶然
careful ['keəful] a.仔細(小心)的
difficulty ['difikəlti] n.困難
flag [flæg] n.旗幟
horse [hɔ:s] n.馬
lock [lɔk] n.&v.鎖
nut [nʌt] n.豎果,螺帽
rain [rein] n.&v.雨,下雨
silk [silk] n.絲,絲綢
thirty ['θə:ti] a.&n.三十(個)
accidental [.æksi'dentl] a.意外的,偶然的
carrot ['kærət] n.胡蘿卜
dinner ['dinə] n.正餐,晚餐
flat [flæt] a.平的,扁平的;n.套間
hospital ['hɔspitl] n. 醫(yī)院
lonely ['ləunli] a.孤單的,孤寂的,偏僻的
Oceania [.əuʃi'einiə] n.大洋洲
rainy ['reini] a.多雨的
simple ['simpl] a.簡單的,單純的,樸素的
though [ðəu] ad.可是;conj.雖然,盡管
ache [eik] n.&v. 疼痛
carry ['kæri] v. 搬運,攜帶,運載
dirty ['də:ti] a.骯臟的
flatten ['flætn] v.弄平
hotel [həu'tel] n.旅館
loser ['lu:zə] n.輸家,失敗者
offer ['ɔfə] v.&n.提供,出價,提議
raise [reiz] v.舉起,募集,養(yǎng)育
simply ['simpli] ad.簡單地,樸素地,僅僅
thousand ['θauzənd] a.&n.千
across [ə'krɔs] prep.&ad.橫過
catch [kætʃ] v.捕捉,抓住,趕上.鉤住
discover [dis'kʌvə] v.發(fā)現(xiàn)
flight [flait] n.飛行,航班,航程,逃亡
house [haus] n.房子;v.容納
loud [laud] a.大聲的
office ['ɔfis] n.辦公室,辦事處,事務所
rather ['ra:ðə] ad.寧愿,相當,頗
singer ['siŋə] n.歌手,歌唱家
through [θru:] ad.&prep. 通過,經(jīng)過,穿過