


時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享




  一、 根據(jù)對(duì)話的意思,把句子補(bǔ)充完整,把編號(hào)寫在橫線上。

  1、 Mike: Who‟s that man ? Lily: ______ is my grandpa.

  A. She B. He C. This

  2、Bai Ling: Who‟s this woman? John : _____ is my grandma.

  A. She B. He C. This

  3、Joey: Who‟s this ______? Amy: He‟s my brother.

  A .boy B. girl C. woman

  4、Chen Jie: Who‟s that _____? Mike: She‟s my sister.

  A. boy B. girl C. man

  5、Xiao Ming: Who‟s that _____? Chen Jie: She‟s my mother.

  A. woman B. girl C. man

  6、Miss White: Who‟s that _____? Chen Jie: He‟s my father.

  A .woman B. boy C. man


  a: Who‟s that man? b: Where are you from, Jack?

  c: Is he your brother? d: Good morning. e: Who‟s that woman? A: ____________, Miss White.

  B: Good morning, Amy. ____________

  A: He‟s my father. B: ___________

  A: She‟s my mother.


  A: No, He isn‟t(不是) my brother. He‟s my friend, Jack.

  B: _____________

  C: I‟m from England.(英格蘭)


  1、I have got some noodles.(否定句) I haven’t got any noodles.

  2. There are some sheep on the farm.(一般疑問(wèn)句) Are there any sheep on the farm?

  3.What’s this? (復(fù)數(shù)句)

  What are these?

  4.Those are lovely deer. (單數(shù)句)

  That is a lovely deer.

  5.This is a knife. (復(fù)數(shù)句)

  These are knives.

  6.The little boy is in the park. (用where提問(wèn)) Where is the little boy?

  7.This Spring Festival is in January. (用when提問(wèn)) When is the Spring Festival?

  8.The blue shirt is my father’s.(用whose提問(wèn)) Whose is the biue shirt?

  9.I like to drink some milk.(用what提問(wèn)) What do you like to drink?

  10.I can dance with my feet.( 用what提問(wèn)) What can you do with your feet?

  11. My coat is blue.( 用what colour提問(wèn))

  What colour is your coat?

  12. There are some books on the table.( 一般疑問(wèn)句,并作否定回答) Are there any books on the table? No, there aren’t.


  1. Do you like Western food?

  Yes, I do.

  2. When is your grandpa’s birthday?

  It’s in May.

  3. What do you say on New Year’s Day?

  I say Happy New Year on New Year’s Day.

  4. What do you say on Christmas Day?

  I say Merry Christmas on Christmas Day.

  5. Do you like hot dogs or hamburgers?

  Yes, I do.

  6. Who often does some washing in your family?

  Mum often some washing in my family.

  7. Are there any sheep on the hill?

  Yes, there is.

  8. How many legs have you got?

  I have got two legs.

  9. What kind of snack do you like?

  I like pizza.

  10. What kind of animal do you like? I like rabbits.

  11. When is Teachers’ Day? It’s in September.

  12. What colour is your coat? It’s white.

  13. When’s the Spring Festival in 2008? It’s in January in 2008.

  14. Who is your good friend? Sue is my good friend.

  15. What do you want for Christmas? I want a yo-yo for Christmas.

  16. What are you going to be? I am going to be a teacher.