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  Rototillers Of The Rockies


  Today’s Moment of Science “digs up” the story behind one of the grizzly bear’s more unusual nicknames: the “Rototiller of the Rockies.”


  Grizzly bear claws are huge–usually three to four inches long. This is perfect for an animal who survives by digging around in the landscape, unearthing tasty treats like ground squirrels and root vegetables.


  One of the grizzly bear’s favorite early season foods is the glacier lily, a beautiful yellow flower with a starchy, nutritious bulb. Bears “till” up the land, turning over chunks of soil to access those tasty bulbs. And guess what: scientists working in Glacier Park, Montana have learned that this “tilling” has some important side effects. Areas with recent bear diggings have less plant diversity and higher nitrogen levels than undisturbed parts of the landscape.


  Without much competition from other plants, left behind glacier lily bulbs can quickly regenerate, and these new lilies produce twice the usual number of seeds, thanks to the nitrogen rich soil!


  We humans have also gained important culinary knowledge. You see, after digging up glacier lilies, bears often leave the bulbs for a few days to wilt in the sun.


  This “cooks” them a bit, and makes them sweeter and easier to digest. First Nations lore shows that early peoples learned to dry and cook glacier lily bulbs by copying the grizzly bear.



  A 1) very different and strong mindset and 2) the power to have visions that most humans don’t have.

  A 1)非常與眾不同、強(qiáng)大的心態(tài)2)能看到大多數(shù)人看不到的東西

  Here’s what Elon Musk did:


  1.The envisioned that we will be running on electric-based, sustainable transportation means (starting with cars). People called him crazy. Tesla is now a astonishingly beautiful, fast and cool car. They said he would not be able to manufacture in large scale and bring the price to a common sedan. Model 3 will prove those bobos wrong. Tesla stock sore in the last years, originating a 6000% gain in 6 years.

  他預(yù)言我們將使用用電的環(huán)保的交通工具(從車開始),人們都說(shuō)他瘋了。特斯拉(Tesla)現(xiàn)在是外表驚艷、速度快又超酷的一款車。人們又說(shuō)他不能大規(guī)模投產(chǎn),不能把價(jià)位定到和普通轎車一樣,可Model 3證明那些人錯(cuò)了。特斯拉股價(jià)近幾年飆升,6年內(nèi)創(chuàng)下了6000%的收益。

  2.The envisioned that rockets could be reusable and brought the price down so much Space X is now manufacturing for Nasa.

  他預(yù)言火箭能重復(fù)使用,而且把價(jià)格降了下來(lái),Space X現(xiàn)在為Nasa生產(chǎn)。

  You know what Jeff Bezos did? He said future Amazon deliveries would be conducted through drones. Well, Amazon just started shipping product with drones in the UK.


  獲得2.4k好評(píng)回答@Vaskar Maharjan:

  The only difference is Mindset.


  Mastering your money has a lot more to do with psychology and mindset than we might think. That's what Napoleon Hill preached in his bestselling 1937 book "Think and Grow Rich," the culmination of his intensive study of more than 500 self-made millionaires.

  掌控錢的能力與心理和心態(tài)之間的關(guān)系比我們想的大得多。這就是Napoleon Hill在他1937年的暢銷書《思考致富》中所宣揚(yáng)的,這本書是他對(duì)500多位白手起家的百萬(wàn)富翁深入研究的巔峰之作。

  Self-made millionaire Steve Siebold, who has interviewed 1,200 of the world's wealthiest people during the past three decades, agrees. Getting rich often has less to do with the money than the mentality, he writes in his book "How Rich People Think."

  白手起家的百萬(wàn)富翁Steve Siebold在過(guò)去30年間采訪了1200位世界首富,他也贊同這一觀點(diǎn)。他在他的《富人是如何思考的》一書中寫道:變得富有通常和錢沒太大關(guān)系,與心態(tài)關(guān)系更大。

  獲得181.2k好評(píng)的回答@Ali AlShamsi:

  Allow me to draw an image.


  If regular people are these beautiful horses.


  Then billionaires would be donkeys.


  They are stubborn and won't get tired easily going in same circles over and over and over again. They don't mind working day and night or on weekends.


  People lack the same stubborn motivation because they don't see results quick enough and they work for others so they get tired of it. With billionares it's like a donkey on a mill. Motivation is a constant it never goes down. Which keeps them doing what they do to accumulate wealth.


  Now you could have the same motivation as a billionare but you might not be a risk taker which doesn't qualify you as a businessman. Another factor could be the lack of skill that's makes you a billionare. Facebook, Google and other Tech startups billionares have innovation in their respective technology field that allowed them to come up with these ideas. Another factor is simply you have the skills but not the scale.


  There is a lot of factors to account for to be a billionare. So if you have the consistant motivation quality you are a billionare material. You just need to complete the other factors.






