Why Crabgrass Always Wins at Monopoly
Crabgrass is an ugly, obnoxious weed that is the scourge of the perfect lawn and its perfectionist gardener. Along with being an eyesore, it’s also responsible for a substantial amount of crop loss on commercial farms.
Weeding Out Competition
Common wisdom says that crabgrass is hard to get rid of because it crowds out the plants around it, and does not allow them to get enough space and nutrients. However, scientists have long wondered if crabgrass dominates your lawn’s real estate by using a technique called allelopathy. This literally means “others suffering,” and occurs when a plant harms another by emitting toxic substances into the environment, usually through the soil.
Researchers from Nankai University, China Agricultural University, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences all found that crabgrass uses this method of “weeding out” neighboring plants.
In their experiment, researchers isolated three chemicals from crabgrass roots and nearby soil, and then added them to potted plants of wheat, maize, and soybeans. Sure enough, the plants treated with crabgrass toxins did not grow as well.
Chemical Warfare
Tests revealed that the compounds reduced the amount of carbon in the soil’s microbial biomass. This means crabgrass can actually change the makeup of the bacteria in the dirt around it. Since plants rely on bacteria in order to absorb key nutrients such as nitrogen and organic compounds, the vicious weed makes life extremely hard on its surrounding neighbors.
So the next time you squirt Round‑Up on that pesky patch of crabgrass, remember that the weed is emitting a little herbicide of its own. It’s chemical warfare, right under your nose.
Cooking Up Human Intelligence
So what makes the human brain so special? Actually, it might not be that special after all.
Sliding Scales
In 2009, Dr. Suzana Herculano Houzel and her colleagues showed that the human brain has the same density of nerve cells as other primates. Comparing humans to smaller primates, she claims that our brain is no bigger than it should be for our body size. Still, given the distinctive way that primate brains scale with size, we may have the most brain cells of any mammal.
That being said, gorillas can grow to be three times our size, but still have much smaller brains than ours.
Brain cells need more energy than most body cells. Although the brain is less than 2 percent of the mass of the human body, it consumes 20 percent of our resting metabolic energy. Gorillas have to spend more than eight hours every day eating to get enough calories to support their big body, and they simply can’t afford a bigger brain.
Brain Food
So, then, how did human ancestors overcome this limitation? Beginning with homo erectus, about two million years ago, our ancestors couldn’t have afforded the metabolic cost of their increasingly large brains if they ate raw food like gorillas do.
Primatologist Richard Wrangham thinks that the invention of cooking with fire is what made this growth in brain size possible. Cooked food is easier to digest and yields more calories. Cooking may have made the human brain possible, and freed us from having to spend all day eating.