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  Architects, engineers and building supervisors will soon be able to quickly collect informationthat once took weeks to measure and process.

  Scientists have developed a device to gather information about building interiors – the designand exact measurements of a building. The scientists are with the University of California,Berkeley. Their invention connects to a backpack that can be carried on a person's back.

  The device requires only one pass through a building to create a three-dimensional, or 3D,model of the structure. In other words, the model shows an object's height, width and depth.The device also is able to collect other valuable information related to the building's energyusage.

  An older building may need a new, more efficient heating and cooling system. Experts say thefirst thing you need to know is the exact shape of all rooms in the building. You have toconsider the size and position of heating and cooling equipment, windows and doors. Anotherconsideration is the placement of electrical outlets – the areas where electrically-operatedequipment can be connected to the power supply.

  Annie Marston is with Baumann Consulting, the business that developed the new device. Shesays that instead of using a team of experts with laptop computers and other devices, it willsoon be possible to send only one person with a space-age backpack.

  "The backpack is something you can wear, which has all the sensors on the back, which canthen walk through a building and detect the geometry, the lights, the plug load, and once youtake it out, you can create a 3D model which can show an IR (infrared) image of each of thewalls and look at the thermal capacity of the building, and then it can be transferred into anenergy model, and the energy model could be run and look at how the energy is dispersedwithin the building, and that's when we start looking at saving measures and things like that."

  Weather experts use a scientific instrument called a barometer to measure pressure inEarth's atmosphere. But the device uses a barometer to estimate height. Instruments calledmagnetometers act as 3D compasses. They gather information about metallic structures.

  The University of California scientists say they can create a virtual map with an accuracy of plusor minus 10 centimeters. They say the device uses a mathematical problem to add surfaces tothe walls and floors. This can be used for architectural design or to run tests on energy usage.

  Annie Marston says the device may be very useful to energy testers and engineers but also tobuilders and the construction industry.

  "When they are building a new construction, it will be great to have a model of the ducts andthe pipes before the walls are closed up, so in later years you know where everything is," shesays.

  Researchers say they are now working to lower the weight of the backpack from 15 to about 10kilograms. But the price of the device is about ,000. Researchers predict the device will beavailable for loan at a much lower price.


  The basic feature of Chinese architecture is rectangular units of space joined together into awhole. Temples in ancient Greece also employed rectangular spaces,but the overall effecthad austere tendencies. By contrast, the Chinese style combines rectangular shapes varyingin size and position according to importance into an organic whole with each level andcomponent clearly distinguished. As a result,traditional Chinese style buildings have animposing yet dynamic exterior.


  Traditional Architecture


  Ancient Chinese architecture enjoys a long history and great achievements,and created manyarchitectural miracles such as the Great Wall. In the process of its development, superiorarchitectural techniques and artistic design were tombiped to make unique Chinesearchitecture one of the three greatest orchitectural systems.


  The combinations of units of space in traditional Chinese architecture follow the principles ofbalance and symmetry. The main structure is the axis, and the secondary structures arepositioned as two wings on each side to form the main rooms and yard. Residences,officialbuildings,temples,and palaces all follow these basic principles. The distribution of interiorspace reflects Chinese social and ethical values. For instance,in traditional residentialbuildings, members of a family are assigned living quarters based on the family hierarchy. Themaster of the house occupies the main room, and the elder members of the master's familylive in the compound in the back. The younger members of the family live in the wings to theleft and right; those with seniority on the left and the others on the right.


  Another characteristic of traditional Chinese architecture is its use of a wooden structuralframe with pillars,beams, and earthen walls surrounding the building on three sides. The maindoor and windows are in front. Chinese have used wood as a main construction material forthousands of years;wood to the Chinese repreBents life, and "life" is the main idea that Chineseculture strives to communicate.This feature has been preserved up to the present.


  Based on the structure of the wooden beams and pillars,traditional Chinese rectangularbuildings are divided into several rooms.In order to cover the structure with an over-hangingroof,the Chinese invented a special type of support bracket,called which both supports the andis an attractive ornamentation.


  Roofs usually slope down on both sides in a simple fashion. However, many traditionalChinese buildings have curved eaves. The characteristic curve of Chinese roofs is symbolicof the spirit of Chinese culture. While the building itself is relatively plain andstraightforward,the ridge and eaves of the roof introduce a more intricate aspect in theform of upward-curving eaves. This is analogous to the Chinese national character which is bynature plain and straightforward but full of vitality.


  Three special architectural features resulted from the use of wood material.The first is that thedepth and breadth of interior space is determined by the wooden structural frame. Thesecond is the development of the technique of applying color lacquers to the structure topreserve the wood. These lacquers were made in brilliant,bold colors,and became one ofthe key identifying features of traditional Chinese architecture. Third is the technique ofbuilding a structure on a platform,to prevent damage from moisture. The height of theplatform corresponds to the importance of the building. A high platform addsstrength,sophistication,and stateliness to large buildings.


  Timber framework decides that colour is the main ornament used on ancient Chinesearchitecture. In the beginning,paint was used on wood for antisepsis while later paintingbecame an architectural ornament. In the feudal society,the use of colour was restrictedaccording to strict social status classification.Since yellow was deemed noblest colour andgreen the second,they were often applied on palace painting,which was called Hexicaihua(akind of Chinese colour painting)in Chinese. The sundry color murals found on a traditionalChinese building range from outlines of dragons and phoenixes to depictions of myths topaintings of landscapes,flowers, and birds. Clearly these color murals have both symbolic andaesthetic significance. One notable architectural development in southern China,particularly inTaiwan,is fine wood sculpture. Such sculptures coupled with murals give the structure anelegant and florid effect under the background of white granite basement.


  Modern Architecture


  As with many other elements of the Chinese culture,tradition has been interwoven withmodern technology. Although many traditional buildings still exist,almost all new buildings arebuilt in Western style. it's not uncommon to see skyscrapers in a large city of China.Traditional houses,however, are still exquisitely built.




  Saudi Arabia's Monster Hotels At Mecca


  For the past few years, Saudi Arabia has been busy turning the ancient city of Mecca into theLas Vegas of the Middle East. The pinnacle of this transformation may well be the upcomingAbraj Kudai. Technically a luxury, five-star hotel that will loom over the holy city, the AbrajKudai is so big that it more resembles a vertical city-state, where every citizen will be aguaranteed millionaire.

  過去的幾年中,沙特阿拉伯一直致力于將圣城麥加這座古老的城市轉型為中東的拉斯維加斯。轉型過程中最引人注目的恐怕就是即將建成的Abraj Kudai酒店了。從技術上來講一座豪華的五星級酒店將巍然聳立于城中,Abraj Kudai酒店規(guī)模如此之大,堪稱一座垂直型城邦國,而且城中的每個居民保證都是百萬富翁。

  It will stand 45 stories tall, and everything about the hotel screams obscene wealth. The topfloor will house one of the largest Islamic domes in the world, surrounded by four helipads forthe ultra-rich to land on. At least five floors will be reserved for the exclusive use of the Al-Saud royal family. The rest of the building, meanwhile, will contain around 10,000 bedroomsand over 70 high-class restaurants. Far below, on the ground floors, a vast shopping mall willvie for space with a conference center and a lavish ballroom. Supposedly designed toresemble a "traditional desert fortress," this monster of a building will cost at least £2.3billion. Although the Abraj Kudai will be the biggest hotel in the world when it opens in 2017, itpales in comparison to other Mecca projects. A collection of gigantic hotels in the west of thecity known as the Jabal Omar development is intended to house 100,000 pilgrims, while theGrand Mosque is to be upgraded to house seven million people at any one time. Ironically, thiswould stretch so far back that many worshipers wouldn't even be able to see the Kaaba they'dcome all this way to worship.

  酒店樓高45層,所有與酒店相關的東西都極盡奢華。最頂層將建成世界上最大的穹頂,四周圍繞著4個直升機停機坪,以供那些超級富豪降落。還有至少5個專供沙特皇室享用的樓層。除此之外還包含1萬間客房,70家高級餐廳。遠非這些,一間大型購物中心正在與會議中心和高級宴會廳競爭酒店底層的位置。酒店的設計意在以現(xiàn)代理念詮釋"傳統(tǒng)沙漠堡壘",耗資至少高達23億英鎊。盡管Abraj Kudai酒店2017年開業(yè)后將是世界上最大的酒店,但是與麥加其他項目相比就小巫見大巫了。在城市的西部地區(qū),名為Jabal Omar的酒店正在開發(fā)當中,預計可容納10萬朝圣者,麥加大清真寺也將擴建至可以容納700萬朝拜者。然而諷刺的是,擴建部分遠至朝圣者根本無法看到他們遠道而來朝覲的卡巴天房。

  China's Vertical Mega City


  Now let's set our sights beyond that one large hotel. Imagine standing at the base of a buildingso massive, so self-contained, and so teeming with life that it truly qualified as a city. Rightnow, preparations are underway for constructing such a sci-fi marvel in the Chinese city ofShenzhen, a booming metropolis on the Pearl River Delta.


  Known as Cloud Citizen, the finished building would comprise three interlocking towers, thetallest only a few hundred feet shorter than Dubai's monstrous Burj Khalifa. At around 2 squarekilometers (1 mi2), its surface area would be only slightly smaller than all of Monaco. But it'swhat's inside that would really shake urban design up. Rather than just being a supermassiveoffice block, Cloud Citizen is designed to operate as a self-contained city-within-a-city.Alongside homes and offices, the superstructure would contain farms, parkland, foodproduction centers, and the means to harvest rainwater. It would also power itself using acombination of wind, solar, and algae, effectively allowing it to exist separately fromShenzhen proper. Impressively for such an urban building, the focus would be on green spacesand parkland, with commuters encouraged to walk to work through high-altitude skyparks.Although there are no concrete plans to start construction yet, Cloud Citizen is beingtaken seriously by the local government. It recently won a city-sponsored design competition,and officials are taking an interest in seeing the project realized.
