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時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享






  “What fascinates me is that in its time the BT Tower was a building that was entirely about its function as a telecommunications tower: Its purpose was its height. Now, without the satellite dishes, that purpose is redundant. It’s lost a lot of its visual and symbolic power. I was 10 when it was finished in 1965 and it was the tallest building in London for many years. It was a marker of arrival if you were coming from the north. That, in the context of London’s skyline now, is extraordinary. It was the first building with an observation deck — that way of engaging with the city was actually pioneered by the tower. It had a restaurant that wasn’t particularly expensive. High rises today are about exploiting the skyline for private gain. But Londoners are capable of being nostalgic too: We have a power station that is now a modern art gallery. I wonder if the satellites and antennae shouldn’t be reinstated to communicate its purpose as an enduring symbol of the moment in the 1960s when technology propelled Britain onto the international stage. It’s a reminder. It holds so much meaning in an elegant slender cylinder.”





  “I admire its boldness and openness as a building that participates with — and is woven into — its city, its place, its time. It was without any respect for the environment, a cultural factory where you could observe important modern art collections, a superexpressive, very colorful, complex building. It was seen as a rejection of the neighborhood, the Marais, and of Paris itself. Paris stands for French stone and light gray rooftops and beautiful natural colors, and all of a sudden you have got this architectural machine. On the other hand, the building has this democratic purpose because it attracts how many millions every year, more than the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. I couldn’t take my eyes off it when I was studying architecture. It reversed the typical model of a museum into something that was engaging and inviting to the public. Architecture at that time needed to do things differently, like a shock. The shock liberates a lot of emotions and perceptions.”





  “Tempelhof is one of the really great buildings of the modern age, and yet it is inevitable that it is not necessarily celebrated by everyone. Its architect, Ernst Sagebiel, studied under the Jewish master Erich Mendelsohn but later served the Nazis. It was adjacent to a concentration camp that held journalists, politicians, Jews and other so-called ‘undesirables,’ so it is redolent with all the most negative associations. Like a pendulum, it served the purposes of the fascist regime and then became a lifeline with the airlifts of 1948 and 1949 that delivered food to the people of West Berlin. The airport is full of contradictions and paradoxes. It has an austere facade, which is not so fascist, and could almost appear in Sweden. The back is a sweeping, cantilevered curve. It soars. If you were transported there and were to walk under that cantilever, you would be awestruck. The architecture is heroic, not in a pompous, empty, vacuous sense, but as engineering that really lifts the spirit. Monuments, if you trace their ancestry, can reveal disturbing things about the past. Nonetheless, they have enduring qualities which, viewed on their own merits, are perhaps an example to us.”

  “滕佩爾霍夫是真正堪稱偉大的現(xiàn)代建筑之一,然而它注定不會(huì)得到所有人的贊美。它的建筑師恩斯特·扎格比爾(Ernst Sagebiel)曾師從猶太建筑大師埃瑞許·孟德爾松(Erich Mendelsohn),但后來為納粹服務(wù)。它跟一個(gè)集中營緊挨著,里面關(guān)著記者、政治家、猶太人,以及其他“不可取的人”,所以一切負(fù)面的聯(lián)想它全有了。它就像一個(gè)鐘擺,先是作為法西斯政權(quán)的工具,后來在1948、49年又成了一條為西柏林人空運(yùn)食物的生命線。這座機(jī)場充滿了矛盾和吊詭。它的正面十分簡樸,不太符合法西斯的風(fēng)格,搬到瑞典去都沒問題。背面是一個(gè)大弧度的懸挑結(jié)構(gòu)。宛然兀立。如果你乘車來到那里,走在挑檐下,會(huì)感到敬畏。這是一座有英雄氣概的建筑,不是自命不凡、空洞、虛妄的那種,而是一種真正能提振精神的工程。去追溯它們的起源背景就會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn),紀(jì)念建筑能揭示過去的一些令人不安的東西。然而,它們擁有恒久的品質(zhì),從其自身的品質(zhì)來看,也許可以給我們樹立一個(gè)典范。”