U.S researchers have found cooling your hand palms increases the capacity for exercise, the Daily Mail reported.
The team from Stanford University, California, studied the effect in a group of obese women aged 30 to 45 following an exercise program. All were asked to work out with their hands in a bottle of water at different temperatures. For half of the 24 women, the water was at 16C while for the other half the temperature was raised to the normal body temperature level of 37C.
Over a period of three months the women with cooled hands lost almost 3 inches off their waists, lowered their blood pressure and increased their exercise heart rate. Those whose hands were kept at body temperature showed no such improvements.
A diet based on healthy carbohydrates-rather than a low-fat or low-carbohydrate diet-offersthe best chance of keeping weight off without bringing unwanted side effects, a studypublished Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests.
《美國醫(yī)學學會雜志》(Journal of the American Medical Association)6月26日刊登的一項研究報告指出,以健康碳水化合物為主的飲食──而非低脂或低碳水化合物飲食──能達到最佳的減肥效果,并且不會帶來副作用。
Study participants following a low-glycemic-index diet, which is similar to a Mediterranean dietand focuses on fish, fruit, vegetables, nuts and whole grains, also saw improved cholesterollevels and other important markers that lower the risks of developing heart disease anddiabetes. Such a diet might include minimally processed oatmeal, almonds, brown rice, beansand healthy fats like olive oil, among other foods.
The study was led by researchers at the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center atBoston Children's Hospital and funded by the National Institutes of Health and the New BalanceFoundation, which is affiliated with the athletic-shoe maker. It was designed to assess howeach of three common diets affects the ability to keep weight off. Participants had all of theirfood prepared for them, and their food intake was monitored. They ate many meals at thehospital, picking up others to eat at home.
這項研究由波士頓兒童醫(yī)院(Boston Children's Hospital)新百倫基金肥胖預防中心(New BalanceFoundation Obesity Prevention Center)的研究人員主導,由美國國立衛(wèi)生研究院(National Institutesof Health)和運動鞋制造商新百倫旗下的新百倫基金會(New Balance Foundation)提供資助。研究旨在評估三種日常飲食方案對減肥效果的影響。研究對象只吃研究人員為其準備的食物,他們的進食過程也受到監(jiān)控。他們有時在醫(yī)院用餐,有時將食物帶回家吃。
David Ludwig, one of the study's authors and the director of the center, explained that mostpeople struggle to keep weight off. Previous studies have shown that weight loss reduces thebody's daily energy expenditure-or how many calories the body burns through activity andjust by resting-making it easy to regain weight. Dr. Ludwig's study was designed to look at theimpact of the three diets on measures of energy expenditure, in addition to assessinghormones, fat levels in the blood and other health markers.
研究報告作者之一、肥胖預防中心主任大衛(wèi)•路德維希(David Ludwig)解釋說,大多數(shù)人都在費盡心機減肥。以往的研究已經(jīng)證明,體重減輕會降低身體每日的能量支出──即身體通過活動或只是靜止不動燃燒掉的卡路里──這樣使得體重容易反彈。路德維希的研究旨在觀察三種飲食方案對熱量消耗量的影響,同時評估血液中的激素和脂肪水平以及其他的健康指標。
The study's 21 participants, 18 to 40 years old, initially lost 10% to 15% of their body weightduring a three-month diet that contained about 45% of total calories from carbohydrates, 30% from fat and 25% from protein.
A month later, participants were placed on one of three diets for a month: a low-fat diet limitingfats to 20% of total calories; a low-carbohydrate diet modeled on the Atkins diet, limitingcarbohydrate intake to 10% of total calories; and a low-glycemic-index diet, which contained40% of total calories from carbohydrates, 40% from fats and 20% from protein. Participantswere then switched to the other two diets during two additional four-week periods.
一個月后,他們分別開始遵循這三種飲食方案中的一種:低脂飲食,脂肪占總熱量攝入的20%;阿特金斯飲食法(Atkins diet)的低碳水化合物飲食,碳水化合物的攝入量只占總熱量攝入的10%;還有低血糖指數(shù)飲食,其中碳水化合物占總熱量的40%,脂肪占40%,蛋白質占20%。四周后改為下一種飲食方案,再過四周改為第三種飲食方案。
"The low-fat diet had the worst effect" on energy expenditure, Dr. Ludwig said. Participants onthat diet also had increases in triglycerides, a type of fat, and lower levels of so-called goodcholesterol. "We should avoid severely restricting any major nutrient and focus on the qualityof the nutrient," he said.
Dr. Ludwig said those on the low-carb diet had the biggest boost in total energy expenditure,burning about 300 calories more per day than those on the low-fat diet-about the same as anhour of moderate exercise. But that bump came at a cost: increases in cortisol, a stresshormone, and a measure of inflammation called CRP, which can raise the risk of developingheart disease and diabetes.
Those on the low-glycemic-index diet burned about 150 calories a day more than those on thelow-fat diet without any negative impacts on cholesterol levels or various hormones, making itthe ideal diet, Dr. Ludwig said. The glycemic index measures the impact of carbohydrates onblood-sugar levels.
A second study in the same medical journal showed that people in an 18-month weight-lossprogram that started with monthly meetings lost nearly as much weight as those in a muchcostlier program of the same duration with group sessions that initially met weekly. Thatstudy, led by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, found that the monthly program cutabout 0 off the cost of a class="main">
該雜志刊登的另一項研究對兩種減肥課程的效果進行了研究:兩種課程均為期18個月,一種是每月上課一次,另一種花費更貴、每周進行小組討論,結果發(fā)現(xiàn)參加兩種課程的人減掉的體重相差無幾。這項由匹茲堡大學(University of Pittsburgh)研究人員牽頭的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),每月減肥課程的成本比傳統(tǒng)的每周減肥課程低600美元,后者花費為1,360美元。參加每月課程的成員收到的材料與參加每周課程的人相同,未能達到減肥目標者可以獲得一對一的電話或面對面咨詢。
n the Water
Sure, we've all heard that swimming laps and water aerobics will keep us fit, but there are plentyof less fitness-focused activities that can also count as, well, exercise.
Snorkeling: Burn Factor = 318 calories
Many of us lucky enough to be hitting a tropical beach this summer will find ourselvesstrapping on fins and snorkel masks to check out the local marine life. The upside to gettingthose masks tangled in our hair is that we'll burn over 100 calories for every hour we'reexploring.
Kayaking: Burn Factor = 318 calories
Many oceanside areas offer kayak tours to check out nearby landmasses and wildlife. Whilesmelling that fresh, salty sea air and figuring out just how to make that canoe like thing turnthe way we want, you'll torch just as many calories as you would on a stationary gym machine-sans sweaty-shorts guy panting next to you.
Around the House
Summer often adds more outdoor chores to our to-do lists. The good news? Many of these aretiring, because they also count as exercise.
Mowing the Lawn: Burn Factor = 350 calories
We all love two-for-one deals, and when chores can double as exercise.
Gardening: Burn Factor = 255 calories
The good news is that all that digging, raking, pushing, pruning, and weeding is worth asignificant amount of calories. Lack a garden? Find a local farm that'll let you go berry picking.
Washing the Car: Burn Factor = 286 calories
Another summertime double whammy-you can save money and get fit just by sudsing up yourown vehicle. All it takes is breaking out the sponges, soap, and towels, and you've put in justas much effort as we would have on the StairMaster.
另一個夏季"雙重災難" 是:你可以自己洗刷愛車,既省了錢,又達到了塑身的目的。所需要的就是拿上海綿,肥皂和毛巾,然后使出你在階梯器上花費的力氣就可以咯。
In the Great Outdoors
Without rain in the forecast, we can get outside in the sun (wearing plenty of sunscreen, ofcourse) to try these recreational activities, and spend less time indoors at the gym while we'reat it.
Playing Tennis: Burn Factor = 445 calories
It doesn't take very long on the court to break a sweat. Turns out, that's thanks to themassive amount of calories you'll burn perfecting that backhand.
Biking for Fun: Burn Factor = 509 calories
That's right, biking at just a moderate speed burns around 500 calories in an hour. I'vestarted riding my bike to work every day-incorporating activity naturally without it really feelinglike "exercise time." Work too far from home to ride there? Just bike to the store when you can,or for fun around your neighborhood.
Rollerblading: Burn Factor = 764 calories
It's a little cheesy, sure, but for 700-plus calories per hour, what more creative way to getfrom place to place when the sun is shining than Rollerblading—especially if you're somewherewith a nice bike path.
Dancing: Burn Factor = 414 calories
Spending a steamy summer night learning salsa or grooving to some live music? Yes, please.Calories or no calories, jamming alfresco screams summer for all the senses.