Let your feelings be your choice. There’s no need for the twistsandturns1 of circumstance to hold your feelings hostage.
In each moment, let your outlook be determined by your highest expectations. Observe the world from a positive perspective, and you’ll see the most valuable possibilities.
You’ll never have to be upset in an attempt to be realistic. Though reality is what it is, you always have the choice of what to make of it.
It is easy to think you need to feel sorry for yourself. It is far better, though, to avoid the waste of time and energy that your self-pity would produce.
Your feelings are powerful, and they are yours to choose. Whatever may happen, you always have the option of dealing with it from a position of strength.
In every challenge there is great potential value. Choose to feel powerful and positive, and that value is yours to create.
Have you ever thought about how people will judge you after you’ve gone? “He was a great man,” or, “She will be missed,” and so on.
你有沒有想過在你離開人世后人們會怎樣評價你? “他是一個了不起的人”或者“她值得懷念”諸如此類。
The work that you do continues after you’ve died, but the more of yourself you’ve given to it, the longer it lasts. duanwenw.com It’s like investing your money so that your descendants can benefit from it. Do you hope that your name will be remembered after you’ve gone? Do you wish to carve your likeness in stone for others to see? Is the purpose of life to have an everlasting name, or something else?
你所從事的事業(yè)也許在你死后還將繼續(xù),而且你對它投入越多,它所持續(xù)的時間就越長。就像你把自己的錢用來投資,以便子孫后代受益于此。你希望在離開人世之后還被人銘記于心嗎? 你希望你的肖像被刻在石碑上以供他人瞻仰嗎?人生的最終目標是為了永垂不朽還是有別的什么目的呢?
Every man alive today could die tomorrow. Not all of us will become old. Our potential may never be realized, duanwenw.com yet we can still do our best with the present moment that we have. If we don’t accept that this is a law of life in the physical world, we’ll become frustrated when life doesn’t coincide with our fantasies.
Experience life, and live it to the fullest. The meaning of life must be grasped in the present moment; when the present is gone, who knows what will come after? What is the meaning of life? What is left when everything has faded with time? Our moments are strung together — these’re called events. These events are strung together, and are called life. Seize the moment — in it lies the meaning of life that continues once you’ve gone.
體驗人生,將人生過得充實起來。生命的意義在于把握現(xiàn)在;當現(xiàn)在成為過去,接下來誰知道會是什么樣子呢?生命的意義是什么? 當所有一切隨時間消退后,我們能留下的又有什么?我們的時光是由一連串的事件串連在一起的。這些事件又被串連成人生。抓住這一時刻,因為它就是我們死后還繼續(xù)存在的人生的意義所在。
These days there are a lot of talks about people’s inborn abilities. Great speakers stress the fact that everybody has a lot of potential which if put into action could bring incredible results.
It may be hard for a person to believe in himself or herself, especially if one comes from a humble background. duanwenw.com But the truth is that your success should not be tied to your academic performance or childhood experiences. The fact that you don’t do well in your class work can not be used to fully declare you a failure in life. Remember that there are so many success stories that were born away from classrooms. All you need to do is to identify your inner abilities and put them into action.
Unfortunately, many people waste their time just imitating others, and never get around to finding their own talents. I’ve also met people with more than four undergraduate degrees, who end up practicing just one profession; it means that they have been trying to locate their happiness. duanwenw.com You will only find satisfaction when you discover your inborn potential. Once you’ve found it, acting to realize it becomes relatively easy.
