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時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享




  Acountry maid was walking along with a can of milk uponher head, when she fell into the following train ofreflections.The money for which I shall sell this milk willenable me to increase my stock of eggs to three hundred.一個(gè)村姑頭上頂著一罐牛奶在路上行走。走著走著,她的腦子里浮現(xiàn)出一連串的幻想:我賣了這罐牛奶后,用這筆錢買雞蛋,這樣我有的雞蛋可以增加到300個(gè)

  These eggs, allowing for what may prove addle, and whatmay be destroyed by vermin, will produce at least twohundred and fifty chickens用這300個(gè)雞蛋孵小雞,就算有壞的、生蟲(chóng)的,至少也能孵出250只小雞。

  The chickens will be fit to carry to market just at the timewhen poultry is always dear;so that by the new year Icannot fail of having money enough to purchase a newgown.等小雞長(zhǎng)大后,正好能趕上賣個(gè)好市價(jià);那么到了新年,我就能有錢買一件新晚裝。

  Green - let me consider - yes, green becomes mycomplexion best, and green it shall be.買一件綠色的------讓我好好想想------對(duì),綠色與我的膚色最相襯。

  In this dress I will go to the fair, where all young fellows willstrive to have me for a partner;我穿上這件衣服去趕集,所有的年輕小伙子都會(huì)搶著邀請(qǐng)我做舞伴;

  but no - I shall refuse every one of them, and with adisdainful toss turn from them."


  Transported with this idea, she could not forbear actingwith her head the thought that passed in her mind, whendown came the can of milk!她想得得意忘形,情不自禁地把頭一揚(yáng),剎那間,牛奶罐跌了下來(lái)!

  And all her imaginary happiness vanished in a moment她幻想的一切幸福瞬間破滅了。


  A man and his girlfriend were married. It was a largecelebration.一個(gè)男人和他的女朋友結(jié)婚,舉行了一場(chǎng)盛大的結(jié)婚慶典。

  All of their friends and family came to see the lovelyceremony and to partake of the festivities andcelebrations. All had a wonderful time.所有的朋友和家人都來(lái)到結(jié)婚典禮上參加歡宴和慶?;顒?dòng)。大家都過(guò)得很開(kāi)心。

  The bride was gorgeous in her white wedding gown andthe groom was very dashing in his black tuxedo.Everyone could tell that the love they had for each otherwas true.穿著白色婚紗的新娘漂亮迷人,穿著黑色禮服的新郎英俊瀟灑。每個(gè)人都能看出他們彼此的愛(ài)是真誠(chéng)的。

  A few months later, the wife came to the husband with aproposal, "I read in a magazine, a while ago, about howwe can strengthen our marriage," she offered. "Each ofus will write a list of the things that we find a bitannoying with the other person. Then, we can talkabout how we can fix them together and make our liveshappier together."幾個(gè)月后,妻子走近丈夫提議說(shuō):“我剛才在雜志上看到一篇文章,說(shuō)的是怎樣鞏固婚姻。”她說(shuō):“我們兩個(gè)人都各自把對(duì)方的小毛病列在一張紙上,然后我們商量一下怎樣解決,以便使我們的生活更幸福。”

  The husband agreed. So each of them went to aseparate room in the house and thought of the thingsthat annoyed them about the other. They thoughtabout this question for the rest of the day and wrotedown what they came up with.丈夫同意了。于是他們各自走向不同的房間去想對(duì)方的缺點(diǎn)。那一天余下的時(shí)間里,他們都在思考這個(gè)問(wèn)題,并且把他們想到的都寫下來(lái)。

  The next morning, at the breakfast table, they decidedthat they would go over their lists.第二天早上,吃早飯的時(shí)候,他們決定談?wù)劚舜说娜秉c(diǎn)。

  "I'll start," offered the wife. She took out her list. It hadmany items on it, enough to fill 3 pages. In fact, as shestarted reading the list of the little annoyances, shenoticed that tears were starting to appear in herhusband's eyes.“我先開(kāi)始吧。”妻子說(shuō)。她拿出她的單子,上面列舉了很多條,事實(shí)上,足足寫滿了三頁(yè)。當(dāng)她開(kāi)始念的時(shí)候,她注意到丈夫眼里含著淚花。

  "What's wrong?" she asked. "Nothing," the husbandreplied, "keep reading your list."“怎么啦?”她問(wèn)。“沒(méi)什么,”丈夫答道,“繼續(xù)念吧。”

  The wife continued to read until she had read all threepages to her husband. She neatly placed her list on thetable and folded her hands over the top of it.妻子又接著念。整整三頁(yè)都念完之后她把單子整齊地放在桌上,兩手交叉放在上面。

  "Now, you read your list and then we'll talk about thethings on both of our lists," she said happily.


  Quietly the husband stated, "I don't have anything onmy list. I think that you are perfect the way that you are.I don't want you to change anything for me. You arelovely and wonderful and I wouldn't want to try andchange anything about you."丈夫平靜地說(shuō):“我什么也沒(méi)寫,我覺(jué)得像你這樣就很完美了,我不想讓你為我改變什么。你很可愛(ài)迷人,我不想讓你改變。”


  The story goes that two friends were walking throughthe desert. During some point of the journey they hadan argument, and one friend slapped the other one inthe face.話說(shuō)兩個(gè)好朋友正在穿越一個(gè)沙漠。途中他們忽然爭(zhēng)吵了起來(lái),其中一個(gè)一巴掌扇在另外一個(gè)人的臉上。

  The one who got slapped was hurt, but without sayinganything, he wrote in the sand: "Today my best friendslapped me in the face."被扇的那個(gè)人受了傷害,但他一句話也沒(méi)有說(shuō),只是在沙子上寫道:“今天我最要好的朋友打了我一個(gè)耳光。”

  They kept on walking until they found an oasis, wherethey decided to take a bath. The one who had beenslapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, butthe friend saved him.他們繼續(xù)走下去,后來(lái)發(fā)現(xiàn)了一片綠洲,他們于是決定洗個(gè)澡。先前被打的那個(gè)人這時(shí)不小心陷入了一個(gè)泥潭里面,差點(diǎn)被淹死了,幸運(yùn)的是他的朋友把他給救了出來(lái)。

  After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote ona stone: "Today my best friend saved my life."他蘇醒過(guò)來(lái)后,立刻在一塊石頭上寫道:“今天我最要好的朋友救了我一命。”

  The friend who had slapped and saved his best friendasked him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand andnow you write on a stone. Why?"扇過(guò)他耳光又救過(guò)他性命的朋友于是問(wèn)他說(shuō):“我打了你之后你在沙子上寫字,而現(xiàn)在你卻在石頭上寫,為什么呢?”

  The other friend replied: "When someone hurts us weshould write it down in the sand where winds offorgiveness can erase it away. But when someone doessomething good for us, we must engrave it in a stonewhere no wind can ever erase it."寫字的那個(gè)人回答說(shuō):“當(dāng)我們被別人傷害了之后,我們應(yīng)該把它寫在沙子上,那樣,寬容的風(fēng)就很快就會(huì)將其抹去,但當(dāng)我們受到別人的幫助之后,我們必須將它刻在石頭上,那樣,風(fēng)就不會(huì)輕易把它磨滅。”


  They say it takes a minute to find a special person, anhour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but anentire life to forget them.人們常說(shuō)發(fā)掘一個(gè)特別的人需要一分鐘,欣賞一個(gè)人需要一個(gè)小時(shí),愛(ài)上一個(gè)人需要一整天,但忘記一個(gè)人卻需要你一生的時(shí)間。

  Send this phrase to the people you'll never forget. It's ashort message to let them know that you'll never forgetthem.將這句話發(fā)給你永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)忘懷的人吧,讓他們知道你將永遠(yuǎn)把他們放在心上。





