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  If you want to know how others treat you, the best starting place is to look at how you treat others.


  And if you don't like the way you're treated, there's only one course of action—to change your own behavior, because you can't change anyone else's.


  Relationships function like a mirror--eventually that change will reflect back onto how you are treated.


  Here are nine important principles to remember about how to treat others:


  1. Instead of judging people by their past, stand by them and help them build their future.

  1. 與其通過過去評價別人,不如與他們肩并肩幫助他們建立未來。

  Everyone has a past. Some are a source of pride, and others are best left behind. But whatever their past, people do change and grow, so instead of judging, stand by and support them as they move toward their future. Treat them with respect and make their journey your own.


  2. Listen with curiosity, speak with candor, and act with integrity.

  2. 帶著好奇傾聽,坦白地講話并正直地行動。

  Listening and curiosity allow relationships to thrive. Speaking your truth allows people to be honest with themselves and with you, and acting with integrity keeps relationships on a high standard. Relationships need curiosity to grow, candor to deepen, and integrity to continue.


  3. Treat everyone with kindness--not because they are kindhearted, but because you are.

  3. 友善地對待每一個人,并非因為他們心地善良,而是因為你是這樣的人。

  One of the greatest gifts we can give another is kindness. If someone is in need, lend a helping hand. Don't do it only for the people you like and respect--that's easy--but also for the ones who drive you crazy and those you don't even know. True kindness lies in the act of giving without the expectation of getting something in return.


  4. Don't try to make yourself great by making someone else look small.

  4. 不要試圖使別人渺小來成就自己的偉大。

  The moment you think you have the right to belittle others because you are better than they are is the moment you prove you have no power. People tend to make others feel how they themselves feel, whether it's great or small. If you can't offer help, support, or love, at least do everything in your power not to hurt them or make them feel small. Treat everyone you meet with honor.


  5. Remember, everyone has a story.

  5. 記住,每人都有故事。

  It may be something they've gone through in the past or something they're still dealing with, but remember that behavior doesn't happen in a vacuum. Everyone has inner battles and issues. Withhold judgment and instead offer the consideration you'd like to receive.



  We've all turned to melancholy music to make us feel better at some point in our lives, but why does doubling down on the sadness help drag us out of the mire?


  A new study sheds light on what's going on inside our brains when we match our music to our feels, and it looks like sad music can be enjoyable - rather than simply depressing - because it triggers positive memories that can help to lift our mood.


  Psychologist Adrian North from Curtin University in Australia says there are two groups of possible explanations for why we enjoy listening to sad music like this: one from social psychology, and one from cognitive neuroscience.


  In terms of social psychology, one way of thinking about this is that we feel better about ourselves if we focus on someone who's doing even worse, a well-known process known as downward social comparison. Everything's going to be okay, because this person is having an even worse day than you are.


  Another hypothesis from social psychology is that people like to listen to music that mirrors the tone of their current life circumstances – the songs act as a sort of tuning fork for our own situations, and they resonate with us.



  Sure, money cannot buy you everything.


  But no one can deny that it's necessary.


  I need money to have a shelter so that I won't freeze to death when winter comes.


  I need money to buy food so that I can live a healthy life.


  Plus, with money you can see a lot of things much more clearly.


  And there's something really precious which you can only get through money.


  It is the privilege to say "No."


  With money, you can protect those who you love.


  With money, you can fight against the evil in the world.


  I don't know why so many people despise money and those who found their way to make money.


  Yes, sometimes fortune brings corruption.


  But that's because it's a double-edged sword.


  It's not money who made the decision.


  So I'm not ashamed to say that I cherish money, not at all.


  There's nothing more honorable than making money with your own hands legally, period.
