Miranda slept in the orchard, lying in a long chair beneath the apple tree. Her book had fallen into the grass, and her finger still seemed to point at the sentence "Ce pays est vraiment un des coins du monde oui le rire des filles elate le mieux…”as if she had fallen asleep just there. The opals on her finger flushed green, flushed rosy, and again flushed orange as the sun, oozing through the apple-trees, filled them. Then, when the breeze blew, her purple dress rippled like a flower attached to a stalk; the grasses nodded; and the white butterfly came blowing this way and that just above her face.
米蘭達睡在果園里,躺在蘋果樹底下的一張長椅上。她的書已經(jīng)掉在草地上,她的手指似乎仍指著那句:"Ce pays estvraimentun des coins du le des filler eclate le mieux...”仿佛她就在那兒睡著了。她手指上的貓眼石在穿過蘋果樹的陽光的照耀下,忽而發(fā)綠,忽而發(fā)玫瑰紅,忽而又發(fā)橘黃。微風一吹,她的紫裙泛起漣漪,像依附在莖上的花兒;草兒隨風搖曳;一只白蝴蝶就在她的臉上飛來飛去。
Four feet in the air over her head the apples hung. Suddenly there was a shrill clamour as if they were gongs of cracked brass beaten violently, irregularly, and brutally. It was only the school-children saying the multiplication table in unison, stopped by the teacher,scolded and beginning to say the multiplication table over again. But this clamour passed four feet above Miranda's head, went through the apple boughs,and, striking against the cowman's little boy who was picking blackberries in the hedge when he should have been at school, made him tear his thumb on the thorns.
Next there was a solitary cry-sad, human, brutal. Old Parsley was, indeed, blind drunk.
Then the very topmost leaves of the apple-tree, flat like little fish against the blue, thirty feet above the earth, chimed with a pensive and lugubrious note. It was the organ in the church playing one of Hymns Ancient and Modern. The sound floated out and was cut into atoms by a flock of field-fares flying at an enormous speed-somewhere or other. Miranda lay asleep thirty feet beneath.
Then above the apple-tree and the pear-tree two hundred feet above Miranda lying asleep in the orchard bells thudded, intermittent, sullen, didactic, for six poor women of the parish were being churched and the Rector was returning thanks to heaven.
And above that with a sharp squeak the golden feather of the church tower turned from south to east. The wind changed. Above everything else it droned,above the woods, the meadows, the hills, miles above Miranda lying in the orchard asleep. It swept on, eyeless, brainless, meeting nothing that could stand against it, until, wheeling the other way, it turned south again. Miles below, in a space as big as the eye of a needle, Miranda stood upright and cried aloud一“Oh, I shall be late for tea!"
1.opal n.蛋白石,貓眼石
2.ooze vi.滲出,泄漏
3.ripple vi.起漣漪,起伏
4.shrill adj.尖銳的,刺耳的
5.clamour n.喧鬧
6.scold v.責罵,訓斥
7.bough n.大樹枝
8.chime v.鳴,打
9.pensive adj.沉思的,愁眉苦臉的
10.lugubrious adj.悲哀的,憂郁的
11.enormous adj.巨大的,龐大的
12.thud vi.發(fā)出砰的一聲
13.intermittent adj.間歇的,斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的
14.sullen adj.慍怒的,悶悶不樂的,陰沉的
15.didactic adj.教誨 的,說教的
16.squeak n.吱吱聲,逃脫
17.drone vi.嗡嗡叫