
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語閱讀 > 英語詩歌 > 美麗的觸動心弦的英文詩歌


時間: 韋彥867 分享





  Yet should I curse a god, if he but said,

  Live without love, so sweet ill is a maid.

  For when my loathing it of heat deprives me,

  I know not whether my mind's whirlwind drives me.

  Even as a headstrong courser bears away,

  His rider vainly striving him to stay,

  Or as a sudden gale thrusts into sea,

  The haven touching bark now near the lea,

  So wavering Cupid brings me back amain,

  And purple Love resumes his darts again.

  Strike boy, I offer thee my naked breast,

  Here thou hast strength, here thy right hand doth rest.

  Here of themselves thy shafts come, as if shot,

  Better then I their quiver knows them not.

  Hapless is he that all the night lies quiet and slumb'ring,

  thinks himself much blessed by it.

  Fool, what is sleep but image of cold death,

  Long shalt thou rest when Fates expire thy breath.

  But me let crafty damsels words deceive,

  Great joys by hope I inly shall conceive.

  Now let her flatter me, now chide me hard,

  Let me enjoy her oft, oft be debarr'd.

  Cupid by thee, Mars in great doubt doth trample,

  And thy step-father fights by thy example.

  Light art thou, and more windy then thy wings,

  Joys with uncertain faith thou tak'st and brings.

  Yet Love, if thou with thy fair mother hear ,

  Within my breast no desert empire bear.

  Subdue the wandring wenches to thy reign,

  So of both people shalt thou homage gain.


  May I Feel Said Heby E. E. Cummings

  may i feel said he (i'll squeal said she just once said he)

  it's fun said she (may i touch said he how much said she a lot said he)

  why not said she (let's go said he not too far said she what's too far said he where you are said she)

  may i stay said he (which way said she like this said he if you kiss said she may i move said he is it love said she)

  if you're willing said he (but you're killing said she but it's life said he but your wife said she now said he)

  ow said she (tiptop said he don't stop said she oh no said he)

  go slow said she (cccome?said he ummm said she)

  you're divine!said he (you are Mine said she)


  Go To The Limits of Your Longingby Rainer Maria Rilke

  God speaks to each of us as he makes us,

  then walks with us silently out of the night.

  These are the words we dimly hear:

  You, sent out beyond your recall,

  go to the limits of your longing.

  Embody me.

  Flare up like flame

  and make big shadows I can move in.

  Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror.

  Just keep going. No feeling is final.

  Don’t let yourself lose me.

  Nearby is the country they call life.

  You will know it by its seriousness.

  Give me your hand.


  I Love Thee by Thomas Hood

  I love thee—I love thee!

  ’Tis all that I can say;

  It is my vision in the night,

  My dreaming in the day;

  The very echo of my heart,

  The blessing when I pray:

  I love thee—I love thee!

  Is all that I can say.

  I love thee—I love thee!

  Is ever on my tongue;

  In all my proudest poesy

  That chorus still is sung;

  It is the verdict of my eyes,

  Amidst the gay and young:

  I love thee—I love thee!

  A thousand maids among.

  I love thee—I love thee!

  Thy bright hazel glance,

  The mellow lute upon those lips,

  Whose tender tones entrance;

  But most, dear heart of hearts, thy proofs

  That still these words enhance,

  I love thee—I love thee!

  Whatever be thy chance.



  A sudden blow: the great wings beating still above the staggering girl,


  her thighs caressed by the dark webs,


  her nape caught in his bill,


  He holds her helpless breast upon his breast.


  How can those terrified vague fingers push


  The feathered glory from her loosening thighs?


  And how can body, laid in that white rush,


  But feel the strange heart beating where it lies?


  A shudder in the loins engenders there


  The broken wall, the burning roof and tower


  And Agamemnon dead.


  Being so caught up,


  So mastered by the brute blood of the air,


  Did she put on his knowledge with his power


  Before the indifferent beak could let her drop?






