Terrible Dream
I'm feeling rather ragged.
I'm feeling rather rough.
I'm looking like I stayed up late,
and didn't sleep enough.
I went to sleep at bedtime
and dreamt all through the night,
but when I woke this morning
I was feeling far from right.
For though I drifted quickly,
and slumbered long and deep,
I'm totally exhausted
'cause I dreamed I couldn't sleep!
Our Teacher's Multi-Talented
Our teacher's multi-talented.
He plays guitar and sings.
He paints impressive pictures
and can juggle twenty rings.
He dances like an expert,
he can mambo, tap and waltz.
He's also quite a gymnast,
doing airborne somersaults.
He's something of a swimmer.
He's a champion at chess.
It's difficult to find a skill
that he does not possess.
He speaks a dozen languages.
He's great at racing cars.
He's masterful at fighting bulls,
and studying the stars.
He's good at climbing mountains.
He can wrestle with a bear.
The only thing we wish he'd learn
is how to comb his hair.
At History I'm Hopeless
At history I'm hopeless.
At spelling I stink.
In music I'm useless.
From science I shrink.
At art I'm atrocious.
In sports I'm a klutz.
At reading I'm rotten.
And math makes me nuts.
At language I'm lousy.
Computers? I'm cursed.
In drama I'm dreadful.
My writing's the worst.
"I don't understand it,"
my teacher exclaims.
I tell her they ought to teach
video games.
I Wake Today
I wake today,
get out of bed,
then stretch and yawn
and scratch my head.
I find my clothes.
I pull them on
while stifling
another yawn.
I grab a breakfast
bar for fuel,
and hoist my pack
and head to school.
When I arrive
I'm truly shocked.
The lights are off.
The door is locked.
I check my watch.
It's me, not them.
I woke too soon.
It's 4am.