December Substitute
Our substitute is strange because
he looks a lot like Santa Claus.
In fact, the moment he walked in
we thought that he was Santa's twin.
We wouldn't think it quite so weird,
if it was just his snowy beard.
But also he has big, black boots
and wears these fuzzy bright red suits.
He's got a rather rounded gut
that's like a bowl of you-know-what.
And when he laughs, it's deep and low
and sounds a lot like "Ho! Ho! Ho!"
He asks us all if we've been good
and sleeping when we know we should.
He talks of reindeers, sleighs and elves,
and tells us to behave ourselves.
And when it's time for us to go
he dashes out into the snow.
But yesterday we figured out
just what our sub is all about.
We know just why he leaves so quick,
and why he's dressed like Old Saint Nick
in hat and coat and boots and all:
He's working evenings at the mall.
One Very Hot Day
One very hot day in a very hot summer,
some donkeys were carrying corn
in sacks on their backs
and they carried these packs
from the field to be stored in the barn.
The sun was so hot and the air was so dry
that the corn that the donkeys were hauling
was suddenly popping
and drifting and dropping
as if it were snow that were falling.
It seems that the donkeys were sure it was snow
that descended around them in drifts.
For, next thing you know,
it was twenty below,
and the donkeys were all frozen stiff.
In spite of the fact they were frozen to death,
they are now safely back in their barn
and feeling much better;
they've each got a sweater
that somebody knit from this yarn.
Slim Sam's Ship Shop
Slim Sam's Ship Shop
sells Sam's shrimp ships.
Trim Tom's Chip Shop
sells Tom's shrimp chips.
Slick Nick's Snack Shack
sells Nick's stick snacks.
Doc Jacques' Slack Shack
sells Jacques' black slacks.
Nick shops Jacques' shack.
Jacques sells Nick slacks.
Jacques shops Nick's shack.
Nick sells Jacques snacks.
Sam skips Tom's shop.
Tom's shrimp chips drop.
Tom skips Sam's shop.
Sam shrimp ships flop.
Nick swaps snacks for
Doc Jacques' black slacks.
Jacques' swaps slacks for
Slick Nick's stick snacks.
Sam, Tom skip shop?
Chips drop, ships flop.
Nick, Jacques shop shacks?
Slacks and snacks swap.
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Mary had a little lamb
whose fleece was worth some money.
Now Mary's filthy rich
but her bald lamb looks kind of funny.