


時間: 韋彥867 分享



  The Valve

  by David R. Slavitt

  The one-way flow of time we take for granted,

  but what if the valve is defective? What if the threads

  on the stem wear thin, or the stuffing box or the bonnet

  ring leaks, or the joints to the pipe ring fail,

  and there's a backwash?

  It happens.

  And then old loves,

  meeting again, have no idea what to do,

  resuming or not resuming from where they were

  years before. Or the dead come back to chat.

  Or you are reduced for a giddy moment to childhood's

  innocent incompetence. You look up

  as if to see some hint in the sky's blackboard.

  But then, whatever it was, some fluff or grit

  that clogged the works, works free, and again time passes,

  almost as before, and you try to get on with your life.


  The Visitor

  by Jack Prelutsky

  it came today to visit

  and moved into the house

  it was smaller than an elephant

  but larger than a mouse

  first it slapped my sister

  then it kicked my dad

  then it pushed my mother

  oh! that really made me mad

  it went and tickled rover

  and terrified the cat

  it sliced apart my necktie

  and rudely crushed my hat

  it smeared my head with honey

  and filled the tub with rocks

  and when i yelled in anger

  it stole my shoes and socks

  that's just the way it happened

  it happened all today

  before it bowed politely

  and softly went away



  by Pablo Medina

  Let the aroma of need

  waft across the river to New Jersey:

  all the snow and hills,

  a sky that moves and moves.

  I saw a rose in the clouds,

  I saw happiness on fire.


  The Voice

  by Thomas Hardy

  Woman much missed, how you call to me, call to me,

  Saying that now you are not as you were

  When you had changed from the one who was all to me,

  But as at first, when our day was fair.

  Can it be you that I hear? Let me view you, then,

  Standing as when I drew near to the town

  Where you would wait for me: yes, as I knew you then,

  Even to the original air-blue gown!

  Or is it only the breeze in its listlessness

  Travelling across the wet mead to me here,

  You being ever dissolved to wan wistlessness,

  Heard no more again far or near?

  Thus I; faltering forward,

  Leaves around me falling,

  Wind oozing thin through the thorn from norward,

  And the woman calling.


  Coastal Plain by Kathryn Stripling Byer

  The only clouds

  forming are crow clouds,

  the only shade, oaks

  bound together in a tangle of oak

  limbs that signal the wind

  coming, if there is any wind

  stroking the flat

  fields, the flat

  swatch of corn.

  Far as anyone's eye can see, corn's

  dying under the sky

  that repeats itself either as sky

  or as water

  that won't remain water

  for long on the highway: its shimmer

  is merely the shimmer

  of one more illusion that yields

  to our crossing as we ourselves yield

  to our lives, to the roots

  of our landscape. Pull up the roots

  and what do we see but the night

  soil of dream, the night

  soil of what we call

  home. Home that calls

  and calls

  and calls.





