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  The Sea 海


  The Sea! the Sea! the open Sea!海啊!海啊!遼闊的大海!

  The blue, the fresh, the ever free!碧藍(lán),清新,永遠(yuǎn)地自由自在!

  Without a mark, without a bound,沒有標(biāo)志,沒有境界,

  It runneth the earth's wide regions 'round;它圍繞著大地;

  It plays with the clouds; it mocks the skies;與云彩嬉戲,向蒼穹嘲弄;

  Or like a cradled creature lies.間或嬰兒似地靜躺在搖籃里。


  I'm on the Sea! I'm on the Sea!我在海上!我在海上!

  I am where I would ever be;這兒是我永遠(yuǎn)愿待的地方;

  With the blue above, and the blue below,上有藍(lán)藍(lán)的天,下有藍(lán)藍(lán)的海,

  And silence wheresoe'er I go;處處都是一片寂寞,

  If a storm should come and awake the deep,即使風(fēng)浪將來喚醒大海,

  What matter? I shall ride and sleep.有甚么關(guān)系?駕舟,就寢皆由我。


  I love (oh! how I love) to ride 我樂于(啊!我多么樂于)航行,

  On the fierce foaming bursting tide,在泡沫兇惡而崩裂的潮水上,

  When every mad wave drowns the moon,此時狂浪吞沒了月影,

  Or whistles aloft his tempest tune,嘯聲高奏著風(fēng)暴曲,

  And tells how goes the world below,傾訴底下的世界是何等模樣,

  And why the south-west blasts do blow.西南風(fēng)又為何而吹。


  I never was on the dull tame shore 我從不留戀單調(diào)溫馴的海岸,

  but I lov'd the great Sea more and more,只是愈來愈沉迷于海上,

  And backwards flew to her billowy breast,像鳥兒尋找母巢一般,

  Like a bird that seeketh its mother's nest;忽忙地飛回那濤濤巨浪的懷抱;

  And mother she was, and is to me;對我而言她就是慈母;

  For I was born on the open Sea!因為我生長在海上!

  by Bryan W. Procter, 1787-1874


  Sea Fever海之戀

  John Masefield 作/ 綠雪 譯

  I MUST go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,

  And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,

  And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,

  And a gray mist on the sea's face, and a gray dawn breaking.





  I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide

  Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;

  And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,

  And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.





  I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,

  To the gull's way and the whale's way, where the wind's like a whetted knife;

  And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,

  And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.我一定要再次回到大海





  《致大海To The Sea 》

  再見吧,自由的原素!Farewell to you,unharnessed Ocean!

  最后一次了,在我眼前 No longer will you roll at me

  你的藍(lán)色的浪頭翻滾起伏,Your azure swells in endless motion

  你的驕傲的美閃爍壯觀.Or gleam in tranquil majesty.

  仿佛友人的憂郁的絮語,A comrade's broken words on leaving,

  仿佛他別離一刻的招呼,His hail of parting at the door:

  最后一次了,我聽著你的 Your chant of luring,chant of grieving

  喧聲呼喚,你的沉郁的吐訴.Will murmur in my ears no more.

  我全心渴望的國度啊,大海!Oh,homeland of my spirit's choosing!

  多么常常地,在你的岸上 How often on your banks at large

  我靜靜地,迷惘地徘徊,I wandered mute and dimly musing,

  苦思著我那珍愛的愿望.Fraught with a sacred,troubling charge!

  啊,我多么愛聽你的回聲,How I would love your deep resounding,

  那喑啞的聲音,那深淵之歌,The primal chasm's muffled voice,

  我愛聽你黃昏時分的幽靜,The primal chasm's muffled voice,

  和你任性的脾氣的發(fā)作!And in your sudden,reckless bounding!

  漁人的渺小的帆憑著 The fisher's lowly canvas slips,

  你的喜怒無常的保護(hù) By your capricious favor sheltered,

  在兩齒之間大膽地滑過,Undaunted down your breakers' lips:

  但你若洶涌起來,無法克服,Yet by your titan romps have weltered

  成群的漁船就會覆沒.And foundered droves of masted ships.

  直到現(xiàn)在,我還不能離開 Alas,Fate thwarted me from weighing

  這令我厭煩的凝固的石岸,My anchor off the cloddish shore,

  我還沒有熱烈地?fù)肀?大海!Exultantly your realm surveying,

  也沒有讓我的詩情的波瀾 And by your drifting ridges laying

  隨著你的山脊跑開!My poet's course forevermore.

  你在期待,呼喚…我卻被縛住,You waited,called...I was in irons,

  我的心徒然想要掙脫開,And vainly did my soul rebel,

  是更強(qiáng)烈的感情把我迷住,Becalmed in those uncouth environs

  于是我在岸邊留下來…… By passion's overpowering spell.

  有什么可顧惜的?而今哪里 Yet why this sorrow?Toward what fastness

  能使我奔上坦蕩的途徑?Would now my carefree sails be spread?

  在你的荒涼中,只有一件東西 To one lone goal in all your vastness

  也許還激動我的心靈.My spirit might have gladly sped.

  一面峭壁,一座光榮的墳?zāi)?hellip; One lonely cliff,the tomb of glory...

  那里,種種偉大的回憶 There chilling slumber fell upon

  已在寒冷的夢里沉沒,The ghost of mankind's proudest story:

  啊,是拿破侖熄滅在那里.There breathed his last Napoleon.

  他已經(jīng)在苦惱里長眠.There rest for suffering he bartered;

  緊隨著他,另一個天才 And,gale-borne in his wake,there streams

  象風(fēng)暴之間馳過我們面前,Another kingly spirit martyred,

  啊,我們心靈的另一個主宰.Another regent of our dreams.

  他去了,使自由在悲泣中!He passed,and left to Freedom mourning,

  他把自己的桂 冠留給世上.His laurels to Eternity.

  喧騰吧,為險惡的天時而洶涌,Arise,roar out in stormy warning:

  噢,大海!他曾經(jīng)為你歌唱.He was your own true bard,oh Sea!

  他是由你的精氣塑成的,His soul was by your spirit haunted,

  海啊,他是你的形象的反映; In your own image was he framed:

  他象你似的深沉、有力、陰郁,Like you immense,profound,undaunted

  他也倔強(qiáng)得和你一樣.Like you nocturnal untamed.

  世界空虛了……哦,海洋,Bereft the world...where by your power,

  現(xiàn)在你還能把我?guī)У侥睦?Oh Sea would you now carry me?

  到處,人們的命運(yùn)都是一樣:Life offers everywhere one dower:

  哪里有幸福,必有教育 On any glint of bliss there glower

  或暴君看守得非常嚴(yán)密.Enlightenment or tyranny.

  再見吧,大海!你壯觀的美色 Farewell then,Sea!Henceforth in wonder

  將永遠(yuǎn)不會被我遺忘; Your regal grace will I rever;

  我將久久地,久久地聽著 Long will your muffled twilit thunder

  你在黃昏時分的轟響.Reverberate within my ear.

  心里充滿了你,我將要把 To woods and silent wildernesses

  你的山巖,你的海灣,Will I translate your potent spells,

  你的光和影,你的浪花的喋喋,Your cliffs,your coves,your shining tresses,

  帶到森林,帶到寂靜的荒原.Your shadows and your murmurous swells.





