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  A groundbreaking trial to see if it is possible to regenerate the brains of dead people, has won approval from health watchdogs.


  A biotech company in the US has been granted ethical permission to recruit 20 patients who have been declared clinically dead from a traumatic brain injury, to test whether parts of their central nervous system can be brought back to life.


  Scientists will use a combination of therapies, which include injecting the brain with stem cells and a cocktail of peptides, as well as deploying lasers and nerve stimulation techniques which have been shown to bring patients out of comas.


  The trial participants will have been certified dead and only kept alive through life support. They will be monitored for several months using brain imaging equipment to look for signs of regeneration, particularly in the upper spinal cord - the lowest region of the brain stem which controls independent breathing and heartbeat.


  The team believes that the brain stem cells may be able to erase their history and re-start life again, based on their surrounding tissue – a process seen in the animal kingdom in creatures like salamanders who can regrow entire limbs.


  Dr Ira Pastor, the CEO of Bioquark Inc. said: “This represents the first trial of its kind and another step towards the eventual reversal of death in our lifetime.


  "We just received approval for our first 20 subjects and we hope to start recruiting patients immediately from this first site – we are working with the hospital now to identify families where there may be a religious or medical barrier to organ donation.


  "To undertake such a complex initiative, we are combining biologic regenerative medicine tools with other existing medical devices typically used for stimulation of the central nervous system, in patients with other severe disorders of consciousness.


  "We hope to see results within the first two to three months."


  The ReAnima Project has just received approval in India, and the team plans to start recruiting patients immediately.


  The first stage, named 'First In Human Neuro-Regeneration & Neuro-Reanimation' will be a non-randomised, single group 'proof of concept' and will take place at Anupam Hospital in Rudrapur, Uttarakhand India.


  The peptides will be administered into the spinal cord daily via a pump, with the stem cells given bi-weekly, over the course of a 6 week period.


  Dr Pastor added: "It is a long term vision of ours that a full recovery in such patients is a possibility, although that is not the focus of this first study – but it is a bridge to that eventuality."


  Brain stem death is when a person no longer has any brain stem functions, and has permanently lost the potential for consciousness and the capacity to breathe.


  A person is confirmed as being dead when their brain stem function is permanently lost.


  However, although brain dead humans are technically no longer alive, their bodies can often still circulate blood, digest food, excrete waste, balance hormones, grow, sexually mature, heal wounds, spike a fever, and gestate and deliver a baby.


  Recent studies have also suggested that some electrical activity and blood flow continues after brain cell death, just not enough to allow for the whole body to function.


  And while human beings lack substantial regenerative capabilities in the central nervous system, many non-human species, such as amphibians and certain fish, can repair, regenerate and remodel substantial portions of their brain and brain stem even after critical life-threatening trauma.


  “Through our study, we will gain unique insights into the state of human brain death, which will have important connections to future therapeutic development for other severe disorders of consciousness, such as coma, and the vegetative and minimally conscious states, as well as a range of degenerative CNS conditions, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease,” added Dr Sergei Paylian, Founder, President, and Chief Science Officer of Bioquark Inc.


  Commenting on the trial, Dr Dean Burnett, a neuroscientist at the Cardiff University’s Centre for Medical Education said: “While there have been numerous demonstrations in recent years that the human brain and nervous system may not be as fixed and irreparable as is typically assumed, the idea that brain death could be easily reversed seems very far-fetched, given our current abilities and understanding of neuroscience.


  "Saving individual parts might be helpful but it's a long way from resurrecting a whole working brain, in a functional, undamaged state."




  Most people have a love-hate relationship with Crocs(洞洞鞋). The rubbery(有彈力的)slip-ons first hit the market in 2002 as boat shoes by a maker in Boulder, Colo. Since then, the company has expanded to include more than 300 different styles, including boots, balletflats(平底鞋), wedges(坡跟鞋), and loafers(羅浮鞋).


  But many have been left wondering whether the spongy(海綿式的) shoes are really good for their feet.


  “Unfortunately, Crocs are not suitable for all-day use,” Megan Leahy, DPM, a Chicago-basedpodiatrist(足病醫(yī)生) with the Illinois Bone and Joint Institute, tells the Huffington Post. “These shoes do not adequately secure the heel. When the heel is unstable, toes tend to grip, which can lead to tendinitis, worsening of toe deformities(畸形), nail problems, corns, andcalluses(繭). The same thing can happen with flip-flops(人字拖) or any backless shoes as the heel is not secured.”

  足科醫(yī)師Megan 任職于位于芝加哥的伊利諾伊骨科關(guān)節(jié)研究所。他在接受《赫芬頓郵報》采訪時表示“洞洞鞋無法保護腳后跟。如果腳后跟踩不穩(wěn),腳趾就不得不因發(fā)力而彎曲,長此以往會使人患上肌腱炎,加重腳趾畸形,腳趾甲也會出現(xiàn)問題,腳掌上會長雞眼,磨出繭子。穿人字拖或者任何沒有足跟保護的鞋都會出現(xiàn)上述問題。”

  But what if you get the ones with the back strap( 帶) like Mario Batali’s?

  那么有后帶設(shè)計的 Mario Batali牌洞洞鞋呢?

  Still no good, says Alex Kor, DPM, president of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine.

  美國足科運動醫(yī)學(xué)學(xué)會會長足科醫(yī)學(xué)博士Alex Kor給出了否定的答案。

  According to Kor, the problem lies in the flexible shank of the shoe — the portion between the heel and toe.Kor表示真正的問題出在洞洞鞋的前幫部分,即穿鞋人腳趾與腳后跟之間的部分。

  “Patients are more likely to have foot pain if their shoes bend in the shank,” Kor tells Huffington Post. “I see patients who come into my office complaining of arch or heel pain, and they are wearing Crocs.”“


  While both Leahy and Kor are quick to dismiss the all-day wear of Crocs, they do admit that they’re OK for the short term.


  “OK to use for trips to the beach or the pool, but [they] should not be used for long walks,” Leahy says.




  The global public health emergency involving deformed babies emerged in 2015, the hottest year in the historical record, with an outbreak in Brazil of a disease transmitted by heat-loving mosquitoes. Can that be a coincidence?


  Scientists say it will take them years to figure that out, and pointed to other factors that may have played a larger role in starting the crisis. But these same experts added that the Zika epidemic, as well as the related spread of a disease called dengue that is sickening as many as 100 million people a year and killing thousands, should be interpreted as warnings.


  Over the coming decades, global warming is likely to increase the range and speed the life cycle of the particular mosquitoes carrying these viruses, encouraging their spread deeper into temperate countries like the United States.


  Recent research suggests that under a worst-case scenario, involving continued high global emissions coupled with fast population growth, the number of people exposed to the principal mosquito could more than double, to as many as 8 billion or 9 billion by late this century from roughly 4 billion today.


  “As we get continued warming, it’s going to become more difficult to control mosquitoes,” said Andrew Monaghan, who is studying the interaction of climate and health at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. “The warmer it is, the faster they can develop from egg to adult, and the faster they can incubate viruses.”

  “隨著全球變暖,控制蚊子將越來越困難。”安德魯·莫納甘(Andrew Monaghan)說。安德魯在科羅拉多州博爾德的美國國家大氣研究中心(National Center for Atmospheric Research)研究氣候與健康的互動關(guān)系。“天氣越熱,蚊子從孵化到成年的速度就越快,病毒繁殖的速度也就越快。”

  Already, climate change is suspected — though not proven — to have been a factor in a string of disease outbreaks afflicting both people and animals. These include the spread of malaria into the highlands of eastern Africa, the rising incidence of Lyme disease in North America, and the spread of a serious livestock ailment called bluetongue into parts of Europe that were once too cold for it to thrive.


  In interviews, experts noted that no epidemic was ever the result of a single variable.


  Instead, epidemics always involve interactions among genes, ecology, climate and human behavior, presenting profound difficulties for scientists trying to tease apart the contributing factors. “The complexity is enormous,” said Walter J. Tabachnick, a professor with the Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, a unit of the University of Florida in Vero Beach.

  相反,傳染病常常涉及基因、生態(tài)、氣候、人類行為等多種因素,所以科學(xué)家很難把單個因素分離出來。“原因極為復(fù)雜。”佛羅里達醫(yī)學(xué)昆蟲學(xué)實驗室教授瓦爾特·塔巴奇尼克(Walter J. Tabachnick)說。

  The epidemics of Zika and dengue are cases in point. The viruses are being transmitted largely by the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. That creature adapted long ago to live in human settlements, and developed a concomitant taste for human blood.


  Cities in the tropics, the climate zone most favorable to the mosquito, have undergone explosive growth: Humanity passed a milestone a few years ago when more than half the population had moved to urban areas. But spending on health care and on basic public health infrastructure, like water pipes and sewers, has not kept pace. Mosquito control has also faltered in recent decades.


  The mosquito lays its eggs in containers of water, of a sort that are especially common in the huge slums of Latin American cities. With unreliable access to piped water, people there store water in rooftop cisterns, buckets and the like. Old tires and other debris can also become mosquito habitat.


  Water storage near homes is commonplace in areas where Zika has spread rapidly, like the cities of Recife and Salvador in northeastern Brazil, and where dengue experienced a surge in2015, like S漀 Paulo, Brazil’s largest state.


  Altogether, dengue killed at least 839 people in Brazil in 2015, a 40 percent increase from the previous year. Worldwide, dengue is killing more than 20,000 people a year.

  2015年,巴西共有至少839人死于登革熱,比上一年增加40%。而全世界一年有超過2萬人死于登革熱。 多名專家在訪談中稱,疾病爆發(fā)的一個主要原因很可能是城市化、人口增長和跨國旅行造成受風(fēng)險人口增加。他們認為氣候變化只是壓垮駱駝的最后一根稻草。

  Several experts said in interviews that a main reason for the disease outbreaks was most likely the expansion of the number of people at risk, through urbanization, population growth and international travel. They see the changing climate as just another stress on top of a situation that was already rife with peril.


  While they do not understand to what degree rising temperatures and other weather shifts may have contributed to the outbreaks, they do understand some of the potential mechanisms.


  The mosquitoes mostly live on flower nectar, but the female of the species needs a meal of human blood to have enough protein to lay her eggs. If she bites a person infected with dengue, Zika or any of several other diseases, she picks up the virus.


  The virus has to reproduce in the mosquito for a certain period before it can be transmitted to another person in a subsequent bite. The higher the air temperature, the shorter that incubation period. Moreover, up to a point, higher temperatures cause the mosquitoes to mature faster.


  With rising temperatures, “You’re actually speeding up the whole reproductive cycle of the mosquitoes,” said Charles B. Beard, who heads a unit in Fort Collins, Colo., studying insect-borne diseases for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. “You get larger populations, with more generations of mosquitoes, in a warmer, wetter climate. You have this kind of amplification of the risk.”

  溫度上升“實際上會加速蚊子的整個繁殖周期,”查爾斯·B·彼爾德(Charles B. Beard)說,“人口增加了,在更潮濕、更炎熱的氣候里,存活的蚊子世代也增多了,這就放大了風(fēng)險。”彼爾德領(lǐng)導(dǎo)著一個位于科羅拉多州科林斯堡的團隊,為亞特蘭大的疾病控制與預(yù)防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta)進行昆蟲傳播疾病研究。

  In principle, the risk from continued global warming applies not just to temperate countries,but to cities at high altitude in tropical countries. Researchers are keeping a close eye on Mexico City, for instance.


  With 21 million people in the city and its suburbs, Mexico City is the largest metropolis of the Western Hemisphere. While the lowlands of Mexico are plagued by yellow fever mosquitoes and the viruses they transmit, the country’s capital sits on a mountain plain that has — up to now— been too cold for the mosquitoes.


  But temperatures are rising, and the mosquitoes have recently been detected in low numbers near Mexico City.


  “The mosquito is just down the hill, literally,” Dr. Monaghan said. “I think all the potential is there to have virus transmission if climatic conditions become a bit more suitable.”
