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  5. It takes longer for them to make decisions.

  5. 他們做決定需要更長時間。

  Highly sensitive people are more aware of subtleties and details that could make decisions harder to make, Aron says. Even if there is no "right" or "wrong" decision -- for example, it's impossible to choose a "wrong" flavor of ice cream -- highly sensitive people will still tend to take longer to choose because they are weighing every possible outcome. Aron's advice for dealing with this: "Take as long to decide as the situation permits, and ask for more time if you need it and can take it," she writes in a recent issue of her Comfort Zone newsletter. "During this time, try pretending for a minute, hour, day, or even week that you have made up your mind a certain way. How does that feel? Often, on the other side of a decision things look different, and this gives you a chance to imagine more vividly that you are already there." One exception: Once a highly sensitive person has come to the conclusion of what is the right decision to make and what is the wrong decision to make in a certain situation, he or she will be quick to make that "right" decision again in the future.

  高敏感的人更能意識到那些讓做決定變得困難的細(xì)節(jié),阿隆講道。即使沒有“對”或者“錯”的選擇,比如,不可能會選到有“錯誤”口味的冰激凌,但高敏感的人仍會考慮更久,因為他們想要衡量每個可能的結(jié)果。對此,阿隆給出以下建議:“情況允許的情況下,能考慮多久就考慮多久,如果你需要并且可以得到,爭取更多時間。”她在她的最近一期《舒適區(qū)》的通訊中寫道,“在這段時間, 一分鐘,一小時,一天,甚至一星期,試著假裝你是以某種特定的方式做出決定的。這是什么感覺?一個選擇的相對面通??雌饋矸浅2煌@樣做給你盡情想象做了另外一個選擇的機(jī)會。”例外:一個高敏感的人一旦得出正確和錯誤選擇的結(jié)論,以后在需要做出“正確”選擇的時候他或者她會很快做出選擇。

  6. And on that note, they are more upset if they make a "bad" or "wrong" decision.

  6. 基于以上,他們會為自己做出的“不好的”或者“錯誤的”選擇感到更加沮喪。

  You know that uncomfortable feeling you get after you realize you've made a bad decision? For highly sensitive people, "that emotion is amplified because the emotional reactivity is higher," Aron explains.


  7. They're extremely detail-oriented. 

  7. 他們極度注意細(xì)節(jié)。

  Highly sensitive people are the first ones to notice the details in a room, the new shoes that you're wearing, or a change in weather.


  8. Not all highly sensitive people are introverts.

  8. 并不是所有高敏感的人都是內(nèi)向個性。

  In fact, about 30 percent of highly sensitive people are extroverts, according to Aron. She explains that many times, highly sensitive people who are also extroverts grew up in a close-knit community -- whether it be a cul-de-sac, small town, or with a parent who worked as a minister or rabbi -- and thus would interact with a lot of people.


  9. They work well in team environments.

  9. 他們在團(tuán)隊中的工作做得很棒。

  Highly sensitive people are such deep thinkers, they make valuable workers and members of teams, Aron says. However, they may be well-suited for positions in teams where they don't have to make the final decision. For instance, if a highly sensitive person was part of a medical team, he or she would be valuable in analyzing the pros and cons of a patient having surgery, while someone else would ultimately make the decision about whether that patient would receive the surgery.


  10. They're more prone to anxiety or depression (but only if they've had a lot of past negative experiences).

  10. 他們會更容易焦慮或者壓抑(只是在他們過去有很多負(fù)面經(jīng)歷的情況下)。

  "If you've had a fair number of bad experiences, especially early in life, so you don't feel safe in the world or you don't feel secure at home or ... at school, your nervous system is set to 'anxious,'" Aron says. But that's not to say that all highly sensitive people will go on to have anxiety -- and in fact, having a supportive environment can go a long way to protecting against this. Parents of highly sensitive children, in particular, need to "realize these are really great kids, but they need to be handled in the right way," Aron says. "You can't over-protect them, but you can't under-protect them, either. You have to titrate that just right when they're young so they can feel confident and they can do fine."


  11. That annoying sound is probably significantly more annoying to a highly sensitive person.

  11. 噪音對于高敏感的人來講可能更加惱人。

  While it's hard to say anyone is a fan of annoying noises, highly sensitive people are on a whole more, well, sensitive to chaos and noise. That's because they tend to be more easily overwhelmed and overstimulated by too much activity, Aron says.


  12. Violent movies are the worst.

  12. 暴力電影最糟糕。

Because highly sensitive people are so high in empathy and more easily overstimulated, movies with violence or horror themes may not be their cup of tea, Aron says.


  13. They cry more easily.

  13. 他們更容易哭。

  That's why it's important for highly sensitive people to put themselves in situations where they won't be made to feel embarrassed or "wrong" for crying easily, Zeff says. If their friends and family realize that that's just how they are -- that they cry easily -- and support that form of expression, then "crying easily" will not be seen as something shameful.


  14. They have above-average manners.

  14. 他們在禮儀方面比一般人做得更好。

  Highly sensitive people are also highly conscientious people, Aron says. Because of this, they're more likely to be considerate and exhibit good manners -- and are also more likely to notice when someone else isn't being conscientious. For instance, highly sensitive people may be more aware of where their cart is at the grocery store -- not because they're afraid someone will steal something out of it, but because they don't want to be rude and have their cart blocking another person's way.


  15. The effects of criticism are especially amplified in highly sensitive people.

  15. 批評的影響尤其會在高敏感的人這里被放大。

  Highly sensitive people have reactions to criticism that are more intense than less sensitive people. As a result, they may employ certain tactics to avoid said criticism, including people-pleasing (so that there is no longer anything to criticize), criticizing themselves first, and avoiding the source of the criticism altogether, according to Aron."People can say something negative, [and] a non-HSP [highly sensitive person] can say, 'Whatever,' and it doesn't affect them," Zeff says. "But a HSP would feel it much more deeply."

  高敏感的人相比低敏感的人對批評有更強(qiáng)烈的反應(yīng)。因此,他們會發(fā)展特定的策略去避免批評,包括迎合他們(這樣就再也沒什么可批評的了),先自我批評,同時避免各種批評一起席卷而來,阿隆這樣講道。 “人們可以講負(fù)面的東西,一個低敏感的人可以說,‘隨便吧!’而這不會影響他們,” 澤夫講道。“但是一個高敏感的人會有更深度的感覺。”

  16. Cubicles = good. Open-office plans = bad. 

  16. 小隔間=棒。開放辦公室=糟糕。

  Just like highly sensitive people tend to prefer solo workouts, they may also prefer solo work environments. Zeff says that many highly sensitive people enjoy working from home or being self-employed because they can control the stimuli in their work environments. For those without the luxury of creating their own flexible work schedules (and environments), Zeff notes that highly sensitive people might enjoy working in a cubicle -- where they have more privacy and less noise -- than in an open-office plan.
