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時(shí)間: 楚欣650 分享



  If you’re sending out résumés and not getting manycalls to interview, there’s a good chance that yourrésumé is the problem. If you’re like most people,your résumé could use some work – and like mostpeople, you’re probably not sure where to start。

  But you probably don’t need to start from scratch.You can often significantly improve your résumé byjust making a handful of changes. Here are five smallchanges you can make that will have a big impact。




  1. Get rid of the objective. Résumé objectives never help and often hurt. Not only do they feeloutdated at this point, but they're all about what you want, rather than what the employerwants. Your résumé should be focused on showing your experience, skills andaccomplishments. It’s not the place to talk about what you’re seeking in your next job。

  1. 不要寫求職目標(biāo)。在簡歷上寫求職目標(biāo)從來沒用,還會有壞處。它們不僅落伍過時(shí),而且都是有關(guān)你想要的而不是雇主想要的東西。簡歷應(yīng)該集中展現(xiàn)你的經(jīng)歷、技能和成就。不應(yīng)該商量你在下一份工作中想得到什么。

  2. Focus on work accomplishments, not job duties. If you’re like most job seekers, your résumélists what you were responsible for at each job you held, but doesn't explain what you actuallyachieved there. Rewriting to focus on accomplishments will make it more likely to catch a hiringmanager’s eye. For instance, get rid of lines like “managed email list” and replace them withlines like “increased email subscribers by 20 percent in six months” – in other words, somethingthat explains how you performed, not just what your job was。

  2. 關(guān)注工作成就,而不是工作職責(zé)。你的簡歷是不是和大多數(shù)求職者一樣只寫每份工作的職責(zé),卻沒寫結(jié)果?寫好成就是關(guān)鍵,這樣更有可能抓住招聘經(jīng)理的眼球。例如,別寫像“整理郵件”之類的話,用“6個(gè)月內(nèi)郵件用戶增加了20%”代替——換句話說,寫清楚你的工作表現(xiàn),而不只是寫工作內(nèi)容。

  3. Get rid of big blocks of text. If your résumé is filled with large blocks of text – as opposedto bullet points – there’s a good chance that you’re putting hiring managers to sleep. Theywant to quickly skim the first time they look at your résumé, and big blocks of text make thatdifficult and make most hiring managers’ eyes glaze over. They’ll pay more attention andabsorb more information about you if your résumé is arranged in bullet points rather thanparagraphs。

  3. 不要有大段文字。如果你的簡歷都是大段文字——而不是按要點(diǎn)寫——招聘經(jīng)理很可能沒興趣看了。他們看簡歷時(shí)想快速瀏覽,大段文字看起來困難,他們眼睛都要看花了。如果你的簡歷排出了要點(diǎn)而不是有很多段落,他們會看得更仔細(xì),也能了解到更多信息。

  4. Shorten it. If your résumé is multiple pages, you might be diluting the impact of itscontents. With a shorter résumé, you’ll ensure that in an initial quick scan, the hiringmanager’s eyes fall on the most important things. Plus, long résumés can make you comeacross as someone who can’t edit and doesn’t know what information is essential and what’sless important. As a general rule, your résumé shouldn’t be longer than two pages, maximum. (And if you’re a recent grad, it should only be one page, because you haven’t yet had enoughwork experience to justify a second one。)

  4. 減少頁數(shù)。如果你的簡歷有很多頁,你可能把不重要的內(nèi)容也寫上去了。短小精悍的簡歷能確保招聘經(jīng)理快速掃視時(shí)能看到最重要的東西。另外,長簡歷會讓別人覺得你不會編輯文檔,也不會區(qū)分信息的重要程度。一般來說,簡歷最多不能超過兩頁。(如果你是應(yīng)屆畢業(yè)生,應(yīng)該一頁就夠了,因?yàn)槟氵€沒有足夠的工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)去寫第二頁。)

  5. Give yourself permission to remove things that don’t strengthen your candidacy. Youdon’t need three lines explaining boring job duties – especially if these responsibilities are goingto be implied by your title. Similarly, you don’t need to include that summer job from eightyears ago, that job you did for three weeks that didn’t work out or every skill you can think of.Your résumé is a marketing document, not a comprehensive listing of everything about you;include the things that strengthen your candidacy and pare down the rest。

  5. 刪掉不夠有競爭力的內(nèi)容。你不需要用三行字說明無聊的工作職責(zé)——尤其是這些責(zé)任可以從職位名稱中看出來的時(shí)候。同樣,你不需要寫八年前的暑期工作,以及做了三個(gè)星期卻沒學(xué)到什么技能的工作。你的簡歷是用來推銷自己的,不要像寫清單一樣把每件事都列下來,請寫能加強(qiáng)競爭力和能把別人比下去的事情吧。