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  Breakups suck (Bieber and Selena, we feel you。) But lots of times, they're for the best. (Repeat after us: It's for the best。) Susan Elliot, relationship counselor and author of Getting Past Your Breakup, and Caryn Beth Rosenthal and Maryjane Fahey, authors Dumped and founders of dumped411.com, have tips on moving on。


  1. Go Cold Turkey


  Staying in touch with him just keeps you stuck in the past, so at least in the beginning, break off all contact: Unfriend him, remove his name from Gchat, and delete him from your phone. If you have friends in common, take a temporary hiatus from them, too。


  2. Travel Somewhere Fabulous


  Take a trip to a place that's the total opposite of where you live. So if you're in the city, head to a yoga retreat or spend the weekend at a spa in the country; if you're in a small town, party in Austin or Miami with your bestie. Travel not in your budget right now? At least hang out in a different part of town. When you're taking in a ton of new stimulation, you won't have a chance to wallow in the past。


  3. Eat More Salad多吃點兒沙拉

  The iconic post-breakup image is a girl in her sweats with a remote in one hand and a pint of Ben & Jerry's in the other. But even though you might feel like scarfing a dish of Cherry Garcia and vegging all day, you'll move on faster by eating healthy and amping up your workouts (a natural endorphin booster, btw). It's cheesy but true: When you feel terrific about how you look on the outside, you'll feel better on the inside too。


  4. Flaunt Your Body秀出你的身材

  Ditch the breakup comfort clothes (college sweatshirt, boxer shorts) and rock outfits that amplify your hotness, like stilettos, a mini, or red lipstick. Every stare you get equals a confidence jolt.Check yourself out in the mirror, and give yourself props for your sexiest features。脫掉寬松舒適的衣服(大學(xué)的運動衫、平角短褲),穿上能讓你辣味十足的服裝,比如穿上細高跟鞋、迷你裙或涂上紅色的唇膏。每受到一次注目,你的自信心就會提高一次。照照鏡子,找出自己性感的地方,夸獎一下自己。

  5. Schedule a Massage


  Getting pampering puts your focus back on you instead of the relationship. Plus, getting a facial or pedicure makes you feel and look fantastic。


  6. Fake It 'Til You Make It


  Trust us on this one. Even though you're not over him, act like you are…and it will eventually manifest. Force yourself to go to parties and flirt with other guys, and one day you'll realize you're not just pretending to have fun or playing along with the dude hitting on you-you're legitimately into it。


  7. Make Yourself Busy


  One of the hardest things about breaking up is no longer having a permanent buddy to hang out with every night of the week. To fill the void, make more plans-organize a weekly happy hour with coworkers and brunch dates with your girls. Take on a new hobby, like wine and painting classes or volunteering to walk dogs at an animal shelter。


  8. …But Also Let Yourself Cry


  Leave enough room in your sched for the occasional night when you stay home and process the loss of your relationship. Give yourself an hour or two to let it all out, because expressing your grief will help you heal. Just be sure to end things on a positive note, like enjoying a bubblebath or chick flick。


  9. De-Clutter Your Life


  Toss his toiletries, send clothes he left at your place back to him, and put any gifts or cards he gave you in a box in your closet (decide later whether you want to keep them; if you purge everything right away, you might regret it). Beyond ditching his stuff, shed clutter in general. Clearing out your place helps clear out your mind and make room for the new。


  10. Take Off Your Blinders


  Many women either demonize or idolize their ex post-split.But if you only focus on what an a-hole he was, you'll get bitter. And if allyou can remember is his amazing qualities, no other guy will be able to measureup. So take a relationship inventory: Make list of your ex's good and badtraits so you get a complete picture of him. Then remind yourself that theperson you're ultimately supposed to be with is out there, and the longer youstay entrenched in your ex, the longer it'll take you to find him。

  很多女性在分手之后要么把前任男友妖魔化要么就偶像化。但是如果你只關(guān)注他不好的方面,你會更加痛苦。如果你只能想起他有多么好,那沒有人能代替得了他。所以開一張情感清單吧:把前任的優(yōu)點和缺點都列出來,這樣你能全面地了解他。然后提醒自己, 適合你的那個人在等著你。你想前任的時間越長,你就需要更長的時間才能找到另一半。