


時間: 焯杰674 分享



  In order to remember your smile, I tried to press the shutter in the heart.為了記住你的笑容,我拼命按下心中的快門。

  Behind every successful man there's a lot u unsuccessful years. 每個成功者的后面都有很多不成功的歲月。

  four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. 四個簡短的詞匯概括了成功的秘訣:多一點點!

  To sober, has rather indulge indulgence. Never return, preferring a life without any regrets chase.不愿清醒,寧愿一直沉迷放縱。 不知歸路,寧愿一世無悔追逐。

  Do one thing at a time, and do well. 一次只做一件事,做到最好!

  If have no you, not worth looking forward to tomorrow, yesterday is not worth memories.如果沒有你,明天不值得期待,昨天不值得回憶。

  There is only one success——to be able to spend your life in your own way. 只有一種成功,那就是能夠用自己的方式度過自己的一生。

  If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere. 太容易的路,可能根本就不能帶你去任何地方。

  If I could be any part of you, I'd be your tears. To be conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on ur lips. 若我能成為你的一部分,我愿成為你的眼淚:從心底孕育,由眼角降臨,劃過臉龐而生存,觸碰嘴唇且安息。

  If you are doing your best,you will not have to worry about failure. 如果你竭盡全力,你就不用擔(dān)心失敗。

  The best is a sense, that can't do something themselves, finally failed.最好的一種感覺是,原本認為自己做不到的事,最后卻做成了。

  Life is a long journey, do not waste time, for those willing to walk hand in hand with you.生活是一場漫長的旅行,不要浪費時間,去等待那些不愿與你攜手同行的人。

  I wanna be a tree rooted in the desert tree, to contribute to mankind at the same time, they also get a new life.我愿做一棵植根于荒漠的綠樹,在為人類作出貢獻的同時,自己也獲得新的生命。

  Life without friends is like life without sunshine.生活中若沒有朋友,就像生活中沒有陽光一樣。

  Everyone is yearning for a better love, but fate does not favor every one.每個人都向往美好的愛情,但是命運并不垂青每一個人。

  In the final analysis, love is a personal self-worth reflected on others.說到底,愛情就是一個人的自我價值在別人身上的反映。

  Maybe, everyone is lonely, no one will accompany you, do you remember or forget are not important, important is I have been to your world.也許真的,人都是孤單的,沒有誰會陪誰一輩子,你記得還是已經(jīng)忘記都不再重要,重要的是我曾經(jīng)來過你的世界。

  Fate let love become possible. Love is a warning.緣分讓愛情變成可能。愛情事一場毫無征兆的邂逅。

  The end of life that grey-haired, do you remember, today I send you e-mail, not out on the keyboard, but from the bottom.地老天荒那天,白發(fā)蒼蒼的你是否記得,今天我發(fā)給你的伊妹兒,不是在鍵盤上打出來的,而是從心底涌出來的。

  Shallow men believe in luck.Self-trust is the first secret of success. 膚淺的人相信運氣,而成功的第一秘訣是自信。

  Heart does not go together with love, just for one night.心不跟愛一起走,說好就一宿。

  What pains us trains us. 使我們痛苦的東西在真正鍛造我們。

  There are many people who are in youth happiness as the price of success.有很多人是以青春的幸福作為成功的代價。

  What I'm most afraid is to see the one I love loves someone else.我最害怕的一件事情是,看著我愛的人愛上另外一個人。

  Never underestimate your power to change yourself!永遠不要低估你改變自我的能力!

  enrich your life today. yesterday is history.tomorrow is mystery. 充實今朝,昨日已成過去,明天充滿神奇。

  The ideal of life, is to have a good life.生活的理想,就是擁有理想的生活。

  After breaking up, on your happiness, it is my sad face lonely.分手以后,關(guān)于你的快樂,其實是我難過以后面對的落寞。

  Sad Swing some breeze with, lonely night, always have the stars, suddenly look back, but you were not in my side.悲傷的秋千總有微風(fēng)陪伴,孤寂的夜,總有繁星點點,驀然回首,而你卻不在我身邊。

  I don't know your value until I have lost you .I don't know how beautiful you are until I have fallen in love with you .失去才知道你的可貴,愛過才知道你有多美…

  Standing on the balcony, enjoy you from behind to hold my feeling. 站在陽臺上,享受你從背后抱我的感覺。

  When love is ambiguous, to determine their own mind, than to ascertain their intention more preferential treatment.當(dāng)愛在曖昧不明時,先確定自己的心意,遠比弄清對方的意向更優(yōu)先處理


  In this world there are only two kinds of people: all want to open, and always want to open.這世上只有兩種人:凡事都想得開的人,和凡事都想不開的人。

  You are envied you for excellence, you envy others indicates your incompetence.你被別人嫉妒說明你卓越,你嫉妒別人說明你無能。

  Because of persistent love and happiness, love and because of persistent and painful; karma and the birth of a love, love and breaking up do have cause.愛情因執(zhí)著而幸福,愛情也因執(zhí)著而痛苦;愛情因緣份而誕生,愛情也因緣盡而分手。

  When most people are concerned about you fly high or not, only a handful of people care about you fly tired.當(dāng)大部分人都在關(guān)注你飛的高不高時,只有少部分人關(guān)心你飛的累不累。

  Many people, because of loneliness and the indulgence of one person, but more people, because one indulgence, and the lonely life.很多人,因為寂寞而錯愛了一人,但更多的人,因為錯愛一人,而寂寞一生。

  There is only love, only to the two people together, two of people think together, is the largest, is the most positive, others are third.世上唯有愛情,唯有想在一起的兩個人,兩個想在一起的人,便是最大,便是最正,他人皆是第三者。

  Love is not the focus of requirements and rely on others for their own good, just make yourself worthy to pay for you.愛的重點不是要求和依賴別人對自己好,而是先讓自己值得別人為你付出。

  Even if I fail to live up to today, I will still hope for tomorrow.就算今天辜負了我,我也依然會對明天抱有希望。

  Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. ( A. Einstein )。 不要為成功而努力,要為作一個有價值的人而努力。

  Everyone knows about principles of life. But it is hard to control blue mood.大道理人人都懂,小情緒卻是難以自控。

  Time to get our hearts and minds right, and make today the best day ever, because it will never come again! 是時候讓我們的心回到正軌上來,讓今天成為最棒的一天吧, 因為,今天一去不回來。

  True happiness is to fight for one point one points, is accumulated day by day. Not to hurt the one who likes you, do not let your loved ones hurt.真正的幸福是一點一點爭取的,是一天一天積累的。不要去傷害喜歡你的人,也不要讓你喜歡的人受傷害。

  Your life only lasts for a few decades, don't leave any regrets, want to smile smile, want to cry to cry, when the love to love, meaningless to oppress yourself.人生短短幾十年,不要給自己留下了什么遺憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,該愛的時候就去愛,無謂壓抑自己 。

  A woman can not be decent, decent be insufficient because of lure; a man can not be loyal, loyal is because betrays the chip too low.女人無所謂正派,正派是因為受到的引誘不夠;男人無所謂忠誠,忠誠是因為背叛的籌碼太低。

  All that I gave was likely to consider as negligible. 我所有的付出,竟然從未打動過你。

  Life at any time can become difficult or easy. It all depends upon how one adjusts himself to life. 在任何時候,生活是困難還是簡單完全取決于你如何調(diào)整自己,適應(yīng)生活。

  It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom。是大地的淚點,使她的微笑保持著青春不謝。

  One day you will fly out, grow more beautiful than people expect, but the process will be painful, will be very hard, sometimes feel.有一天你將破蛹而出,成長得比人們期待的還要美麗,但這個過程會很痛,會很辛苦,有時候還會覺得灰心。

  There is no eternal night, there is no eternal winter,everything will be over, but everything will all over again.沒有永恒的夜晚,沒有永恒的冬天,一切都會過去,但一切也都會重來。

  The best of life is not a dream moment, but insists the dream.人生最精彩的不是實現(xiàn)夢想的瞬間,而是堅持夢想的過程。

  Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship.比起談著充滿欺騙的戀愛,單身反而更好。

  Life is like a ball, your initial steps of the church who may not be able to accompany you come to finish. 人生就像一場舞會,教會你最初舞步的人,未必能陪你走到散場。

  What value will be there in life if we are not together.如果我們沒有在一起生活還有什么意義?

  Being the stupid person I am. Forever means forever to me and so I will always love you now and forever.像我這么傻的人,永遠對我來說就是永遠。所以,我會一直愛著你,現(xiàn)在,永遠。

  No matter how much faculty of idle seeing a man has ,the step from knowing to doing is rarely taken.無論一個人觀察能力有多強,從認知到行動這一步總是難以跨越。

  A single hand that wipes tears during failures is much better than countless hands that come together to clap on success——失敗時有人伸出一只手來為你擦淚,會好過成功時無數(shù)人伸手為你鼓掌。

  Let the weak weak heart, remember that promises the agreement, stay. Neither death, nor the resurrection.讓那顆脆弱單薄的心,記住曾經(jīng)許下的約定,留守原地。既不死去,也不復(fù)活。

  Happiness, is but a compromise. The lazy man, are more happy. They don't want to go to find, there is no pain and disappointment.幸福,不過是一種妥協(xié)。懶惰的人,是比較幸福的。他們不愿意努力去尋覓,自然也不會有痛苦和失望。

  Stranded wonderful spread between the tongue, is like a song you dance the last empress dowager.舌間擱淺的妙蔓,是想為你舞一曲最后傾國傾城。

  Is one such person, is easy to share sb.'s joys and sorrows, and share the glory, splendour, wealth and rank are difficult.人就是這樣,同甘共苦容易,而同享榮華富貴卻難。





