

經(jīng)典英語文摘:The Next World Factory

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  下面是學習啦小編整理的經(jīng)典英語文摘:The Next World,歡迎大家閱讀!

  Ask any cab driver in Beijing, and they can tell you without hesitation what ails their country: China just has too many people, they will say with a Sigh.


  But economists disagree, and as the population reaches a turning point- the number of entrants to the workforce may peak this year the country is set for a difficult adjustment, with growing labour market pressures bearing on the workshop of the world.


  That is a transition that China's neighbour, India set

  to overtake it as the world's most populous nation in 2025 hopes to capitalise on, as entrants to its labour market will rise annually for the next 14 years.


  But many analysts are questioning whether India with its overstretched, underdeveloped infrastructure and its poorly educated youth really has the capacity to take up the slack.


  "In all likelihood, India will not be able to benefit from this reduction in the growth of China's labour force, simply because India is not ready to have a manufacturing sector as large as China's," says Laveesh Bhandari, founding director of Indicus Analytics the New Delhi -based economics research house. "Infrastructure is limited and too expensive, and the human capital base is not deep enough."

  新德里經(jīng)濟研究機構(gòu)Indicus Analytics的創(chuàng)始董事拉維什·班達里表示:"印度十有八九無法從中國勞動力增長減緩中受益,這不過是因為,印度還沒有為建立像中國那樣龐大的制造業(yè)做好準備。這里的基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施有限且過于昂貴,人力資本基礎(chǔ)也不夠雄厚。"

  China, where the total workforce is due to start falling by about 2016, is already showing symptoms of a tightening labour market, with the country rocked this summer by a spate of labour disputes and strikes, by staff demanding higher wages.


  The unrest has fuelled debate about whether China has reached its "Lewis turning point", named after Nobel laureate Arthur Lewis, who theorised that a developing economy's wages will rise sharply once labour demand from industry has exhausted available surplus' labour from the agricultural sector.

  這些動藹促使人們就中國是否已進入"劉易斯拐點"展開了爭論。這一概念是 以諾貝爾經(jīng)濟學獎得主阿瑟·劉易斯名字命名的,他認為,一旦某個發(fā)展中經(jīng)濟體的工業(yè)部門的勞動力需求徹底消化掉來自農(nóng)業(yè)部門的剩余勞動力供應(yīng),該經(jīng)濟體的工資水平就將大幅上升。

  Some economists believe that China reached this tipping point in 2004. when manufacturers in the Pearl River Delta reported labour shortages although pressures eased temporarily during the global financial crisis when demand for Chinese exports fell.


  But this year, the manufacturing hubs of Guangzhou and Dongguan have both raised their minimum wages, and many companies are expanding leisure activities and improving food at their factory compounds in order to boost worker retention.


  Companies such as Foxconn, the electronics maker, have also begun moving inland closer to the areas where their workers hail from hoping to make it easier to gain new recruits, and thereby forcing local factories to raise their wages to compete.


  "The consensus is that China is probably approaching the Lewis turning point soon, based on recent developments in population growth and also the one-child policy," says Jiang Tingsong, senior economist at the Centre for International Economics in Australia.


  Rising wages in the coming years are expected to drive manufacturers away from low-value-added sectors, while rising consumption by better-paid Chinese workers will play a bigger role in propelling the domestic economy.


  Morgan Stanley has projected that Chinese labour's share of gross domestic product would rise from its current level of 15 per cent to at least 30 per cent by 2020, reversing the trend of the past decade, in which wage growth has trailed economic expansion.

  摩根士丹利預(yù)計,到2020年,中國勞動力占國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值的比重,將從目前的 15%上升到至少30%.,扭轉(zhuǎn)過去十年里工資增長落后于經(jīng)濟增長的趨勢。

  "If wages rise, then the household share of national income must rise. That would be a very beneficial process and that would aid the economic re-balancing," explains Arthur Kroeber, managing director of Dragonomics, an independent research and advisory firm.


  Yet some economists fret that tightening labour supplies will lead to slower growth and higher inflation.


  Mr Jiang estimates that a 5 per cent reduction in the size of China's unskilled labour force could result in a 2 per cent slowdown in GDP.


  In China's labour headaches, some Indians see opportunity. The UN estimates that India's population will rise by 26 per cent from 1.2bn in 2010 to 1.5bn in 2035, while its labour force will rise by 33 per cent to nearly 1 bn.


  By then, Indians of working age 15 to 59 will account for about 65 per cent of the population, making India the world's largest labour market.


  Goldman Sachs says that India's labour force will grow by 110m people over the next 10 years, the largest addition to the global labour force, which could potentially add 4 percentage points to GDP growth over the next decade.


  But what worries many Indian business executives, economists and policymakers is whether the country's economy can absorb the masses of aspiring workers, mainly from poor rural areas and with little or no training. While nearly 13m young Indians are entering the workforce every year, India's vocational training system has the capacity to train just 3.1 m a year. Many young people lack even rudimentary' skills.


  "We do not have people who are actually functionally literate," says Mr Bhandari. "Most of our labour force is inappropriate for the mass manufacturing practices that China has excelled at."
