Good excuse 巧妙的借口
Police officers hear plenty of excuses from people caught parking only for the handicapped1 persons.
Once a policeman stopped a man for doing so. When the man was questioned if he knew the parking regulations. He answered correctly. Then the policeman further questioned why he was parking his car there.
"Oh, I injured my leg last week. The doctor said I would become disabled if I didn't get proper treatment. Now I'm experiencing what I feel like to be an disabled person."
An unexpected call 意想不到的電話
Mrs. Brown dialed her daughter's number and sang out, "Hello, darling. How are you?"
"Terrible, Mom. My back is killing1 me, the children are acting2 up, the house is a mess…and I'm expecting guest for dinner."
"Don't worry, darling. I'm coming right over. I'll feed the kids, clean up your place, and cook a dinner your guests will never forget."
You're an angel! How is Dad?"
"Dad? Sweetheart, you know Daddy died nine years ago."
Pause. "What number are you calling? Hold on? Please!" the voice wailed3. "Does this mean you are not coming over?"
“太糟了, 媽媽。我的腰疼得很厲害。孩子們一直在鬧,房子里亂七八糟的,我還要為六為客人準(zhǔn)備晚餐。”
A hasty retreat 快速逃命
After a week's absence, a mountain man staggered1 home, clothes torn, shoes worn thin. He was exhausted2.
"Where have you been?" asked his wife.
"I went out in the woods to check the still." Replied the mountain man, "and a giant bear stepped out in front of me. I took off running ahead of him and finally lost him. I never ran so fast in my life."
"But that was a week ago." Said the wife. "Where have you been since?"
The mountain man collapsed3 in a chair. "Walking back."