A Doctor's Wise Investment
(originally in English)
There was an art exposition, and the artist who painted the pictures for the exposition askedthe gallery owner whether anyone had been interested in his paintings. So the owner said, "Ihave good news and bad news for you.
The good news is that there was a gentleman interested in your paintings and he asked mewhether your artwork would increase in value after your death, just like that of many otherartists. So I said, yes, of course, it would.
According to your potential, your paintings will, of course,increase in value after your death. Sohe bought fifteen of them altogether. That's the good news." Then the artist asked, "Whatabout the bad news?" And the gallery owner replied, "
The guy who bought the paintings is your doctor."
A Family Tradition
(Originally In Chinese)
Two madmen were talking in the mental hospital, and one said, "I have decided to give mysister to you in marriage once we are out of here."
The other man said, "No, thank you. It cannot be so."
He asked, "Why?" The man answered, "Because,according to our family tradition only relativesget married. We cannot marry an outsider."
The other man asked, "How come there is such a family custom?" He said, "You see, mygrandmother married my grandfather. My mother married my father, my sister married mybrother-in-law, and so on. How can I marry your sister?"
One night just before Valentine's Day a woman had a lovely dream about a beautiful necklace.
When she woke up, she told her husband, "I just dreamt that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine's day. What do you think it could mean?"
"You'll find out on Valentine's Day." he said with a knowing smile.
On Valentine's Day, the man gave his delighted wife a beautifully wrapped package.
Excitedly, she opened it, only to find a book entitled "The Meaning of Dreams".