There was a football game on TV last Saturday evening. 'The game was between a Spanish team and an Italian team. I sat in front of the TV at 7 o' clock, when the game just began. An hour later, my wife came to join me. She seemed to be absent-minded while she was watching the game. As the time clock showed one minute, forty一two seconds left in the game, she began cheering enthusiastically, "come on一get going”Since she had never been a football fan,I looked at her in surprise and asked which team she was cheering for. "Neither,” she replied. "I' m cheering the time clock on.”
Hank lived in a small town, but then he got a job in a big city and moved there with his wife and his two children.
On the first Saturday in their new home, Hank took his new red car out of garage and was washing it when a neighbor came by. When he saw Hank's new car, the neighbor stopped and looked at it for a minute. Then Hank turned and saw him.
The neighbor said, "That’s a nice car. Is it yours?”
“Sometimes ,” Hank answered.
The neighbor was surprised. “Sometimes?" hesaid, "Whatdoyoumean?"
"Well ,”answered Hank slowly , "when there’s a patty in town, it belongs to my daughter, Jane. When there's a football game somewhere , it belongs to my son , Joe. When I've washed it,and it looks really nice and clean , it belongs to my wife. And when it needs gas, it’s mine.”
My husband’s uncle thought he had conquered the problem of trying to remember his wife a birthday and their anniversary. He opened an account with a florist, provides him with the relevant dates and gave instructions to send flowers along with an appropriate note signed, “your loving husband.”
His wife was thrilled by this new display of attention and all went well until one day, many bouquets later, when he came home, kissed his wife and said offhanded1y, "nice flowers honey. Where'd you get them?"