
學習啦 > 教育資訊 > 教育 > 高考英語作文必備句型


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1.As far as ...is concerned 就……而言

2.It goes without saying that... 不言而喻,...

3.It can be said with certainty that... 可以肯定地說......

4.As the proverb says, 正如諺語所說的,

5.It has to be noticed that... 它必須注意到,...

6.It's generally recognized that... 它普遍認為...

7.It's likely that ... 這可能是因為...

8.It's hardly that... 這是很難的......

9.It's hardly too much to say that... 它幾乎沒有太多的說...

10.What calls for special attention is that...需要特別注意的是

11.There's no denying the fact that...毫無疑問,無可否認

12.Nothing is more important than the fact that... 沒有什么比這更重要的是…

13.what's far more important is that... 更重要的是…


1.A case in point is ... 一個典型的例子是...

2.As is often the case...由于通常情況下...

3.As stated in the previous paragraph 如前段所述

4.But the problem is not so simple. Therefore 然而問題并非如此簡單,所以……

5.But it's a pity that... 但遺憾的是…

6.For all that...對于這一切...... In spite of the fact that...盡管事實......

7.Further, we hold opinion that... 此外,我們堅持認為,

8.However , the difficulty lies in...然而,困難在于…

9.Similarly, we should pay attention to... 同樣,我們要注意...


11.In view of the present station.鑒于目前形勢

12.As has been mentioned above...正如上面所提到的…

13.In this respect, we may as well (say) 從這個角度上我們可以說14.However, we have to look at the other side of the coin, that is... 然而我們還得看到事物的另一方面,即 …


1.Let's take...to illustrate this.

2.let's take the above chart as an example to illustrate this.

3. Here is one more example.

4.Take … for example.

5.The same is true of….

6.This offers a typical instance of….

7.We may quote a common example of….

8.Just think of….


1. Some people think that …. 有些人認為…To be frank, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below. 坦率地說,我不能同意他們的意見,理由如下。

2. For years, … has been seen as …, but things are quite different now.多年來,……一直被視為……,但今天的情況有很大的不同。

3. I believe the title statement is valid because…. 我認為這個論點是正確的,因為…

4. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that ….我無法完全同意這一觀點的… I believe….

5. My argument for this view goes as follows.我對這個問題的看法如下。

6. Along with the development of…, more and more….隨著……的發(fā)展,越來越多…

7. There is a long-running debate as to whether….有一個長期運行的辯論,是否…

8. It is commonly/generally/widely/ believed /held/accepted/recognized that….它通常是認為…

9. As far as I am concerned, I completely agree with the former/ the latter.就我而言,我完全同意前者/后者。

10. Before giving my opinion, I think it is essential to look at the argument of both sides.在給出我的觀點之前,我想有必要看看雙方的論據(jù)。


A boy walked along Carver Street, singing a sad song. He walked with his head down. Once he looked up and noticed the sign across the empty street, painted on the side of an old house. On the sign a big woman with yellow hair and a five-mile smile held out a big bottle. “Coca-Cola. Drink Coca-Cola,” the sign said.

“Boy!” the silence was cut by a sudden cry. He turned around quickly to see who had called.

An old woman was standing at her door.

“You boy! Come here this minute!”

Slowly the boy 1 onto the cold flat stones leading to the old woman’s house. When he arrived at her house, she 2 out her hand and wrapped her 3 old fingers around his arm.

“Help me inside, boy” she said. “Help me 4 to my bed. What’s your name?”

“Joseph,” he said.

The old woman on the bed tried to 5 up, raising herself on her elbow (肘). Water 6 from her eyes and mouth. The sight of her made Joseph feel 7 .

“I’m dying, Joseph. You can see that, can’t you? I want you to write a 8 for me. There’s paper and pencil on the table there.”

Joseph looked down at the 9 , and then looked out the window. He saw the sign again: “Coca-Cola. Drink Coca-Cola.”

“I want my silver pin to 10 to my daughter.”

Joseph bent his small body over the table and 11 the pencil slowly across the paper.

“There’s my Bible (圣經(jīng)),” the old woman said. “That’s for my daughter, too. I want a 12 Christian burial (基督葬禮) with lots of singing. Write that down, too. That’s the last 13 of a poor old woman.”

The boy laboured over the paper. Again he looked out the window.

“Here. Bring it here so I can 14 it.”

Joseph found the Bible, and, 15 the paper inside, laid it next to the bed.

“ 16 me now, boy,” she sighed. “I’m tired.”

He ran out of the house.

A cold wind blew through the 17 window, but the old woman on the bed 18 nothing. She was dead. The paper in the Bible moved back and forth in the wind. 19 on the paper were some childish letters. They 20 the words: “Coca-Cola. Drink Coca-Cola.”

1. A. rushed B. struggled C. hurried D. stepped

2. A. reached B. let C. pushed D. pointed

3. A. firm B. smooth C. dry D. fresh

4. A. back B. over C. away D. ahead

5. A. sit B. get C. stand D. wake

6. A. rolled B. burnt C. burst D. ran

7. A. ill B. sick C. unpleasant D. funny

8. A. letter B. note C. will D. message

9. A. table B. pen C. paper D. woman

10. A. send B. go C. belong D. come

11. A. moved B. drew C. used D. pulled

12. A. great B. merry C. splendid D. real

13. a. hope B. chance C. opinion D. wish

14. A. sign B. read C. remember D. copy

15. A. setting B. hiding C. placing D. laying

16. A. Hold B. Leave C. Excuse D. Pardon

17. A. large B. open C. small D. pretty

18. A. did B. saw C. felt D. knew

19. A. Described B. Printed C. Recorded D. Written

20. A. formed B. spelled C. organized D. repeated

參考答案:1~5 DACBA 6~10 DBCCB 11~15 ADDAC 16~20 BBCDA















